I accidentally married a "CEO"

I'm Leaving!

I'm Leaving!

0Her father, Edward Wen, just arrived from his recent escapade in Las Vegas. He has an unreadable look on his face, and he looks so haggard and unkempt.     

Eva guesses that he lost again, 'I hope not like the last time. If he continued gambling the company funds, sooner or later, they would get him for embezzlement.' She thought as she was trying to be inconspicuous.     

She was tip-toe-ing toward the back door by the kitchen. With luck, her father would not find out she went out at all.     

She opened the door slowly and quietly; she put her head first to see if anyone was inside the kitchen at all. The coast is clear; it seems they were all busy catering to her father, who just arrived.     

She made it inside the kitchen and still tip-toe-ing, she almost made it to her room when "young lady! Where have you been? " The color drained out of Eva's face. She's speechless at first, and terror showed in her eyes as she looked at her father standing tall in front of her.     

"Hi! Dad, how was your business trip? You look tired; why don't you go and rest first, and we can chat later." She's smiling, but fear crosses her face.     

"Don't you dare change the subject? I asked you where you've been?" A line appeared between Edward's brows, eyes burned with anger.     

"Dad, I was not changing the subject, more like not wanting to answer." Eva's tone of voice was barely audible to hear.     

"I heard what you said Eva, I might be old, but I could accurately hear you," His lips drew back in a snarl, then glared at her.     

"Dad...! Come on, you just came back from a very long tiring flight; Why don't you freshen up first, and in the meantime, I'll prepare something delicious for you to eat." She plastered a half-smile on her face while her lower lip quivered.     

Edward looks at his beautiful young daughter when it suddenly hits him. It should solve his problem regarding his debt to Mr. Wright, the Mafia boss in Las Vegas.     

Edward heard that he likes young beautiful Asian girls. News around the strip was he's recently divorced from his old ex-wife, and he's now looking for a new young one to replace the old one. "Hahaha!" He was excited about his idea; he couldn't wait to make a deal with Mr. Wright.     

He can make a deal with him regarding the money he owed. That's right, and he can use his beautiful young daughter as a bargaining chip.     

Edward forgot what he was asking Eva. He hurriedly turned around and went to his study to make a call to Las Vegas.     

Eva breathes a sigh of relief when her father turns around and leaves. She rushed to go inside the sanctuary of her room, where she can feel safe from her father's wrath.     

Once inside, she locked the door and put a chair to block anyone from entering. She's afraid that her father would start drinking, and once he gets drunk, she would be the target like in the past.     

Eva sat on the top of her bed, still shaking to the core of her being. The way her father was looking at her just now scares her. The looks he had given her was mischievous; it could only mean one thing. He's out to no good, and she's the target.     

She remembers the address Ethan had given her a while ago. 'I could sneak out and run away. I could ask Ethan if I can temporarily stay with them. I know he has a feeling for me; I can see it in his eye.'     

Eva started packing some necessary things she would need for her journey to freedom. Unfortunately, she could only take what would fit in her backpack, which is not much.     

She suddenly remembers the dress, how is she going to be able to take it with her?     

'That's right! I could go ahead and wear it, then put other clothes on top of the evening dress.' Good thing that the dress would not wrinkle so she could put another clothed on top of it.     

Eva put on the evening dress then picked another dress to put on top of it. Luckily the dress she chose was about knee length. She has a dress that could cover the evening dress.     

She chose a matching shoe from her collection, put it inside the backpack, and made-up and other toiletries.     

Eva was ready and about to open her window to escape when she remembers her passport and money, which is the most important of all.     

She hurriedly went and dug it out from the bottom drawer of her computer desk, shoved it into her backpack. Eva looks around if she has forgotten anything else, nothing.     

Verified and confirmed that she has everything she needed, she walked towards the window and unlocked it very, very slowly to not make any noise.     

Once unlocked, she pushed the window sill to open wide, and it creaked a little enough to scare her that someone might hear the sound. *Thud, thud, thud.* She can listen to her heartbeat going fast by the minute.     

Fist foot out, she then lifted herself to the edge of the opening. She slowly ducked her head, going out. Once her feet touched the ground, she brought the rest of her body out.     

Finally, she made it out of her room after much struggle. She dusted off the dirt of her dress and turned to leave when, "where do you think you're going?" Edward Wen was standing right in front of Eva, glaring.     

"I'm leaving, and you can't stop me!" Eva replied, voice cracking, mouth quivering, and tears were forming in her eyes. She needed to get out of there.     

"I don't think so, honey!" Edward grabbed Eva and started to drag her back to the house.     

Eva started kicking and punching her father, "Let me go! Help! Help!"     

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