I accidentally married a "CEO"

Muse & Model

Muse & Model

0Mr. C. Guided Ann to turn around and show everyone the full feature of the gown. Long train at the back, with a heart shape and a see-through.     

Fitted to the waist all the way up with also see-through sleeves. From afar, the transparent sleeve is unnoticeable. It gives the onlooker an idea that she's wearing a sleeveless gown.     

Mr. C. Asks Ann to turn around for the people to see the full view of the front. With her long legs that look like a million-dollar, men are salivating, while the woman is envious.     

"For my next collection, this young lady is my muse. Therefore, I want to ask her in front of everyone if she will honor my creation and be my model for the fashion show. What do you say?" Mr. C. Plastered a smile on his face waiting for her reply.     




"Please, say yes! You are the true heiress." The crowd was yelling at Ann, who's still unable to believe the word she heard. 'This person is the #1 sought Fashion designer in Asia. People from all over the world would die to be his Muse and Model if she's dreaming, she doesn't want to wake up.' Ann was thinking to herself.     

Before giving her answer, Ann looks at Jeff, then Lea. After seeing an agreement from both of them, she then proudly replied.     

"Mr. C. Thank you! It's my pleasure to accept your invitation." Ann replied proudly.     

"You all heard that, right? She accepted my request and offered; it's official we now have a verbal contract. You better not change your mind on me, or I can sue you." Mr. C. Jokingly told Ann over the microphone.     

"Here it is people, my Muse, and Model for my new collection, the future Mrs. CEO Jeff Go," Mr. C. Announces once more.     

"Oh! One more thing, I almost forgot." Mr. C. Took Ann's hand and looked into her eyes before asking. " My muse and model- will you give me the honor of creating your wedding gown? I have one in mind that's entirely you! Will you?" He asks once again.     

"Oh my, oh my, will you make me one too? I'm getting married soon." One of the guests yells.     

"How can you be getting married when you don't even have a boyfriend, hahaha!"     

"If Mr.C. is willing to create a wedding gown for me, I will marry the first person that comes to that door." She yells to the crowd.     

The father of the person that had been speaking all this time got up and spoke. "You all hear that my daughter said she would marry the first person that walks to that door. Let's see!"     

All the attention went to the father and daughter. Ann and Mr. C took the opportunity to get down from the podium. They bid each other goodbye and agreed to meet on certain days to finalize the deal.     

Jeff is concerned that Ann started to look pale again. She must be worn out with all this walking around. He needs to get her out of there before anything happens.     

"Grandfather, Mother, Ethan, we will go first. You know Ann's health. I'm afraid she's exhausted by the look on her face. " Jeff informs them of his plan before Ann gets close to them.     

Grandfather Go understood and nodded with an agreement. Ethan wasn't paying attention to Jeff; all his focus was on the woman coming in their direction. His sister-in-law.     

Jeff saw this and blocked Ethan's view of his wife as she came in their direction. "Sweetheart!" Jeff said it loud enough for Ethan to hear while reaching out to Ann.     

Ann, looking exhausted, went straight to Jeff's embrace and rested her head onto his shoulder.     

"Honey! Do you think we can have an early night? I don't think I can hold on much longer. My feet are aching; my head is splitting, what else, oh! I'm hungry." She said as while her head was buried into Jeff's embrace.     

Jeff turns his head to Ronald and Lea and orders them to get the car ready.     

Lea, who's still in the dreamland, finally wakes up after Ronald nudges her a couple of times. "Let's go! We need to get the card ready. We're leaving."     

"Alright! Give me a second. She then turned around and looked at Olivia straight in the face. "To answer your question as to who's the designer of Ann's gown, as you saw it with your own two eyes, is none other than the #1 Famous designer of Asia Mr. C.     

"Do you still think that he will create a gown for an old hug like you?" After saying it out loud for everyone to hear, Lea turns around and leaves as fast as she can, laughing at her deed. Lea knows she can get in trouble for what she did. However, she doesn't care as long as she can get even with the bitch.     

Lea was still laughing from what she did when she reached Ann and Jeff getting ready to board the car. "What are you so happy about that I can hear your laughter all the way here?" Ann curiously asks Lea.     

"Oh! It's nothing, I only thought of something funny on the way here, that all."     

Ann knows deep in her heart; her friend did something to defend her again. For many years, whenever someone tries to bully her, Lea's always to the rescue. 'She needed to do something for her in return.' Ann thought.     

"Jeff, are you sure it's alright for me to be his muse and model?" Ann asks Jeff, who's busy massaging and stroking the back of her neck.     

"If that's what you want to do, and it will make you happy; It's fine with me. My only concern is your health; I think it's best if you get a prenatal check-up asap. What do you think?"     

"Lea, please make an appointment for me to see a Gynecologist asap." She asks with a tired-looking face.     

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