I accidentally married a "CEO"

Who's Eva?

Who's Eva?

0Sophia, Albert, and Grandma Tan were the first to arrive. The Tan's driver and Grandpa Go's household staff were busy unloading all Grandma Tan's gifts for her twins.     

Grandpa Go noticed it and started complaining. He's anxious that his gifts would be overshadowed by Grandma Tan.     

The seniors enjoyed a cocktail in the parlor while waiting for the rest of the party to arrive.     

"Albert, I heard that you went back and took over already. Is that right?" Grandpa Go asked, making small talk.     

"Yes, sir! Jeff and I spoke the night before and discussed it for the sake of the mother and baby's health."     

"That's good, I'm glad. I was going to suggest it tonight at dinner; it seems that I don't need to."     

Sophia was busy on the phone with Edna in regards to her tour that was interrupted.     

Grandma Tan was also on the phone playing candy crush to pass the time while waiting.     

Ann and Jeff arrived, and soon afterward, Ethan, Eva, and the boys came in as well.     

Ethan introduced Eva and the boys to everyone, only saying their names. Grandpa Go welcomed them wholeheartedly.     

Albert Tan greeted them warmly, including the boys, and had them sit by him. Sophia only glanced a little before continuing her conversation with Edna.     

Eva was fangirling when she saw Sophia; she idolized Sophia for as long as she could remember. But, now that she's seeing her in person, she doesn't know how to act.     

Ann saw the excitement on Eva's face as she was looking at Sophia. His eyes brightly shining while grinning secretly.     

Jeff acknowledges them with a stone-cold face. However, he's still unhappy about Eva causing his wife's kidnapping.     

Ann was about to approach Eva when the Butler announced that dinner was ready.     

"Alright! Everyone, let's have our dinner so we can give our gifts afterward." Grandpa Go announced for Jeff to hear.     

"What gifts? No one said anything about a gift?" Jeff, Ann, and Ethan all complained.     

"Don't worry about it; the gifts are mostly for the twins anyway. We only picked up a few for everyone." Grandpa Go explained.     

Jeff heard what his grandfather said and thought of something. "Grandpa!!! What did you do now? How many hours was the store closed?"     

"Grandpa Go only smirked and turned to go to the dining room without answering Jeff's question."     

"I swear!!! I don't know what to do with you anymore." Jeff snarled     

"Oh! Come on, It's my store, and I can do what I want with it."     

"Grandfather, you're not the only owner of that store. We have shareholders to answer to if you're forgetting." Jeff's eyes were bulging from anger.     

"I can't wait to see how much your total this time."     

"Hahaha! I don't think you want to see that. If you don't want to have a heart attack, I advise you not to check it." Grandpa Go warned Jeff.     

Ann's lost in translation. She's looking at the two of them back and forth, not understanding what they were talking about at all.     

They might as well speak in a foreign language cause she doesn't understand what is going on, and so do the rest of the people with them.     

The dinner went smoothly; everyone made small talk while eating. Eva and the boys were spared for questioning.     

Grandpa Go keeps on sneaking a look in Eva and Ethan's direction. A smile would form each time he would glance at them.     

When the dinner was almost finished, grandpa Go couldn't hold it anymore and asked Eva a question. "Eva, you don't mind me calling you by your first name, do you?"     

"No, sir! I'm sorry! It was rude of me not to introduce myself properly." Eva stood up and looked at everyone shyly before introducing herself. "Hello! Everyone, my name is Eva Wen; I want to thank you all for inviting us to this wonderful dinner." She bows then sat back down.     

Sophia and Ann both looked at each other rather than at Eva. Sophia was the first to speak.     

"Eva, you said your last name is Wen? Do you mind me asking what your father and grandfather's name is?     

Everyone's eyes were on Eva waiting for a reply, along with Ethan, who's now curious why Sophia asked that question.     

Ann's holding her breath; now she understands why she felt a kinship with this girl. As it turned out, she could be a close relative. Jeff was holding his wife's hand and staring at the girl who had caused his wife to get kidnapped.     

Relative or not, Jeff was still upset and had not forgiven Eva. He's only cordial due to Ann's warning before they arrived. If it's up to Jeff, he would interrogate her right there and then.     

Ann procures her sweetest smile showing her pearly white straight teeth. Then lovingly looks at Jeff before excitedly saying anything.     

"Sweetheart, wouldn't it be nice if we are related somehow?" She whispered into his ears softly, eyes shining like a star, then pointed her pouted mouth towards Eva Wen.     

"I knew that we have many relatives around here, but I never thought that she would be one of them. So I'm excited to get to know her." Ann made it sound imperative and for Jeff to understand.     

Jeff looked at his wife lovingly, studied how thrilled and cheered she was with the thought of being related to each other. How could he go against that? He simmers down for his wife's sake.     

Sophia's focus was on Eva; she was waiting for her answer. So as everyone else, along with Ethan and Ann.     

"My father is Edward Wen, my mother deceased, and my grandfather's name is Peter Wen. He's the ex-CEO of Wen corporation, which is now being managed by father and uncle."     

Eva looks around after declaring to see what kind of reaction she would receive. Seeing that everyone just acknowledged without making any criticism, she breathed as a sign of relief.     

Sophia was in the middle of drinking her cocktail when she heard what Eva said, and she almost choked; she ended up spitting the tea that was in her mouth...     

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