Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 123

Chapter 123

0Chapter 123     

Chapter 123 Earth Flame    

There were a total of four eggs . They reached around Long Chen’s shoulders and there were even a couple bloodstains on them . These were definitely the strongest eggs Long Chen had ever seen .     

Observing those bloodstains, Long Chen reached out his hand and touched them . A faint fishy smell came from them . The blood had yet to dry .     

Long Chen’s heart jumped wildly . Obviously the Flame Salamander had only just given birth and had been in its weakest state . Perhaps its fighting strength had not been even half of what it was during its peak state . Thinking of that, cold sweat ran down his back .     

He had truly underestimated the terror of third rank Magical Beasts . When Magical Beasts reached the third rank, they would completely transform . They would be able to use their own inherited skills, giving them even greater combat abilities .     

Just thinking about it gave him some lingering fear . If the Flame Salamander hadn’t been in its weakest state, perhaps he really wouldn’t have even been able to run from this place .     

“Wu, wu!”    

Just as Long Chen was pondering over this, Little Snow had already begun biting into the eggs . But the eggs were too big, and with Little Snow’s teeth, he was unable to use any real force .     

“Hehe, since you didn’t get to eat any of the flesh, eating some eggs can make it up a bit . ” Long Chen smiled slightly and used his fist to smash the egg . That huge egg shook and cracks appeared on its shell .     

Although the eggs were as hard as iron, they were extremely brittle . As soon as he Long Chen opened a nick on it, liquid started to flow out .     

Little Snow hastily stuck his mouth on the egg and wildly sucked . In just a moment, he completely sucked away all the liquid within the egg .     

Long Chen was startled to notice that Little Snow’s aura was growing increasingly stronger as he drank that liquid . There were even signs Little Snow was about to advance .     

He quickly opened a second egg for Little Snow without the slightest heartache .     

These eggs were of a third rank Magical Beast . That was a treasure that Pill Masters would go crazy for .     

But since Long Chen had already obtained the Neidan, he didn’t bother with that too much . What he hoped was for Little Snow to quickly increase his speed . He would be willing to give up anything for Little Snow .     

Seeing Little Snow quickly suck away the liquid, Long Chen directly split open the remaining two eggs . The result was that Little Snow truly didn’t disappoint Long Chen .     

Little Snow completely sucked all four eggs empty . He then immediately lay down and closed his eyes . His energy was beginning to crazily surge, becoming increasingly unstable .     

“Is he about to advance?”    

Long Chen couldn’t help celebrating . Little Snow was a third rank Magical Beast and his bloodline was especially pure . Later the Spirit world’s mysterious expert had awakened his spirit, causing his cultivation speed to skyrocket .     

Those four eggs contained an extremely great amount of energy . Now that Little Snow had absorbed all the energy within these four Flame Salamander eggs, the energy began to wildly surge within his body .     

Little Snow instinctively entered a cultivation state and frantically absorbed that enormous energy . His aura was becoming increasingly powerful, and space warped slightly around him .     

Long Chen nodded . If Little Snow could advance to the third rank, his combat ability would definitely surpass the Flame Salamander even in its peak state .     

At that time, Long Chen would have a third rank Magical Beast as his steed . Furthermore, the Scarlet Flame Snow Wolf was at the peak of all third rank Magical beasts . Just thinking about that made him excited .     

Long Chen knew that Magical Beasts required some time in order to advance ranks . All he could do was help protect Little Snow . However, this place was the Flame Salamander’s territory, and so other Magical Beasts wouldn’t barge in randomly .     

Only now did Long Chen carefully examine the rest of the cave . From the inside, the spacious cave had a large, caved roof .     

Thinking back to how it looked from outside, the roof should correspond to the hill outside . It looked similar to an iron pot .     

As Long Chen examined this spacious space, he saw a large pool of lava . Walking up to the lava, he saw that the lava was rolling over and over .     

“Oh, there’s actually something good inside the lava!” Who would have thought that this unremarkable desert would be hiding such a terrifying lava pool .     

But this kind of information naturally wouldn’t leak with those Huge Desert Scorpions around and the Flame Salamander guarding it .     

Furthermore, this desert was always treated by cultivators as a barren land . No one would want to pass through such a desolate area, and so this place had remained hidden until now .     

Otherwise, even just the information that the Flame Salamander existed here would have definitely caused waves and brought others here before Long Chen had arrived . Then Long Chen wouldn’t have been able to obtain anything now .     

The lava pool had a diameter of thirty meters and was rolling like boiling water . Burning waves of heat came from it .     

Long Chen used his Pill Flame to protect his body yet still felt it was somewhat difficult to breath . He realized that the Flame Salamander must have been absorbing the fire energy here in order to cultivate .     

But luckily the Flame Salamander wasn’t one of those creatures that lived in groups . Furthermore, it was a hermaphrodite creature, so he didn’t need to worry about its mate coming to attack him .     

Buzz… Space trembled and the lava began to wildly surge, reaching higher and higher heights . Long Chen quickly retreated .     

When that pool of lava surged out a meter high, a transparent blue-colored flame slowly appeared . When that ball of flame that was merely a foot long appeared, heaven and earth boomed and incredible heat exploded out . Long Chen immediately felt as if he were about to ignite .     

His FengFu Star circulated to the max and he also quickly retreated . But even so, Long Chen was horrified to see that his clothes had already been burnt away .     

In the instant that flame appeared, it suddenly turned to ashes . His own flame strength was also completely exhausted just from that instant .     

As soon as that flame had appeared, it immediately disappeared . That process had taken less than half a breath’s time, but Long Chen’s eyes had almost popped out of his head .     

Earth Flame . It had to be an Earth Flame .     

That was a flame formed from the deep within the ground . Its power was enough to overturn the heavens, vaporize the seas, and melt away mountains . Long Chen only recognized this flame with his Pill God memories .     

Clenching his fists, his heart was about to leap out . In front of an Earth Flame, the beast flame he had obtained was absolutely nothing .     

More importantly, this flame had clearly only just been born . It had yet to become violent . This was the absolute best moment to subdue it .     

But Long Chen could only watch . According to his Pill God memories, even the most trash Earth Flames were not existences someone like him could subdue .     

Let alone him, even an expert like Tu Fang would immediately be burnt into ashes as soon as he provoked this Earth Flame .     

“What kind of cruel joke is this?” Long Chen had an urge to cry . This absolutely ridiculously precious treasure was right in front of him, but he was unable to take it . That was an incredibly cruel punishment .     

Looking at that lava pool that had once more become still, Long Chen took a deep breath . For him to want to obtain an Earth Flame was like a lunatic’s ravings . It was no different than asking for death .     

He turned back and returned to Little Snow’s side . He was still just blankly stunned . This place had given birth to an Earth Flame . That was news that would shock the world .     

He absolutely could not let this news pass out . Finders keepers .     

Long Chen carefully examined the ground and the cave . Long Chen began to draw a diagram of the cave’s exact form .     

Checking to make sure all his measurements were exact, Long Chen went out and found a huge boulder . There were quite a few rocks around the barren hill, and those rocks had identical colors and vein lines as the hill .     

Finding a suitable boulder, he began to carve it down to the exact size and shape he needed it to be .     

Although his longsword couldn’t easily slice through the rock, as long as he was careful, he was still able to break off pieces with it . He slowly carved it into a stone door .     

It had to be a stone door that would seamlessly fit with the cave’s entrance . Once he left, he would leave it here to seal the insides . That would offer a bit of security . Hopefully others wouldn’t be able to notice .     

The stones were extremely hard, and Long Chen didn’t dare use his full strength in case he ended up breaking the longsword . That was why the process was extremely slow .     

It took three days for Long Chen to form a perfect outline for the stone . Summoning out the FengFu Battle Armor, he carried the boulder that was several tons over to the cave entrance . Carefully examining it, he once more began to do some finer grinding .     

On the fifth day, Long Chen wiped off his sweat . He finally had a boulder that would seamlessly block the entrance to the cave .     

BOOM! Inside the cave, an explosive boom rang out as the hill shook . An incomparably powerful aura soared out .     

“Little Snow advanced!” Long Chen celebrated and entered the cave to take a look . But when he did, he was given a fright . Little Snow was now almost three meters tall . His whole body’s fur was white as snow except for a tuft of red hair at his forehead . The colors had become even more brighter and magnificent .     

“Ao!” Little Snow suddenly raised his head and roared . The entire cave trembled as the sound echoed throughout . Even Long Chen who had been prepared felt his ears ringing and his head felt as if it had turned to paste .     

“Hey, just because you’re big now, do you not recognize me?” Long Chen rubbed his shaken ears and indignantly shouted .     

“Wu wu!” Little Snow acted just as cutely as he had back when he was a cub, trying to rub Long Chen’s head . But now that his body was so huge body, his head was almost the size of Long Chen’s entire body, and his attempts knocked Long Chen back repeatedly .     

“Ok, ok, I’m just joking . It’s time for us to go . ” Long Chen rubbed Little Snow’s head and laughed .     

He and Little Snow left the cave . Long Chen sealed the entrance of the cave and then also carefully used some smaller pebbles to seal up cracks . Using his Pill Flame, he smelted them on and then poured on another layer of rock fragments . Looking at it, it was impossible for anyone to notice it was a stone door .     

Finishing this, Long Chen was finally satisfied . Taking out the map, he figured out their position and made a mark on the map in order to avoid he himself being unable to find this place again .     

After all, this was a huge desert . This small mountain wasn’t that eye-attracting . If Long Chen hadn’t been drawn over by the light it had been emitting, he wouldn’t have noticed it .     

Finishing all this, Long Chen jumped onto Little Snow’s back . Little snow roared and leapt forward . He was like a wild gust of wind as he charged across the land .     

Half a month later, by following the map, they finally had reached the territory of the Xuantian Monastery and relaxed a bit .     

That was because according to how much time had passed, they were more than early enough for the disciple test . Now they no longer rushed for the last few thousand miles .     

Sitting on Little Snow’s back, they leisurely advanced . They had just entered a dense forest when suddenly there were people that blocked Long Chen’s path .     


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