I accidentally married a "CEO"



0"Well, It was a wonderful dinner if I might say so," Lea whispered to the two.     

She looks at the direction where the men's were playing some card games before continuing with her story.     

"Ronald's parents were wonderful. I couldn't believe how happy they were about us being together. Hehe!" Lea shyly continued with her story once more.     

"Go on, what happened after the meeting?" Eva asked curiously.     

"Hahaha! Why are you so excited, are you trying to get some pointers since your about to meet your future in-law?"     

"I was not? I was just curious what happened." Tears started forming on Eva's eyes.     

"Phew! I was only joking alright! Don't take it seriously; you look like you were about to cry." Lea banters.     

"Lea! Stop teasing Eva alright! Can't you see she's as green as it can get? Hahaha!" Ann laughter was loud enough for the men to hear and they all looked at their direction.     

"Hush! You don't want them to come over here and bother us don't you?" Lea warned Ann sternly.     

"Nevertheless, everything went well with the dinner. Ronald's parents agreed for him to ask my parents for my hand in marriage." Lea proudly announces to the two who has their mouth wide open in shock.     

"Where's the ring?"     

"Did he went down on his knee and proposed?"     

"Hold your horses you two; I'm getting there." Lea position herself first before continuing.     

"We have no ring yet. We're planning on getting one in Las Vegas before we go to my parents home. So, that's it."     

"Ooooh! That's so sweet." Eva said with envy in her eyes.     

"I'm happy for you my dear sister; I wish for both of you all the best in life." Ann got up and give Lea a big tight hug she could master.     

Eva did the same thing, while tears started to drip on her face.     

Jeff saw what's going on and wanted to be in with what's going on with the girls. "Let's break for a minute. Something comes up." He got up and went to join the girls and listen to the gossip as well.     

When the two realizes where Jeff went, they too got up and went to their respective partners.     

The journey to America was smooth, and they arrive in no time.     

Once they arrive at the airport of Las Vegas Nevada, they all went on separates ways.     

Ronald and Lea bid them goodbye first. Ethan and Eva were the next to leave, but Eva was hesitating if she should go with Ethan.     

Only after Ethan promised to Ann and Jeff that he would behave and treat her the best, Eva then agreed to go with him without hesitation.     

Jeff pulled Ethan at the corner. "If mother starts giving her a hard time, you better be ready to fight for her. You understand?"     

"Don't worry Brother; I would not let mother touch her for whatever reason. I promised!" Ethan swears to his older brother.     

Once Ethan and Eva Left, Ann and Jeff went back to the private jet to continued to New York as the destination.     


The original plan was, Ethan was going to introduce Eva to his mother while they were there for a visit.     

However, Olivia was nowhere to be seen when they arrive at Ethan's home.     

The only person in sight was the old housekeeper who's house seating while Olivia was galivanting in another country.     

The two end up enjoying their time together in Las Vegas.     

Ethan took Eva all over the strip. He met some friends while they were sightseeing and introduced Eva as his girlfriend.     

Eva did not contradict Ethan when he said she's his girlfriend. It's the opposite; she was proud to be called his girlfriend only smiled at Ethan's friends when introduced.     

Eva becomes Ethan's girlfriend officially without asking her if she was willing.     


Lea and Ronald arrive at her parent's house all excited. However, they were in for a shock because there was no one at home.     

After asking some neighbors, they found out that Mr. & Mrs. Kuan decided a surprised visit in Asia.     

"Hahaha! Hahaha!" Both of them was laughing so hard that they end up with stomach pain.     

"This is unbelievable, we came here to surprise them, and they went there to surprise us. What a joke! Hahaha!" Both of them continued laughing on the way back to the car.     

Ronald and Lea decided to follow Jeff and Ann to New York to celebrate together the new year coming.     


Ann and Jeff had arrived in New York, and they just arrived at the hotel. They were busy playing with each other when someone suddenly appears in front of them.     

" Well hello! My muse, My model! Are you here to see my show?" Ann was astonished to see MC.     

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