Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 397

Chapter 397

0Chapter 397     

Long Chen couldn’t help celebrating . “What kind of treasure? Is it a cultivation technique or a Battle Skill?”    

Even his voice quivered slightly . If this was a cultivation technique or Battle Skill that had come from the immortal era, then wouldn’t it be heaven-defying?    

“This page’s name is the Ethereal Crafting Secret Record . It’s a marvelous remnant of the immortal era . " Yue Xiaoqian’s eyes were filled with amazement as she looked at the golden page .     

“Hey, don’t keep me in suspense . Is this Ethereal Crafting Secret Record a cultivation technique or Battle Skill?” Long Chen’s eyes were practically glowing .     

Yue Xiaoqian glanced at Long Chen . He could see that her gaze was filled with contempt for him . He was startled; what had he said wrong?    

“This Ethereal Crafting Secret Record isn’t a cultivation technique or Battle Skill . It is a sacred canon on forging items . ” Yue Xiaoqian was filled with admiration for this page .     

“Forging? Are you messing with me?” Long Chen’s expression became unsightly . Even this thing was considered a treasure? He really did feel messed with .     

“You…! You really are unreasonable!” raged Yue Xiaoqian . “This Ethereal Crafting Secret Record contains all the countless techniques and arts of a Forging Master from the immortal era! Those kinds of skills have long since disappeared . Its value is inestimable! If the Ethereal Crafting Secret Record spread, then the entire world would go crazy . There would not be able a single power that would remain indifferent to it . ”    

“It’s this valuable?” Suddenly, Long Chen slapped his own leg . Isn’t this precisely what that little brat Guo Ran needs right now? I actually forgot about him .     

Previously, Long Chen had used the golden page to fight . Due to its incomparable sharpness, he had subconsciously assumed that whatever was recorded on it had to be related to battle . It seemed he had misunderstood .     

“I really can’t bother to talk to you . ” Yue Xiaoqian felt like Long Chen’s intelligence really was no longer on the same level as her . Could such a priceless treasure be described as just valuable? That was practically blaspheme .     

“Come over here . ” Yue Xiaoqian beckoned coldly .     

“For what?” Long Chen’s guard rose . “Are you planning on hitting me?”    

That was because Yue Xiaoqian was now clearly a bit different than before . Long Chen felt more and more that this woman was dangerous .     

Yue Xiaoqian, who had been angrily glaring, couldn’t help laughing when she saw Long Chen’s doubtful and careful gaze .     

“Why would I hit you? Come over so I can transmit the immortal characters to you . ”    

Although only a part of her face was revealed, seeing that mirth in Yue Xiaoqian’s eyes, Long Chen hastily steadied his mental state and approached .     

“Immortal characters are different from the characters of the current era . Each word contains its own artistic concept . When immortal characters are combined together, they form a continuous image . Such immortal characters cannot be transmitted through simple paper . It can only be carved onto spiritual material like soul gold essence . So the only way I can transmit the translated images to you is mentally . Don’t move . ” Yue Xiaoqian extended her hand and placed it on Long Chen’s forehead .     

At this time time, Long Chen was extremely close to her . He could smell her fragrance . He could feel her breath .     

The most relaxing thing to him was when her hand touched his forehead . That kind of satiny feeling made him feel as if all his pores had opened .     

“You trust me this much?” Yue Xiaoqian saw that Long Chen didn’t have any defense towards her, even when her finger touched the space between his eyebrows .     

At this distance, if Yue Xiaoqian wanted to, Long Chen definitely wouldn’t be able to stop her from killing him .     

Long Chen smiled slightly and didn’t reply . Ever since he had started cultivating in the Nine Star Hegemon Body Art, he no longer trusted his eyes . Instead, he trusted his intuition .     

Up to this point, his intuition had never failed him once . He trusted that his intuition was able to differentiate good and evil far better than his eyesight .     

“Thank you . ” After softly saying that, Yue Xiaoqian closed her eyes . Spiritual Strength slowly poured from her finger into the space between Long Chen’s eyebrows .     

As Yue Xiaoqian’s Spriritual Strength poured into his mind-sea, Long Chen began to see an image .     

That image contained an elder who was constantly hammering something . That hammering posture and strength, as well as just the arc and course, all contained various variations . Long Chen truly was unable to see through the profundities behind this scene .     

This scene began to move . A portion of the scene was forging, a portion of the scene was some marvelous blueprints, and there was also a portion containing the runes carved onto the items forged by this elder .     


Suddenly, that elder thrust a sword he had just finished carving runes onto into the sky . It cut apart heaven and earth, revealing a sky full of stars .     

“Immortal characters?”    

Long Chen was shocked by this scene . He finally understood why Yue Xiaoqian had looked at him with such a gaze .     

Previously, he had always been looking down on the Forging Dao . The understanding and learning required for forging items was far, far more profound than he had imagined .     

After that sword from the image had been inscribed with runes, it seemed to come to life, possessing its own life aura . That attack had even contained its own specific will .     

The images in his head faded . He heard Yue Xiaoqian’s voice, “Use Spiritual Strength to seal these images in your head so that you won’t forget them . If you don’t, then when you try to examine them later, they will become chaotic and muddied . ”    

Long Chen hastily used his Spiritual Strength to seal these images in his head . This was extremely simple for him, as some pill formulas also had to be remembered in this manner .     

“Thank you! This thing really is… very… cough, it’s great!” Long Chen almost once more said it was just valuable .     

Yue Xiaoqian shook her head, obviously having seen through what Long Chen had been thinking . After hesitating for a moment, she asked with great embarrassment, “Long Chen, can I discuss something with you?”    

“What?” Long Chen said extremely straightforward .     

“This… this Ethereal Crafting Secret Record, can I bring it back to give to my clan?” Yue Xiaoqian asked with great apprehensiveness    

“Of course . ” Long Chen didn’t understand .     

“Really?” She was surprised and delighted .     

“Of course . Furthermore, you’ve already memorized the Ethereal Crafting Secret Record, so it’s not like I would know if you transmitted it to anyone,” laughed Long Chen .     

Yue Xiaoqian’s delight faded, replaced with solemness . “Long Chen, although I might know what’s contained in the Ethereal Crafting Secret Record, I definitely wouldn’t tell anyone without your permission . ”    

“You don’t have to be so serious . ”    

“That’s just my clan’s beliefs . ”    

“Ah, just stop . I’m not suited to such solemn conversation . If it hadn’t been for your help translating it, it’s not like I would have learned this secret either . So we’ll split this secret up evenly . Based on our mutual contribution, we’ll get mutual benefits, so let’s stop that discussion here . ” Long Chen really didn’t like this kind of solemn dialog, especially not with a beautiful woman .     

“Thank you Long Chen . To tell the truth, this Ethereal Crafting Secret Record might be able to rejuvenate my clan, so it’s extremely important . Really, thank you,” said Yue Xiaoqian sincerely .     

“Don’t be so courteous . Speaking of which, didn’t you say that this golden page was made of soul gold essence?”    

“Yes . There are few metals that can be controlled by the soul like this . As for this particular page, it was made of soul gold whose quality is extremely high .     

“Unfortunately, it hasn’t been forged into anything, and there are no runes carved onto it, so it can’t count as a soul item . Otherwise, a soul cultivator wielding such a high-grade soul item could easily kill cultivators of the same realm .     

“Even just as it is, it will still be able to release a certain amount of power if you used Spiritual Strength to control it . However, that power is limited .     

“Furthermore, if soul gold enters flesh, that will block its ability to sense soul energy . So its power against Magical Beasts is especially limited .     

“Not only that, but when you fight with other humans, because it is not a soul item and is essentially an ownerless item, it can easily be disturbed by other people’s Spiritual Strength,” explained Yue Xiaoqian .     

Long Chen was shocked by how learned Yue Xiaoqian was . She was practically a know-it-all . She was definitely one of those bookworm cultivators .     

“However, when fighting with people, if they are unprepared and you use it as a surprise attack, no one will be able to block it . Only something that has reached the level of a Xiantian weapon would be able to block being cut by soul gold . ” Yue Xiaoqian handed the golden page back to Long Chen .     

Receiving the page, Long Chen was filled with admiration for her . Just this kind of learning was something that would make Long Chen prostrate himself towards her .     

As for that Xiantian weapon she spoke of, those were the specialized weapons for Xiantian experts . They were able to bear Xiantian power, and capable of releasing a mountain-crushing power . However, only Xiantian experts had the qualifications to use them .     

Up to this point, there had been nothing that had been able to stand up to the sharpness of this golden page . Of course, the flesh of Magical Beasts was an exception .     

“Let’s continue onwards . It seems like there should still be other Two-Winged Devilman skeletons inside, which means more devil cores,” suggested Long Chen .     

Yue Xiaoqian gratefully said, “These devil cores are very important to me, so thank you . ”    

If it hadn’t been for Long Chen’s golden page, she really wouldn’t have been able to find any way to handle the Two-Winged Devilman’s skeleton . Even if she managed to cut it down to just a head, there would have been no way for her to subdue it .     

Now with Long Chen’s assistance, she didn’t have to feel so vexed at being powerless .     

After advancing thirty miles, they once more encountered a Two-Winged Devilman’s skeleton .     

This time the skeleton was complete, so it would definitely be more difficult to deal with than the previous one . Yue Xiaoqian couldn’t help being a bit nervous .     

“Should we do it the same way as last time?” she asked . But after she finished saying that, she saw that Long Chen’s expression was extremely odd as he looked at her . She asked, “What is it?”    

“Your battle experience and your knowledge are completely mismatched, so I really don’t understand you . ” Long Chen shook his head .     


“Don’t misunderstand, I have no intention of looking down on you . I just feel like it’s a bit bizarre . ”    

“If you have a good method, then just say it . Don’t curse people in a roundabout method . ” Yue Xiaoqian really was angry . Long Chen’s gaze was insulting .     

“Is this your first time going out for a tempering experience?” asked Long Chen suddenly .     

“How did you know?”    

“Oh . ”    

Long Chen was a bit speechless . For her first adventure, she had ended up coming to a dangerous place like the Jiuli secret realm . He really had no idea what to say . It was no wonder her battle experience was practically zero .     

Three thousand meters away from the skeleton, Long Chen used his Spiritual Strength to send the golden page flying towards the corpse .     

“It’s useless . If we don’t go over, it wouldn’t disturb the Devilman’s corpse, so the devil core won’t pop out of its forehead . Your golden page isn’t a true soul item, so there’s no way it can cut through its skull like that . Its skull is even comparable to Xiantian weapons,” whispered Yue Xiaoqian .     

Long Chen ignored her . Once the golden page arrived in front of the Devilman’s forehead, it began to rapidly spin like a pinwheel .     

Long Chen then slowly approached . As he knew would happen, the skeleton suddenly moved when he reached a distance of fifteen hundred meters . The space between its eyebrows suddenly split open, revealing a crystalline core . At the same time, the skeleton began to stand up .     


With the power of his Spiritual Strength, the rapidly revolving golden page slashed onto the protruding devil core .    


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