I accidentally married a "CEO"

The Wedding-[Part-3]

The Wedding-[Part-3]

0On the day of the wedding, the guest from all over the world was all up early in the morning getting ready. The high profile guest has their own entourage to do their make-up, nail, hair, etc. Attires were created by different designers from all over the world.     

Now that the threat of any danger was gone, they were able to lift the high security that was implemented at the beginning. However, since there's much high profile guest.. the security was still tight.     

To prevent overcrowding the resort, Jeff ordered to let only a certain amount of local reporters to cover the wedding.     

However, the deal still stands, one company in the USA collaborates with Mega World Entertainment for the pay-per-view. Therefore, people all over the world could watch the wedding of the century at a cost of course.      

Millions of viewers had subscribed; it's in a report that it is expected to gross over 100 hundred million dollars.      

Mega World International Group of Company announces to the media that Fifty-percent of the amount received from the income generated would be donated to the country as a wedding present of the couple to the people of the Philippines.     

Once the news was announced, people all over the world were willing to pay to view the biggest wedding in the history of the country to help boost the economy.     

To make it much more exciting for the viewer, they announced the names of the guest.  Well not everyone... mostly the famous and significant people only. Many wanted to name, but it would take so long to do so and the P.R. department had to compromise.     

If the person's name was not announced, then they will give them a spotlight for the viewer to know that they were there in the live event.     

Therefore, once the live broadcasting of the wedding started, everyone who subscribed was glued in front of their television just like when the famous National Boxer of the country have fights. Everything stopped and it's a national holiday for the country.     

Commentator and broadcaster were also having a blast seeing many famous personalities, along with the viewers who keep on saying, "Whoa... Wow!" Each time a renowned person's face was spotted.     

The red carpet at the entrance of the resort was filled with a guest from all walks of life. Each guest would be stopped for a picture taken before going into the venue. All the reporters were having a blast, each time a new guest arrives. Rita decided to make it more exciting by giving a copy of some of the names of the guest so the reporters would be excited to cover the event.     

One reporter was reading the list when she started joyfully screaming. "Oh, my God! OMG!!!" I can't believe it, and she's coming... She's one of the guests. The reporter hurriedly made sure she's in the position when that person arrives. She would not want to miss it for the world.     

It was the time to begin the wedding already; however, they were unable to start, due to many guests still arriving.     

There was a helicopter landing pad for the exceptional guest, helicopter after a helicopter was coming and going, one after another.     

Suddenly, reporters started screaming... "She's here!!! She's here!!!" The camera's started clicking, and all focused on the famous person in front of them.     

"Please, give the viewer a nice pose please!!!" One newscaster shouted to the famous person that just arrived.     

She complied and stood proud in front of all the reporters and gave them the sweetest smile. The waived as she walked toward the venue. She was greeted by Rita at the entrance and showed where she would be during the wedding ceremony.     

Rita was acting all professional, but deep inside she was fangirling. A legendary person right in front of her is a dream come true. "This way please!"     

Once she had the famous person safely hidden from the other guest, she went back out to wait for a couple more important people.     

Just in time that she arrives back at the entrance, the respected and famous National hero of the country comes with his family. Rita was feeling proud to usher them to their seating area.     

Next to arrive was Grandfather Go's special guest. The King and Queen of Estonasia and with them was their entourage. They were followed by the President of the country with all his bodyguards.     

Finally, the wedding was about to begin. Rita ordered her assistant to inform Jeff and his two best men to come to the front. The assistant contacted the crew that was on stand by, to notify the groom that it's time to begin.     

Jeff, Ethan, and Ronald walked proudly to the front and stood to wait for their respective partners.     

While waiting for the Bride to be someone was playing the piano for entertainment.     

Everyone was having a wonderful time, chatting with one another while waiting for the wedding to start...     


Then it was the time... However, the music suddenly stopped, and the man that was playing the piano was replaced by what it seems to be a foreign man. The man looks at Jeff and gives him a thumbs-up before he started playing around with the key of the piano.     

After a couple of seconds, he started playing. The flower girl started the procession, and the wedding has begun...     

The singer started singing as the flower girls walk and spreading petals after petals of flowers.     

[1]I found a love for me...     

Darling dive right in     

And follow my lead     

Well, I found a girl beautiful and sweet...     

I never knew you were the someone waiting for me     

Because we were just kids when we fell in love...     

People knew who the singer was once they heard his voice and the song. Jeff especially asked him to sing the song at his wedding, and the singer gladly agreed. The singer was more than happy to be part of this wedding that's being broadcast all over the world. [Jeff had paid him handsomely]     

The procession continued while he was singing, he kept on until all the bridesmaid, and the two maids of Honors was in their proper standing position.      

Finally, it was Albert and Ann's turn. She stood beautifully next to his father, and she has her hands hook onto his elbow, waiting at the end of the aisle for the wedding march to begin playing. However,...     

[1] [Perfect by Ed Sheeran]     

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