Heaven’s Devourer

Chapter 1476: Danger in Sublime Gracious Region

Chapter 1476: Danger in Sublime Gracious Region

0Chapter 1476: Danger in Sublime Gracious Region    

After Nangong Wei left, time flew by in the Great Void Immortal Path.     

Many immortal lords who did not even have a Mark of an Immortal King were making one final push at this time.     

As for the 100 million immortal lords who had come in, who knew how many of them were left?     

But the Mark of an Immortal King contest was cruel like that.     

Wu Yu’s rewards this time were unprecedented. Just counting 9th Grade Marks of an Immortal King alone, he had four. He had won one himself, the rest coming from Gu Huo Immortal Lord, Xuanyang Emperor Lord, and Mo Yuji.     

When Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord left, Wu Yu had given her the won he had won.     

The remaining three were for Full Moon of Nanshan, Ye Xixi, and Luo Pin.     

As for the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King, he did not dare to take it out, in case it invited trouble.     

In his current form, he had to stay low-profile.     

The 100 years of the Great Void Immortal Path was over soon enough.     

Wu Yu had returned with a bounteous haul, and he left the Great Void Immortal Path with the other immortal lords, as they were transported back to Sublime Gracious Divine Region.     

Some had been on the verge of obtaining a Mark of an Immortal King, but were transported back here. Such was fate.     

Wu Yu had caused a huge stir in Astral Hell, and the sensational news had fermented for the dozen or so days left. It was now being spread throughout the sky palaces.     

Astral Hell had been unsealed about 10 days ago, and news had spread through there to the Heavenly Domain as well.     

They confirmed that the eternal devil emperor descendants to die included Xuanyang Emperor Lord, White Chalk Ghostly Lord, and Pitch Dark Ghostly Lord.     

As for the immortal emperor descendants, the most famous one was of course Mighty Miracle God’s son - Gu Huo Immortal Lord.     

As for those like Astral Hell master and Tundra Hell master, no one cared about them.     

A nobody by the name of Chifeng Immortal Lord had used many different identities before finally obtaining the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King. Until now, no one even knew if he was Chifeng Immortal Lord.     

A secretive, enigmatic presence.     

Wu Yu was completely unremarkable as he blended into the crowd. He now moved about in Sublime Gracious Divine Region, and who would ever suspect he was the culprit in this gigantic fiasco?     

There was a swarm of immortal lords in every direction. Back at Sublime Gracious Divine Region, it meant that all was over. Whatever the result, it had to be accepted. Some were celebrating, while others were moping.     

Looking out, there were immortal lords as far as the eye could see. Many eternal immortal emperors were above them, presiding high above with their endless lives. Wu Yu could feel the heavy atmosphere the moment he emerged. The pressure that these eternal immortal emperors exuded was too huge. Although it was not directed at him, but he knew that he was within their gaze. Perhaps they were all trying to look for him.     

Eastern Sublime Gracious Divine Emperor, Marshal Tian You, Dhrtarastra, Mighty Miracle God, Ruling Sky Manifesting Sage Great Emperor, Culmination Honored Sage Great Emperor, Southern Bewildered Fire Virtue True Lord, Eastern Vesper Virtuous Metal True Lord......     

These immortals and many more looked down from above with blazing eyes, as though the immortal lords below were laid bare, with no secrets spared.     

They must all be looking for Chifeng Immortal Lord.     

Wu Yu was a little worried. After all, who knew what methods these eternal immortal emperors had.     

Especially Mighty Miracle God. Wu Yu did not even dare to lift his head to look at him. These eternal immortal emperors could kill him with just a puff of air.     

And he had killed his beloved son.     

The initial boisterous cheer quickly faded as the immortal lords sensed the gravity of the situation. They kept their heads down, whispering to each other, not daring to look up at the sky.     

And then the immortal emperor descendants flew out from the crowd, to rejoin their parents. For example, Mo Yuji, Ruling Fate Immortal Lord, Bewildered Fire Immortal Lord.     

Wu Yu also saw Nangong Wei, or perhaps it was Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord. She flew towards Provenance Phoenix Empress, who had been worried all this time. She finally breathed a sigh of relief. How Nangong Wei would deal with it from hereon, and how she would hide it from Provenance Phoenix Empress, Wu Yu did not know. But he trusted Nangong Wei to do it.     

Mighty Miracle God watched the immortal emperors welcome their children back safely, while his son, Gu Huo Immortal Lord, the strongest of all immortal lords, would never return.     

Nobody dared to say anything. How terrible he must feel!     

From above in the sky, a severe cry boomed out: "Chifeng Immortal Lord, I know you are here! Don’t think you’ll get out of here alive!"     

This cry came from Mighty Miracle God up in the sky. He still had many experts of Mighty Miracle God tribe behind him!     

The fearsome voice was like a heavenly rule by itself. It pressed down on their heads, keeping the immortal lords bowed. Some were even forced to their knees, unable to breathe.     

"This is the power of an eternal immortal emperor!"     

No matter how strong an immortal king, they would be unable to compare to an eternal immortal emperor. Wu Yu knew this now.     

It was like the difference between a mortal and an immortal. No matter how strong the mortal, it was but a laugh to the immortal. This was also why all these people had been driven into a frenzy over the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King.     

Not even the Dhrtarastra’s children was guaranteed to rise to eternal immortal emperor. Perhaps through all the long years and dozens of children, it would be not bad if one could make it. Wu Yu too had only obtained an eternal immortal emperor legacy, and might not reach eternal immortal emperor.     

A 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King was fairly important to him.     

However, getting past Mighty Miracle God today was also going to be difficult.     

"Must I use Somersault Cloud to escape? Can I possibly run from an eternal immortal emperor? This is no ordinary eternal immortal emperor, but the great Mighty Miracle God himself......"     

Wu Yu frowned, but he knew that he could not panic. The more panicky he was, the higher the chances he would be exposed. All of these beings must be watching with angry eyes.     

Therefore, using Somersault Cloud did not seem like a wise choice.     

"Nobody move!"     

Mighty Miracle God ordered. He suppressed them all, his gaze sweeping out past the millions of immortal lords. He did not let a single one pass.     

Wu Yu felt dread. This guy was exceptionally determined. If he kept this up, Wu Yu might very well be suspected.     

And once he was suspected, he would be in trouble.     


Of course, it was not just him. Many other immortal lords who were not Chifeng Immortal Lord were also sweating profusely.     

After all, the stress an eternal immortal emperor could create was just too much.     

Besides, Wu Yu could feel that the Primeval Mighty Miracle God’s pressure was closing in on him.     

The entire field was solemn. Clearly, all present knew about what Chifeng Immortal Lord had done in Astral Hell. Although there were not many immortal lords who had died at the hands of Chifeng Immortal Lord compared to ghostly immortals, but Mighty Miracle God was one of the greatest victims!     

No one could imagine how much rage Primeval Mighty Miracle God must be suppressing right now.     

A son that he had painstakingly raised over hundreds of thousands of years, his protégé destined to be eternal immortal emperor, and now he was gone! Dead at the hands of an immortal lord! How could he bear this?     

No one could raise their heads at this time, and they did not know where Mighty Miracle God had checked until. They could only wait in trepidation. Many amongst them had fallen to their knees.     

"Eternal immortal emperors are the true rulers of the sky palaces......"They presided over all.     

This was something clear. The immortals of the sky palaces came and went, but only the eternal immortal emperors would remain forever as permanent presences.     

A bad feeling continued to build within Wu Yu.     

If Mighty Miracle God found him here, the consequences would be dire. He might not even be able to hold on to his life, let alone the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King!     

He felt the danger drawing closer and closer.     

Just at this moment! Suddenly he heard the serious voice of Eastern Sublime Gracious Divine Emperor, counseling: "Mighty Miracle God, best calm yourself. As they walk out of Sublime Gracious Divine Region, they have nothing to do with me anymore. But whilst they are here, since time eternal, no one has ever laid a hand on the immortal lords who have just emerged with treasures. They worked hard to win what they had, and it is too much for them to meet danger before even leaving Sublime Gracious Divine Region. I believe that the Jade Emperor would not wish to see this either."     

Hearing this, Wu Yu breathed a sigh of relief. After all, this was the Eastern Sublime Gracious Divine Emperor’s territory. Even if he risked offending Mighty Miracle God, he had to assert his authority. This was indeed Mighty Miracle God’s personal problem. If he acted up here, he was disrespecting the Eastern Sublime Gracious Divine Emperor.     

Eastern Sublime Gracious Divine Emperor was in charge of presiding over the Mark of an Immortal King contest. If even this was screwed up, how could he be trusted with important matters in the future?     

As for the other eternal immortal emperors, they remained silent, as this had nothing to do with them.     

Only Marshal Tian You was unafraid of offense: "Once out of here, Mighty Miracle God may do as he pleases. But here in Sublime Gracious Divine Region, best to play by the rules. After all, this was the stage set by the Jade Emperor, and that Chifeng Immortal Lord indeed is capable."     

How could Mighty Miracle God not understand this?     

Only, the one dead was his son. Any other eternal immortal emperor would lose control just like him.     

If the Jade Emperor had not taken a hand in this one, perhaps the Eastern Sublime Gracious Divine Emperor could have turned a blind eye. But the 10th Grade Mark of an Immortal King had been his contribution, and Mighty Miracle God was exactly targeting that. He had no choice but to intervene, and cool down his volcanic rage.     

"My thanks for the reminder." Mighty Miracle God nodded, checking himself.     

"I would counsel the one who killed my son to turn themselves in as soon as possible. Otherwise, think carefully on how dire the alternative will be. From today onwards, no matter which corner of the Heavenly Domain you hide in, I will ferret you out and see justice delivered!"     

Mighty Miracle God’s words were etched on all of their hearts, terrifying them.     

His furious rant was just what Wu Yu expected. But being able to leave here safely was already a measure of safety for Wu Yu.    


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