I accidentally married a "CEO"



0"Yes, Sir! I understood very clearly. What Miss Wen say, it goes." Rita saluted to Jeff while smiling secretly. 'How could she be so lucky...To have a very handsome, wealthy, loving husband to be?' Rita was thinking to herself.     

"Now, that we got that clear, how about go back discussing the wedding, what do you think honey?" Ann asked while touching Jeff's straight pointy nose.     

"Sorry, sweetheart, I'm just waiting for Ronald who's bringing your BFF, then we are heading to the office. I have important business to attend too."     

'Lea's coming? That's good; three eyes are better than one. I have issues, and I need a second and third opinion." Ann looked at Rita before picking up another design to examined.     

She then raised it and handed it over to Rita. "For the pre-wedding party, why not use these theme. What do you think?"     

Rita's eye widens in disbelief; she was thinking the same thing again. "When you choose the first one as your wedding theme, I thought about this one for your pre-wedding idea. I could 't believe that we're thinking in the same direction.     

Lea walks in just as Rita was happily flipping and explaining things to the couple. "You see here; we could put this like this... then at the side, we could put that... and ya! we could put something like this..." Rita's adrenaline was to the max, and she just continued on and on and on...     

Eva finished eating and happily talking on the phone with the boys as she was walking into the parlor. "Let me asks first alright! I'll call you back." After hanging up the phone, she hurriedly joined the fun.     

Ronald was only standing by, watching the fun. He's thinking of his wedding, how he wishes that he could give Lea the same kind of marriage. Unfortunately, he could only dream...     

Jeff had enough; he once again gives his wife a goodbye kiss and a very tight hug before he hurriedly left with Ronald.     

On the way to the Mega World headquarters, Jeff called his brother. "Hello, Ethan! Are you at the office now? If you have time could you come to my office, there's something I wanted to discuss with you."     

Ethan was swamp from head to toe with problems. He's not as experienced as his older brother, and too many slackers are within the company. He needed to see his brother for guidance; it's a good time as any. "Ok! I will be right there."     

Ethan hurriedly stopped what he's doing and left for Mega World Intl. Once he arrives at Jeff's office, he started crying about everything. "I think I know why the company went bankrupt; it's because of all those lechers. How do I get rid of them?" Ethan was looking at Jeff with certainty in his eyes.     

"Hahaha! Don't trouble yourself, alright! I'll send Ronald to help you. He's number one when it comes to discharging people. He would clean it well and settled everything in order."     

Speaking of Ronald, he came in grinning from ear to ear. Jeff wonder's what's going on. "What are you so happy about?"     

"Nothing! I was only thinking of something, and it's funny, so I'm grinning." Ronald explained as politically as he could.     

Ronald went to Ethan and whispered something. Jeff didn't like it one bet that they have a secret and they were not afraid to let him know either.     

"You two better quit or get out of my office now!" Jeff growls irritably.     

"Hahaha!" "Hahaha!" Ethan and Ronald were laughing hard for the way Jeff's acting like a sour fuss.     

Ethan was afraid that Jeff would renege on their deal and decided to spill the beans. "Brother, do have any special plan for tonight?"     

"Nothing special, I would go home and be with my loving wife and twins. Why do you ask?     

Ethan and Ronald looked at each other; first, unsure if they should let Jeff knows or keep it a secret.     

"You better tell me what you two planning on doing or something bad would happen to both of you." Jeff angrily scolded both of them.     

Ethan then scratches his head before informing his brother about the bachelor party they prepared for the evening.     

"What bachelor party? I'm a married man, been married for over four years, why would I need a bachelor party? Cancel it!"     

"Oh, Brother! Where have you been? It's a tradition for a man tying the knot to have bachelor party alright!" *Tsk, tsk, tsk!* Ethan was shaking his head left and right not believing what he hears at the moment.     

Ronald decided to intervene and explained it more in detail for Jeff to understand. "Boss..." -Was all he was able to say before Jeff started laughing as well.     

"It's fine, I know what is all about a bachelor party, it's fine we could have one tonight." Jeff agreed     

"However, I need to ask permission from the real Boss. Should she agrees then it's a go." Jeff pulled out his cell and pushed face time to speak to his wife.     

*Bzzz, bzzz, bzzz*     

Jeff: [ Sweetheart, the boys were throwing me a bachelor party tonight. Am I allowed to go?"]     

Ann: [ Hmmm? I don't know, should you?]     

Rita heard and saw the conversation between Ann and Jeff. "Miss Ann, how about we throw you one as well. A Bachelorette Party, what do you think?" Rita asked excitedly and impatiently.     

Jeff heard what Rita said and, [ NO!!!!]     

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