MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Time to equip the mask

Time to equip the mask

0Adam felt very guilty for not helping out Rudra time and time again, he was frustrated at being soo bound despite being a leader of a super guild like Grey international , he was a top notch talent and a great leader , yet circumstances always stayed his hand when it came to helping the Elites.      

For him helping Rudra was natural , and if he could he would always provide support in any form possible. Hence when Rudra requested him to procure an item , he tried his best on fulfilling the task .     

The item Rudra requested was the concealer mask , it was only found in the Nine cloud kingdoms abandoned temple , it was in one of the hidden chests , Rudra knew this because of his Reincarnator knowledge , hence he passed the information to Adam , who was based in the Ghost kingdom and to whom the mask belonged to in his previous life.      

The mask was a epic rated item which could conceal one's stats , levels and change the id name. It was one of Adams hidden cards , as he took a second identity within his own guild , disguising himself as a common member to understand the power structure from the bottom up.      

Rudra needed the mask for different reason , he felt bad for Adam , who he used to rob of his own inheritance, yet he felt what was necessary was necessary.      

The mask was received in a Griffin package courier service today. This was the first thing Rudra needed in his plan to counter the alliance.      

Rudra took the mask in his hands      

[ Concealer mask ] ( Epic ) : When equipped player can hide his stats from inspection and can change the player name identity .      

Can be upgraded.     

Rudra wore the mask and heard a system notification ... Concealer mask equipped. Enter new identity name _________     

Rudra typed " Augustus Won Knight ".      

There was a deep connection to this name , it wasn't something he chose at random or at impulse , the name was a part of the grander scheme he wanted to play.     

Player name confirmed...      


Player Name : Shakuni / Augustus Won Knight     

Title : Viscount of Hazelgroove kingdom, Reputable knight , Saviour of Thol village , Revered Medicine Master , Emmisary of Church , World renowned , Heir of Augustus Won Knight      

Class : Knight     

Subclass : Explosion Artist     


Tier : 1      


AGI : 214 +107 VIT : 214 +107     

INT : 214 +107 STA : 214 +107     

PHY : 214 +107 HP : 16000/16000      

unassigned stat points :0     

Hidden stats     

Luck : ???     

Charm :???     

Infamy : 0      

Status : Healthy     

Equipment : Reinforced Armour set ( Lv30) , Lich's Ring , concealer mask      

Weapons : Windcutter ( sword) , Common Bow , quiver of arrows , Excalibur (Sword) ( Replica)      

Skills : Darkness bind , Summon Knight Durahal , Windslash , Critical absorb , Berserk, Darkness blast, Death Slash, Eyes of Truth , Earthquake     

Class specific skills : Knights companion , Knights valour , Golden Ratio     

Mount : Grey Wolf      

Pet : mysterious egg (incubating) (11/200)     


Rudra now changed into normal adventurer clothes and became a normal adventurer venturing into the wild ..... Along the way he started observing the situation .      

In the city , the alliance members were seen patrolling in groups of five. The overall atmosphere had considerably dulled in the city , with them behaving like a bunch of bullies.      

Especially near the lifestyle shop , as there were state enforced guards , guarding the place , it was difficult to cause a direct damage assault on the shop , however about 20 meters out they had set up a perimeter around the shop , and they made it their mission to hassle every one trying to buy goods from the shop , resulting in a much much reduced foot traffic flow.      

Those who somehow still dared to venture into the stores were extorted out of their purchases when they ventured outside. Only if a guard patrol was on duty patrolling , could someone slip by after a purchase from the shop .     

Even though many players wanted the lv 30 dark gold full sets , they were blocked.      

Rudra smiled at the situation , he confidently walked towards the shop , when he crossed the 20 meters perimeter , he was stopped by a alliance member.      

" If you are here to buy something from the Elites lifestyle store , i suggest you turn away pal , or else ...." He made a throat slit sign with his thumb      

The four lackeys started to snicker      

Rudra shrugged as he said " Okay , if that's what you want ....". Taking his sword out he slit the leaders throat.      


-7000 critical hit      

You have attacked a guild member of Musicians Inc , you are now hostile to the guild .      

You have killed a player within a safe zone      

Infamy rises by 5      

The other four party members were stunned , WTF just happened .... He killed a player in the safe zone....      

" You .... You ..... The guards will get you now , punk , enjoy your jail time ". They said      

As they looked around , waiting for the guards to come , however nobody came .... Rudra killed the other four party members in broad daylight ... In the watchful eyes of a bunch of people , yet when the Patrol came around they just bowed to Rudra and left.      

This scene shocked many to the core... Even viscounts could not get away with murder in the city.... Just who was That guy?     

Under the watchful eyes of many , Rudra strolled into the Elites store and came out 10 minutes later apparently buying the stuff he needed , walking straight past another perimeter set alliance party , yet this time no one dared obstruct his path .     

This scene was recorded by many and uploaded on the forums  with a tag " SLAP TO THE ALLIANCE ".  And. "A New Mysterious power ".      

Rudra's actions although did not have a big effect. Nor did it create a tangible result , as the lifestyle store was still under siege , however it had a huge symbolic effect , as people had taken into notice a new masked man ...who was not to be trifled with.      

// Guys we are extremely close to the target for this week , at 101 , push me through 99 and lets end the week under 100 , if at Sunday when the stones Refresh , we are 99 or below , monday will be a mass release day !!!!! Lets not miss it for one or two stones guys ... Lets pass through number 95 like a boss , just to be safe ///     

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