I accidentally married a "CEO"

Tomorrow Is Another Day

Tomorrow Is Another Day

0Ann finally found Jeff in the garden by the fountain. She stops for a moment to see what he's doing.     

What she saw broke her heart. Jeff's looking so far away from the sky when there's no star or moon to see.     

The way he keeps on sighing is an indication that he's thinking deeply. He started mumbling to himself. "I had done everything already, how low do I need to bend to make you appreciate my effort? 'Sigh...' Other wives would have been thrilled, but you laughed at me instead of..."     

'Was I that mean? I only laugh because I thought he was cute, I'm sorry! Honey if I had hurt your feelings, I didn't mean to.' Ann thought to herself.     

Ann slowly made her way to Jeff and back hugged him while tears were streaming on her face. "I'm sorry! I truly am, I didn't mean to laugh. Is just that...- You are the most desirable person I have ever laid eyes on. And everything came out the wrong way."     

Jeff was startled from his deep thought and mumbling. He turns around and faces his wife full of tears on her beautiful face. "Oh! Sweetheart, please! Don't cry; you're breaking my heart. It's nothing; I just needed fresh air, I'm not upset alright."     

Jeff wipes the tears on her face by kissing it gently.     

" Don't make yourself upset, think of our babies alright. I didn't mean to storm out of the room like that. The truth is I was embarrassed when you laughed, and I didn't react very well. That's all, let's go back in. It's too cold out here."     

Jeff lifted Ann and carried her like a princess. The whole household help who's spying on somewhere saw the entire episode.     

"Oh! That's so sweet, thank God they made up. I was afraid they would have a misunderstanding."     

"I know right? I was worried when I heard a young madam calling for a young master all over the house earlier. I was sure they fought, but now all is good. I can go back to sleep peacefully." The Butler was telling everyone.     

Butler clapped his hands and ordered everyone. "Alright! The show's over, let's all go back to sleep tomorrow is another day."     

Jeff and Ann never knew that the whole household witnessed the entire scene. They went back to their room like nothing happened, again to being lovey-dovey.     


Ethan in another side of the City, still thinking about what he had just heard. It seems that his older brother is under his wife's thumb.     

'Is that how it is when a person falls in love? Wow! His brother, the cold-hearted CEO he knew, is an entirely different person at home.' Ethan still couldn't believe it.     

'I hope I don't become like him when I do get married, that's scary.' He chuckles.     

Olivia came into Ethan's room without knocking. She saw her son in deep thought and grinning from ear to ear. "What's so funny? Did I miss something?" She asks curiously with a frown on her face.     

"Oh! It's nothing, I just thought of something. Do you need anything?" He asks to change the subject.     

"I'm thinking of flying back to America in a couple of days. I'm bored to death here, and every time I think of your brother marrying that woman, It's killing me." Olivia said it with a stern voice.     

"I think that's a good idea mom. The wedding is not until next month anyway; you will be bored to death by then." Ethan happily coaxes his mother to leave.     

"Why do I get the feeling that you're more than happy to get rid of me as well? I came to ask if you want to accompany me, but it seems that you plan on staying a while?"     

Ethan got up and hugged his mother. " No mother, I'm not happy that you're going to leave me. I do want to accompany you, but I have a project that will keep me busy for a while. Therefore, I will not be able to go with you this time." He kissed Olivia on her forehead, and it's all she needed to calm down.     

"What kind of project are you working on? Are you going to enter the MWIGC? What's your position going to be? President? Vice President? What is it?" Olivia is excitedly asking.     

"Whoa! Mother, slow down. I'm not going into the company yet. I have this project that will require funds from the MWIGC charity program. I already discussed it with grandpa, and the only thing left is the big brother." Ethan happily informs his mother.     

Olivia saw how Ethan's face shining brightly full of happiness. "Well, if this is something that will make you happy, who am I to stop you; I'm only your mother" She's acting all hurt, but smiling secretly.     

"Ethan, remember what we came here for alright! It's time for you to take what you deserve. I'm not saying for you to compete with your older brother, only your fair share." Olivia walks out of the room after saying that.     

Ethan, on the other hand, was wondering what she meant by fair share? He's not a Go any longer, what percentage could he have with the company. 'Mother is hallucinating if she thinks grandpa will let me enter the company without changing my last name back to Go.'     

Meanwhile, Olivia was deep in her thoughts. She plans to go back to America, contact her Mafia Ex-husband, and entice him with the wealth of the Go family. One of the reasons her ex-husband had adopted Ethan was for this day when he comes back and takes what's rightfully his fifty percent of the whole empire.     

'I need to make it as enticing as it can be, if not that greedy ex-husband of mine will not fall for it. See if you don't come back to me and leave that floozy that you replaced me.' "Hahaha!" Olivia laughs.     

Ethan hears his mom's laughter, and it worries him.     

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