My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.

Chapter 807: Fulfilling Promises of the Past.

Chapter 807: Fulfilling Promises of the Past.

0Chapter 807: Fulfilling Promises of the Past.     

A few hours later.     

Victor was seated on The Throne of The Underworld, a Throne that once belonged to Hades and later to Persephone.     

In front of him stood four Beings, 3 women and 1 man. But they were not ordinary Beings; they were Gods.     

Defeated Gods.     

Persephone, The Ruler of The Underworld and The Queen of The Underworld.     

Poseidon, The God of The Seas.     

Athena, The Goddess of Wisdom.     

And Artemis, The Goddess of The Moon and The Hunt.     

Except for Persephone, the remaining three weren't even worthy of standing and remained kneeling.     

Well, even if they wanted to stand, they couldn't. They were all severely injured due to the previous war.     

Poseidon was covered in deep gashes on his body, with fingers missing from his hand.     

Athena had a deep cut on her leg, and her right arm was utterly decimated, with wounds also visible on the left side of her face.     

Artemis was even worse off than Athena; her arms were burnt, and a deep cut was visible on her abdomen. The only reason she was only alive now was because she was a Goddess and because she received first aid from Victor's Faction.     

Beside Victor were four women. But these weren't just any women; they were his Wives.     

Agnes Snow Alucard, The Leader of The Snow Clan, a Clan with a history as ancient as the creation of Nightingale.     

Violet Snow Alucard, The Heiress of the same Clan and Victor's First Wife, The Empress.     

Aphrodite Alucard, The Goddess of Beauty and Love.     

And Roberta Alucard, the woman who harbored within herself the Heroic Spirit, Medusa.     

That same Medusa was glaring at three specific Gods with intense hatred in her eyes, and a similar gaze was directed at Persephone from Agnes and Violet.     

Everyone here was connected in some way.     

Persephone with Agnes, Violet, Aphrodite, and Victor.     

And Medusa with Athena, Poseidon, and Artemis.     

And these connections would be explored here. Victor rested his hand on his chin and gazed upon the situation with neutral eyes.     

Victor was currently wearing his usual suit; his new 'original' Form remained the same, with the only difference being that his Draconic Features were more prominent now.     

On top of his head were two pointed horns of dark violet with shades of crimson. The same color was shared by his eyes, which were now a mix of violet and crimson. His ears were also slightly more pointed than usual.     

In a way, his appearance was much more inhuman than his previous Form.     

He truly looked like a Demon, even though he wasn't a Demon but a Dragon.     

"Do you know why you're here?"     

Seeing her fellow Gods around her remaining silent, Athena sighed and spoke, "...Yes." She looked at Victor, and her entire existence trembled as she felt an immeasurable Draconic gaze upon her.     

She had never felt so weak before. Facing this monster without her Divinity made her feel immensely inferior.     

'All because of these shackles,' she muttered internally while looking at the shackles on her arms and legs.     

She was cursing Hephaestus's competence now. After becoming Victor's subordinate, he wasted no time and quickly created several shackles. In a matter of hours, he had a whole stock of shackles that could prevent Gods from accessing their Divinity.     

Not satisfied with that, this monster even assisted in the creation of the shackles using the infamous Dragon Language.     

These shackles, though they appeared simple, were, in fact, Divine Artifacts capable of suppressing even a High-Level God.     

"This is a trial, correct?" She looked at the woman with long black hair that seemed to move as if alive. That bloodthirst, that look—she had no doubt that this woman before her was the same woman whose head she severed and turned into a shield.     

A shield that became one of her Symbols of Power.     

Medusa... One of the many mistakes she had made in the past.     

Victor didn't confirm anything. He merely smiled, saying:     


"Karma is a bitch isn't she?"     

"The mighty Olympian Gods who used everyone as their playthings and forced them to kneel before them are now fallen and defeated, kneeling before a mere Mortal."     

Athena felt the urge to roll her eyes. 'Mere Mortal? If all Mortals were like you, the Gods would be doomed.' She thought.     

Victor relished the faces of the Gods in front of him and spoke, "Well, it's good that you understand your places."     

Victor looked at Medusa. "Tell me, what do you plan to do with them?" He asked curiously.     

Despite the intense hatred overflowing from her body and the immense desire she felt to kill these Gods, Medusa managed to hold herself together and looked at Victor. "That's obvious." She smiled widely.     

"I will make them suffer as I suffered." Her words came out with hatred and pure venom.     

"Athena and Artemis will have their maidenhood stripped from them, and they will be used as dolls, just as I was."     

The two Goddesses trembled.     

"After being used, they will be subjected to experiments. I wonder if they can bear children..." Her smile grew even wider. "Children with my monsters. I wonder if their status as Divine will create a subspecies of Gorgons. That would be interesting to see."     

"For that worm..." Her hatred became hundreds of times more potent.     

"He will have his body tortured and his masculinity ripped away from him. All he will also become is a doll to be used. I will make sure to destroy everything he holds dear, including his precious Realm and all his 'favorite' children who have no redeeming qualities other than being smaller versions of their father."     

"Wonderful." Victor clapped his hands, satisfied.     

"But you're still too kind, my dear Medusa."     

"Oh...? What do you mean, Husband?"     

"Having their bodies violated will merely be a gift to them. After all, they have that worm's blood running through their veins. Even Artemis and Athena, as Virgin Maidens, are daughters of that worm, you know? The instinct of perverts resides in their very Souls."     

Athena and Artemis really wanted to retort and say that this wasn't true, that they were nothing like their father! But they didn't dare say anything because they feared Victor.     

"... Now that Husband has said it, it must be true..."     

"Athena is an arrogant bitch who thinks that just because she is The Goddess of Wisdom, she is always correct, and doesn't realize that to be a fool's mindset."     


"She is a whore who doesn't allow herself to be 'bested'. Many times in the past, when a Mortal had something she didn't, she used her superior Power as a Goddess to make that Mortal's life a living hell."     


"Ahhh... Poor dear Arachne, a woman who was turned into a monster just because a vain Goddess couldn't allow herself to be 'bested' by a Mortal." Medusa spoke with great regret.     


Athena's face quivered again as she was pointed out for another one of her past mistakes.     


"Of course, she is not alone. Artemis is another vain whore. A dissatisfied woman, blaming all men for the actions of her trash father. She often turned men into animals to use in her hunting grounds for her and her hunters... Speaking of which, I will capture those hunters as well. Those whores will suffer the same fate as their beloved Goddess."     

Artemis really wanted to protest now; she didn't want her hunters involved!     

But she couldn't. She was too scared. Even if she felt wronged right now, after all she hadn't done anything to harm Medusa, she wouldn't say anything.     


"Seriously, no one on Olympus has any redeeming qualities. 99% of all the Gods from here are trash. They may look good, but in the end, they are just the juice from rotten manure." Medusa spoke with disgust and hatred as she glared at the Gods as if they were walking pieces of shit.     


Agnes, Violet, Victor, and Aphrodite looked at Medusa and blinked two or three times when they heard her vocabulary. For a moment, they thought that Roberta wasn't possessed by the Heroic Spirit of Medusa but rather the Heroic Spirit of Sailors.     


"I don't even need to say anything about Poseidon, right? This knockoff copy-paste of Zeus. Seriously, all the children of Kronos are pieces of garbage. These scum shouldn't even have been born."     


Poseidon couldn't take it anymore and stood up as he spoke, "Listen here, you-."     

A loud crash was heard, and when everyone blinked, they saw Victor in front of Poseidon, punching him in the stomach.     

"Cough." Golden blood spilled from his mouth and stained the ground.     

Poseidon immediately fell to his knees, clutching his belly.     

"Who gave you permission to stand? Who gave you permission to speak?" Victor kicked Poseidon's face, and blood splattered again.     

"Your role is merely to stay silent and listen like a good dog." Victor kicked his face again.     

Despite the thunderous sounds indicating the strength of Victor's attacks, Poseidon didn't leave the ground. It was as if he were stuck in that position. Obviously, Victor had done something they didn't know about.     

Teeth came out of Poseidon's mouth, and his perfect face was completely disfigured.     

Victor stopped kicking Poseidon, knelt down, grabbed the God by his hair, lifted his face, and slammed it into the ground.     


The golden blood started spreading even more, and a crater was forming on the palace floor.     

This action repeated several times, and everyone silently watched this brutality.     

Victor stopped and forced Poseidon to look into his eyes.     

"You are nothing, Poseidon. You're no longer a ruler, no longer one of the Big Three. You're just a useless loser who lost a war. You're merely alive because I saw some use in your pathetic existence..." Victor's smile grew.     

"That usefulness being my Wife's plaything." Victor threw Poseidon's head back to the ground. A boom echoed from the impact. Victor then got up and walked toward The Throne of The Underworld. He stopped on the stairs of the Throne and looked at Athena and Artemis.     

"Those words apply to you as well."     

Victor ignored the liquid coming from the intimate parts of the two Goddesses and continued to gaze at their terrified faces.     

"You will be used until my Wife's thirst for revenge is quenched. And if by some miracle you are still alive by the end of it... You will be nothing but cannon fodder in future wars."     

Aphrodite merely shook her head from side to side when she saw the state of the two women. 'To think they would wet themselves in fear.' She could understand the two women, though; after all, her Husband could be quite terrifying.     

She looked at Medusa and raised an eyebrow in amusement. She could swear she felt Medusa's love for Victor increase by hundreds of times now.     

She could also sense that Agnes and Violet were filled with desires now, though she wasn't any different. 'He looked so handsome just now...' She blushed a little.     

"Don't worry, Husband~." Medusa's snake-like eyes gleamed with malicious intent. "I'll make sure they don't die and don't break. I want them to suffer forever."     

"Mm, that's good. It seems we'll have excellent soldiers in the future."     

"Indeed, I'll do my best in creating the monsters..." Suddenly, Medusa had a great idea. "I'll create a breeding ground!"     

"Oh? What do you mean?" Victor asked.     


"I just expanded upon my previous idea. Instead of using conventional torture, I can just use them as breeding factories to create cannon fodder minions. This way, my revenge will be satisfied, and I'll be useful to you. We can even use the Demons; after all, they hate the Gods, right?"     

"I wonder what will come out when Demons and Gods 'procreate'..." Medusa chuckled.     

"Hmm~, a breeding ground, huh... What a diabolical idea. I like it."     

"Right? Praise me, Darling!"     

"Of course." Victor smiled gently as he stroked Medusa's head.     


At that moment, Athena, who had been silent, did something. She took hold of the golden jewel on her Divine Raiment and pulled it, revealing her assets, but she didn't care.     

The jewel in her hand transformed into a dagger, and she quickly attempted to stab herself in the heart. She tried to commit suicide!     

But before the dagger could pierce her heart, she was paralyzed.     

"What are you doing?" Victor appeared beside Athena and took the dagger.     

"I'd rather die than suffer this fate! I will not be used as some breeding ground! That is not my destiny! I am Athena, The Goddess of Wisdom!" She spoke with unwavering determination, but all she got in reaction from Victor was...     

"... Pfft... HAHAHAHAH!" A very devilish and cruel laughter.     

"M-Medusa, did you hear that?"     

"Yeah, it's unbelievable that a supposed Goddess of Wisdom could be so foolish."     

Athena's face contorted with anger, but that only made Victor's smile grow.     


Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable     

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