I accidentally married a "CEO"

The Result Of The Ultrasound...

The Result Of The Ultrasound...

0Jeff ordered lea and Ronald to sneak into the doctor's office and obtain Ann's ultrasound.      

Jeff was getting Intel from Lea the whole time Ann was in the examination room. He ordered Lea to get a copy of the result, in case Ann withheld the result, and Jeff was right to do so.     

The doctor was not in the office when they arrived, a good thing that the nurse that had called them back earlier remembers Lea.     

"Can I help you with something? I thought the examination was over. Did you forget something?" Asked the nurse with curiosity as to why Lea was back.     

"I apologize if I'm bothering you, but my sister forgot to get a copy of the ultrasound report. She asked me to come and get it. Is it possible? I'm sorry if we are bothering you." She gave her sweetest smile, not to look suspicious.     

The nurse didn't hesitate nor question Lea since she was with Ann when she was getting checked. That was easy.     

"Let me check, the doctor just went to check on another patient, but I can check the record if it's in the file." The nurse was not suspicious since Lea was with Ann earlier. She happily went to get the result they needed.     

As soon as the nurse turned around to look in the file, she exclaimed quietly.     

"Yes!" Lea told herself, then winked at Ronald.     

However, Ronald was sweating bullets while waiting for the nurse to come back with the result. His heart was beating a hundred miles per hour.     

" Are you sure this is going to work? what if we get caught?" Ronald was worried, and it showed on his face. He keeps wringing his sweaty hands and unable to stand still.     

Lea smiled sweetly and wink at him one more time.     

"Have faith in me for once, alright! I study acting too, you know." Bragging to Ronald, who's about to pee on his pants.     

The nurse went to the doctor's office, and when she came back, she had Ann's ultrasound result in a sealed envelope. She gladly hands it over to Lea, who was grinning from ear to ear.     

"I'm sorry! I do have to put it in a sealed envelope for privacy." The nurse explains to Ronald and Lea. Even though she knows that Lea was with Ann earlier, she still needs to protect the patient's privacy.     

"It's okay! Our tasks are to get a copy, that's all." Ronald replied quickly and took the envelope before the nurse changed her mind. Lea was dumbfounded by the way Ronald was acting.      

Once they had the document needed, she quickly grabbed Ronald's hand, and the two left as fast as possible to report back to the big boss.     

The two were running as if the devil was chasing them. They couldn't wait to get out of the hospital and to be on the way as far as they could.     


In the car on the way back to the office, Lea can't sit still. She's fidgeting and itching to open the envelope in her hand. 'If I peek, they would not know, right?' She's telling herself.     

"Don't even think about it!" Ronald growled with looks that could kill.     

Lea sheepishly smiles from being caught in the act. "I wasn't okay!"     

" I know that look and what you're thinking. If you don't want to live any longer, then go ahead.". Ronald warned her.     

"You're a party poop-er, you know that! You're supposed to be by my side, but it seems that I don't hold a candle to that man.". Lea pouted, then sulked the whole way through.     

The envelope made it safe into Jeff's hand without being tampered with.     


Jeff couldn't wait to open and read what was written on the document. He slowly rips off the seal and takes out the sheet of paper with a trembling hand. He read it word for word to make sure he doesn't miss anything important.     

After reading carefully, what he found out made him teary. He looks so out of it that he doesn't know if he should laugh or cry.      

 "Oh, my God! We're going to have a twin? How could it be possible." He whispered under his breath.     

Ronald is wondering why his boss suddenly becomes emotional; if only he's a mind reader.     

Jeff finally came to his senses and realized that Ronald had been staring at him the whole time. He felt a little embarrassed for the way he acted. He needed to remedy the entire situation. He needs to play it cool, show him who's the boss.     

"What are you still doing here? Is there something you want to know then ask?"     

"Sorry, boss! If you don't mind me asking, I also wanted to know what the result was that made you all smile by yourself. I only wanted to share your happiness." Ronald replies shyly, looking down at the ground.     

"I'm sorry, but you will have to wait until my wife tells me herself before I can share it with you. Just know that it's a piece of good news, alright!" Jeff then put the document into his drawer and locked it for precaution.     

The day went smoothly; Jeff couldn't wait for it to end. As soon as his schedules clear up, he rushes to leave so he can pick up his wife and take her out to dinner to celebrate.     


Ethan decided to pay Ann a visit after the birthday celebration. He has not seen or heard anything about her. The last time he saw her, she looked pale, and he's worried.     

"I'm only worried about my sister-in-law, he keeps telling himself." Hoping that if he keeps on repeating and calling her sister-in-law, sister-in-law. His heart will listen and accept the fact that she now belongs to another man, and that is his older brother.     

However, when he arrived. He was disappointed as usual.     

"CEO Go personally picked-up CEO Wen a couple of minutes ago." Said Ann's secretary.     

Ethan was too late, and his brother beat him again as usual.  There was nothing he could do be turned around and leave. He left with sadness in his eyes.     

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