Mommy Villainess

Swallow Up The Moon

Swallow Up The Moon


Julian, who was slowly gaining back his strength, felt his mother's Mana fluctuate.     

There was only one reason as to why such a thing could happen.     

"Mother is unstable," Julian said worriedly, out loud. "Solenn, can you go to where Mother has gone and check on her condition?"     

"No can do, Julian," Solenn said while shaking her head firmly. "It's not that I'm not worried about the Supreme. But can't you feel the ominous aura around?"     

There was no way he couldn't feel it.     

And that was exactly why he was worried about his mother.     

"I can feel the Black Flame and another ominous force looming around," Julian said. "Do you suppose it's the Abyss that Mother and the saint need to detach from the Plane?"     

"That's the only answer I can think of," Solenn said, then she knitted her eyebrows. "Enough talking, Julian. You need to rest. The reason why I refuse to follow the Supreme is because I know I'll only get in her way. You know how soft-hearted your mother is, don't you? She won't be able to fight properly if she'll be put in a position where she has to protect us."     

Ah, the princess had a point.     

[We'll only drag Mother down since we can't help her fight the Abyss.]     

"Your wound chest has already healed," Solenn commented while looking at his chest area. To be precise, she was looking at the place where his new heart was supposed to be. "How are you feeling?" she asked, looking up at his face this time. "Has your Spirit Guardian already settled properly in your new Core?"     

"Yes," Julian said, placing a hand over his chest. "And, for some reason, I feel like my flame has gotten stronger."     



WINTER could instinctively feel it.     

He didn't know if it was because he was the Moon Serpent. He didn't even have the memories of the time that he lived as one. However, when he looked at Aku Moonchester while he was quickly turning into his serpent form, a knowledge that he didn't know where it came from suddenly began flooding his mind.     

"You can't run, "Uncle" Aku," Winter said, his eyes glowing menacingly. And when he laughed, his forked tongue came out. "You have to become the moon for me."     

"Become the moon for you?" Aku Moonchester, who was slowly yet carefully walking backwards while obviously stalling time while thinking of a way to escape, asked in a bitter tone. Then he sneered while glaring at Winter. "Do you know what I have to go through just to become a human?!"     

"I don't, but don't bother telling me because I don't care," Winter said, his knees buckling. "But only I get to decide what you'll become this time, Aku Moonchester."     

Winter let his knees fall to the ground this time.     

As soon as his knees touched the floor, his body followed suit.     

His body, which was supposed to be the body of a child, suddenly became so heavy that he wasn't able to lift himself up.     

[Ah, it's starting…]     

"Arrogant child," Aku Moonchester growled. But instead of attacking Winter in his vulnerable state, the emperor turned his back on Winter and began to run away. "I'll make you pay for this later."     

And then Aku Moonchester, that coward, ran away.     

Winter chuckled not only at the emperor's futile attempt to escape.     

He laughed because he could feel that his transformation was a success this time. The moment he lost the feeling of his legs was the start.     

Winter had transformed into his serpent form– this time, he became the real Moon Serpent.     



AKU MOONCHESTER was humiliated, but he wasn't a fool to choose his pride over his life.     

He only had one life this time, hence he couldn't waste it.     

[I can always get back at that arrogant child once I gather my power– argh!]     

His thoughts were interrupted when something strong grabbed him in a very rough manner. The next thing he knew, he was already suspended in the air while his entire body was being crushed by the monster that wrapped its tail around his torso.     

[I can't breathe…]     

Aku didn't want to admit this, but he was scared.     

The monster that had its tail around his body was the Moon Serpent itself.     

[It's the real thing this time!]     

The Moon Serpent was a giant monster that, despite its intimidating size, was majestic and beautiful. Its scales would remind everyone of the color of the moon. Moreover, its glowing red eyes were more stunning and radiant than any rubies in the world.     

A god.     

The Moon Serpent wasn't only a monster, but it was a god more heavenly than the Beast Gods themselves.     

<"I have to thank you for helping me awaken my powers, Uncle Aku.">     


Despite being in his Moon Serpent form, Winter maintained his consciousness.     

[I would have been better if he had lost his mind.]     

<"Why are you being quiet, Uncle Aku? Have you already given up? Are you just going to let me swallow you up?">     


Aku, despite his dire situation at the moment, couldn't help but laugh at Winter's naïvety. "Winter Nystrom, do you know what it means to be a moon?"     


Of course, the Moon Serpent fell silent.     

Despite being a divine beast, Winter was just a child with no memories of his past life as the Moon Serpent.     

Hence, he didn't know anything about the moons that he had swallowed up in the past.     

"I hate being a moon, but I don't hate the power that comes with it," Aku said, sneering at the foolish young divine beast. "So, do your worst. Turn me back into being a moon."     

  The Moon Serpent, who was obviously insulted by his mocking, hissed at him.     

<"Enough of your lies, Uncle Aku,"> Winter said coldly, then he opened his mouth widely just like what one would expect from a giant Moon Serpent. <"Goodbye.">     

Aku just laughed as Winter, the Moon Serpent, swallowed him up once again.     



TO SAY that Kiho was shocked would be an understatement.     

It took him and the Red Phoenix to get to where his son was, but he wasn't prepared by what he had witnessed.     

Winter had turned into a Moon Serpent…     

… and his son swallowed up Aku Moonchester completely.     

"No," Kiho whispered in disbelief. "The black moon will rise again!"     


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