I accidentally married a "CEO"

Mother And Daughter Duet.

Mother And Daughter Duet.

0Sophia decided to change the subject. "By the way, I was informed by Edna that Mega World Entertainment had arranged a concert for your pre-wedding party at the resort. Is that true?"      

"This is the first I heard of its mother." Ann looked at Lea then Eva with a question in her eyes.     

"This is the first for me too!" Lea waved her hand in the air indicating she has no idea whatsoever.     

"I have no idea!" Eva replied while shaking her head left and right while waving her hands in the air just like Les.     

"The reason I mentioned it is because I'm thinking of singing at the concert and I wanted to ask you if you could join me for a duet. I wanted to give something to the masses, what do you think?" Sophia was serious and it's clearly visible on her face.      

When Lea heard what Sophia said, her face lit up like a 1000w bulb. She was jumping for joy with the idea that Sophia suggested. "Yes!!!! That would be awesome! Please... Ann?" She showed her puppy eyes as she pleaded to Ann.     

"Cousin, you could sing? Wow! It must run and the family. I have loved to sing since I was young. But I bet I'm not as good as you and Aunty." Eva shyly declared.      

"Hahaha! Sure, I could sing alright!. Yes, I could sing a tune or two, but I could never be like my mother, a Diva. Hahaha!" Ann banters, although she knows that she's really as good as her mother. She had been winning contest after contest since she was young.     

"You are too humble, you know that. You could outsing me anytime, and I know that for a fact." Sophia proudly announced.      

"I remember about four years ago when your grandma Wen passed away; you went to an audition for a singing competition." Sophia holds Ann's hand before continuing. It shows on her face how proud she was.     

"I was one of the judges at that time. Unfortunately, I got delayed because I was running around Las Vegas looking for you." Tears started to build in Sophia's eyes fighting to drop anytime.     

"When I arrived, you had already left. I was only told by the coordination of the competition about you. When they were about to show me your recording, there was none to be found."     

"Aunty, if you did not see cousin Ann's recording, how do you know she could sing? Especially if she didn't make the second round." Eva asked curiously with wide eyes waiting excitedly for the answer.     

"One of the staff had recorded Ann's competition, and she continued listening to Ann singing with an earphone. Then one day during a break, I was resting in the dressing room, and that staff was listening without an earphone, and I heard the voice. Sounds very professional, and I asked if she's listening to the original singer."     

Sophia looked at Ann and smiled before continuing, " I was stunned to find that it's one of the contestants. I then asked who the singer was and I wondered if I could look at the recording. The staff was more than happy to show it to me, and I was stunned to see my beautiful baby." Sophia touches Ann's face lovingly.     

"All grown up and sings like an Angel."-She looks at Eva who's listening intensely.-" That's how I know she could sing."     

"Wow!!!" Eva couldn't believe what she was hearing.- "I hope you would sing a mother and daughter duet together; I'm sure all your guests would love it to death. Hahaha!" Eva's face clearly showed excitement; she couldn't sit still.     

Lea interjected, hoping that her two cents would count. "Yes, bestie...-It would be fun and a treat to all your guests to see a mother and daughter duet. What do you say?"     

Ann was seriously considering what Eva and Lea suggested. However, she would need to speak to Jeff about it first, and they would decide together as a partner.     

"Mom, let me ask Jeff first. If he agrees and lets me sing a duet with you, then I'm fine with Eva's suggestion. Alright!"     

Grandmother Tan couldn't believe what she's hearing. Besides her granddaughter being smart, she has many talents that she doesn't know. She secretly smiled to herself, as a proud grandmother... -She couldn't ask for anything more...     

While Lea and Eva were trying to encourage Ann to agree, Jeff had arrived and heard the last word Ann said. "Sweetheart, you know that whatever you want to do, is what I also want you to do. Therefore, if you like to sing a duet with your mother-in-law, why not." Jeff announces for everyone to hear before going to his wife and giving her the sweetest kiss he could conjure...     

"Ohhhh, sooooo-sweet... I'm so jealous!" Lea jokingly teased the couple.     

"Me too!" Eva second Lea with her teasing.     

Sophia and Grandmother Tan both have a half-smile on their faces. They couldn't believe their eyes that Jeff could act like that in front of other people. The Jeff they know never smiles and always wears a serious look on his face.     

"Are you really the same CEO Jeff Go we know? You're not a twin are you?" Sophia had to ask jokingly, but she really wanted to know. There's a possibility since Ann is currently pregnant with twins...     

Jeff ignored Sophia's banter, instead..."It's a set then, tonight a mother and daughter tandem, they would sing a duet."     

"Alright ladies, I let you all go back to what you were doing before. I'm going to inform the PR department of the changes." Jeff got up and left the ladies and went to his study to arrange the mother and daughter singing duet…     


Author's noted:     

Thank you for your kind support. The story is almost at the end.     

I would like to invite you to read my new book, it's the story of their children.     

The title of the book:     


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