I accidentally married a "CEO"

He's One Crazy S.O.B.

He's One Crazy S.O.B.

0All of the minions were all long gone and on the way back to the headquarters to turn in their loot. They were satisfied with what they got; they knew it was a bit of payoff.     

"Did the boss stay again? " One of the minions asked since he didn't see the leader of their gang.     

"Yah! I think he went back to have dessert. Hahaha!"     

"Hahaha! Our leader sure is a maniac; he never missed one yet. If there's a girl, woman, or looks like one, he would never leave them alone."     

The gang was discussing their leader like it's nothing. They were all used to it, all the places they had robbed in the past; he would rape when he get the urges. He has no regard if it's a woman or a man, then leaves as if nothing had happened.     

He always acted like it's the norm. Robbed, raped, and killed if necessary, just like what had happened. He's one crazy son of b...ch who should be given a death penalty by lethal injection and rot in hell.     


In the next villa, the bodyguard that was roaming the surrounding area heard the gunshot. He hurried up and ran in the direction where he heard it, and he saw a man jumping out of the window.     

He was quick to pull his gun out and yelled at the Leader who was escaping. " Hold it right there, Freeze!!!" With a gun pointed at the leader.     

The leader pulled out his gun and fired at the bodyguard. *Bang, bang, bang. Bang* Fortunately, the bodyguard was quick, and none of the bullets touched him.     

He fires back, *BANG! BANG! BANG!* Bullseye, the leader, was hit. First right at his heart, then between his brow. Within a second, he was dead; he got what he deserves.     

The bodyguard was an ex-sniper from US military special forces. Four years ago, Jeff handpicked him to protect Ann from behind; he must make sure that Ann would be safe no matter where she went. Ann never even knew about him until recently when she needed protection in Asia, and Jeff introduced them to each other.     

A couple of minutes later, five police cars arrived at the villa where the robbery and murder had occurred. The bodyguard was standing by the dead body of the gang leader, waiting for them to report what had happened.     

When the police officer heard the story from the bodyguard, he contacted the precinct for backup just in case there are more members of the gang inside and hiding.     

While the police officer was on the phone with someone from his precinct, the bodyguard took the opportunity to get ready to go back and report to Jeff.     

However, the police officer realized what the bodyguard was going to do and thought he was leaving the scene to escape. "Hold It! Freeze right there!" He yells at the bodyguard.     

The bodyguard stopped then turned around to speak with the Police officer. "Yes, Mr. Policeman?"     

"I'm sorry! But you would need to go to the precinct with us. Even though it's self-defense as you said, we still need to keep you in custody. You just shot and killed someone." He said it sternly.     

"Sure! I don't have any issue with that; however, I need to report to my superiors first what has happened here." He informs him without divulging who his superior is.     

The Policeman was about to apprehend the bodyguard when "What happened here? Did I just hear a gunshot?" Jeff asked, followed by Ethan and Ronald all having a curious look on their faces.     

The police officer looks at the three-man who arrives at the scene, "and who may I ask all of you are?" A little skeptical seeing they're Asian.     

Ronald handed him a business card before introducing himself. "We are the occupant of the villa next door, and this man is under the service of our company." He told the policeman straight face, void of any emotion.     

The policeman read the business card, and his eye widened when he saw the company name printed on the card. He was quick to do a summersault with his attitude and suddenly became very respectful.     

"Your man here shot..." He was not able to finish his sentence; another police officer came running.     

"Sir! Sir, sir! Sergeant, we need you inside, you need to see it for yourself," almost out of breath from running.     

"Alright! You take over here." He grabs the bodyguard and pushes him a little toward the newcomer.     

"This man here, we need him in custody, put him inside the car for now."     

Jeff understood the procedure and so did everyone. Ronald immediately contacted the legal team to handle the matter.     

"Make sure he does not spend a minute inside the cell, you understand!" Ronald ordered, speaking in a louder tone of voice for the officer to hear.     

The bodyguard heard Ronald's order and was satisfied; he went with the police officer freely.     

Ethan was standing not far away from the dead body. After carefully looking over, he realizes that the man was the crazy lunatic right-hand man of Mr. Wright, his adopted father.     

He hurriedly pulled Jeff and Ronald and ushered them back inside their villa. He knows they're in danger; knowing his adopted father, he would hunt the killer of his right-hand man.     

Once they're inside, "Brother, Ronald, we need to change location. This villa is not safe enough for the women; we are in danger now." Ethan said without explaining further.     

Jeff's brow crosses; he didn't like what he had heard come out of Ethan's mouth just now. "What do mean the women are in danger? Who would want to hurt them? Explain!" He yells enough to wake the dead up.     

"Let's sit down, and I'll tell you." Ethan went to the sofa and sat first, followed by Ronald.     

Jeff stayed standing rooted to the ground with a stern-looking face waiting for the explanation.     

"SPEAK!!!" He ordered Ethan.     

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