I accidentally married a "CEO"

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

0The nurse contemplated for a minute if she should inform all of them or just the father. She looked around at everyone's faces and saw all concerns and anxiety. She decided to go ahead and tell all of them.     

" The patient is already awake, and we are currently monitoring her condition. Her Gynecologist is on the way as we speak to give you all the details. I just wanted to inform all of you that the mother and the babies are all safe. At the moment, only the husband is allowed to see her. The rest will have to wait when we transfer her to a regular room. Thank you!" After making her speech, the nurse turns to Jeff. "Please, follow me."     

Jeff, who's looking like a ghost as pale as Ann when she was brought into the emergency room, runs like a madman towards the emergency room like a devil was chasing him.     

What he saw devastated him. Ann has many contraptions all over her. The one that concerns him the most was the mask that helps her breathe.     

Ann saw Jeff, and tears started flowing down her face. She couldn't say anything due to the mask on her face; she looks at him with teary eyes.     

"Sweetheart! Oh! Don't cry; everything is fine. The nurse informs everyone that you and the babies are fine." Jeff slowly wipes the tears on his wife's face with his fingers.     

Ann couldn't stand it any longer; she took out the mask to help her breathe. "I'm sorry! That I gave you a scare like that. I don't know why I kept on collapsing like that? Did they tell you yet?" Ann couldn't contain herself from asking back to back.     

Jeff turns his head and looks around the room. He spotted the doctor, " Doctor, please! tell my wife what the nurse just told everyone outside. She needed to hear it from a professional, and so do I."     

The doctor gives them a smile before answering. "There is nothing to worry about. Both mother and the babies are fine. Do you all want to hear the heartbeat?"     

Jeff looks at Ann for approval; she didn't say anything and smiles. His face lit up, "Alright! We want to hear the heartbeat if you don't mind."     

"CEO Go, please move to the other side so you can also see the monitor." 'Wait till you see the two dots, and you will be jumping for joy.' The doctor thought to himself.     

Suddenly the doctor stops and scratches his head. "I'm sorry, but for me to do the ultrasound, I will need to expose her belly." He's looking at Jeff for approval.     

Jeff heard what the doctor said, and his features changed in a heartbeat. He now has a frown on his face and not sure if he should agree or not.     

The doctor was still waiting for Jeff to agree when the door opened, and Ann's Gynecologists came in. "Whew! save by the bell." The attending doctor mumbles.     

"Doctor! It's good that you're here, the parents wanted to hear the baby's heartbeat, and I'm about to show them. How about you take over from here." He hurried up and handed over the task to the Gynecologist, left as fast as he could.     

"Whew! Thank God! She arrived on time, so if looks could kill, I would have been dead. CEO Go is not someone to mess with if it comes to his woman," The attending doctor was mumbling as he walked out of the emergency unit.     

Everyone heard what he had just mumbles and started laughing.     

Grandpa Go couldn't stop commenting on what he just heard. "Jeff sure is possessive; he wouldn't even let a male doctor see his wife's body. Hahaha!"     

Everyone started laughing, except for Olivia, who's still sulking because no one speaks to her the whole time.     

"Alright! Let see what's going on with the mother and the babies." The doctor exposed part of Ann's belly; she then put some jelly. " This is going to be cold, just like the last time." Once jelly was spread all over Ann's belly, the doctor started scanning. *thud, thud, thud.* then *thud, thud, thud, thud, thud,* much faster this time.     

Jeff was speechless about what he's hearing. He cannot explain the feeling, it's... It's... " Wow! Unbelievable, is that the baby's heartbeat?" The excitement was showing on his handsome face.     

"Yes! As you have heard, there are two heartbeats. It means that you have a twin." The doctor did the same thing as she did with Ann, pointed to the cursor where the two dots in the monitor were visible. "You see those two dots there! That's your babies, one...two dots." Ann was looking at Jeff's facial expression the whole time with tears in her eyes.     

"Honey, why aren't you surprised? Do you already know we have a twin?" Ann asks, almost a whisper.     

Still trying to absorb all that he's seeing and hearing, Jeff just nodded to his wife while eyes still glued to the monitor. "Yeah!" He replied.     

Ann didn't say a word after that, she just looked at how happy, and glowing Jeff's face was at the moment, and she's satisfied with what she's seeing. 'He's happy that we have a twin, hahaha!'     

"Doctor, can I get a picture of those two dots?" Jeff was pointing at the monitor like a child asking for sweet treats.     

"Of course! How many copies would you like? It seems the grandparents are outside, and you will probably announce this to them as a Christmas present?" The doctor jokingly suggested to the couple.     

"Yes! Yes, we will announce it to them today, and yes, please! make enough copies for everyone."     

For precaution, Ann needed to stay overnight. They transferred her to the VIP room.     


Ann nudges Jeff to make the announcement. "Everyone! Listen, we have wonderful news that we want to share with everyone today."     

The room suddenly turns quiet. " We are going to have a twin! Merry Christmas!"     

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