I accidentally married a "CEO"

Who Are You?

Who Are You?

0Guests are speculating left and right. No one knows that they will soon find out.     

"Ladies and Gentleman, a word from our celebrant." The announcer informs everyone.     

Grandpa Go stood up and went to the podium to make the announcement.     

"Thank you! I'm thrilled to see that I am not forgotten yet." He said jokingly. " I will not make this announcement very long, but first I want to tell a little story. Hope you all endure for a short while." Grandpa Go is trying to lighten the atmosphere by making small talk.     

"The story I want to share with all of you is about my first love. Hahaha! Don't worry, and I'm not announcing that we will be tying the knot." He told them with a wide grin on his face.     

"I want to give you all a background before making the real announcement. Bare with me a little."     

Grandfather Go gave detail of his love story with Grandmother Tan. All guests were astonished to hear how sweet it is that they met again after so many years of separation.     

"To sum it up, after we met again and realized that our feeling for each other became less than what it was. And after marrying other people and falling in love with our partners in return. We are now good friends instead of lovers." Grandpa Go looks at Grandma Tan for approval to continue.     

Grandma Tan nodded and shyly smiled at the onlookers.     

"We agreed with our family to connect the dots with our descendants. That is how this announcement I'm about to make comes to light."     

"Both our children were married to other people already at the time when we met. Therefore we decided to match our grand-children instead. Hahaha!" Grandfather-Go laughs out loud for everyone to hear.     

"Jeff, Ann, will you both come to the podium."     

Jeff stood up proudly, took Ann's hand, and shook it to his arms. They slowly made their way to the podium.     

"Oh! I'm so jealous; I wish I can be in her shoes right now," One of the elite daughters spoke with envy.     

"Be jealous all you want, but even if you're on her shoes right now, if you don't have her look. You can forget about it. Hahaha!" Another banter.     

"I think so, too. That's why he did not choose the half-sister and pick this one. I would too if I'm on his shoes." One of the young men at the table interjects.     

" Here is my grandson, CEO Jeff, go and my soon to be grand-daughter-in-law CEO, Joanna Tan."     

"I'm officially announcing their engagement in front of everyone here tonight. The wedding will commence in a month. It will give you all ample time to prepare the gifts. Hahaha!"     

"STOP!" Everyone turned to look where the voice came from. What they saw astonished them, she looks almost identical to Ann, but that's all. Her demeanor way out of line. Her body and height don't even come close. One look, they already knew who she was...' Claudia' the half-sister.     

Sophia and Albert couldn't believe what they saw. "Claudia! what have you done?" Both said in unison.     

"What? What did I do wrong? Are you talking about my face? It's my face; I can do whatever I want." She loudly informs her parents.     

She walks toward the podium. Once she's right in front of Grandfather Go." Grandpa, It's me, Claudia. I'm back. You don't have to use her as my substitute; I'm here now." She was smiling as sweetly as she could.     

Grandfather Go looks at her straight in her eyes then tells her straight up. "Who are you? You must have lost a few screws from the accident to think that I'm using her as your substitute."     

"No! No, no, I'm the true heiress of Tan Corporation, she's not even a Tan, how can she be the fiancee from birth," Claudia argued with Grandpa Go.     

Jeff motioned to the Police, who were on standby waiting for Claudia to appear. They all started walking toward Claudia.     

Grandfather Go saw this and signaled to stop for a minute. They followed the order and standby, waiting for a signal.     

"Young lady, I think you are delusional to think that I will let my grandson marry a person like you even if you're the last descendant of Tan. Since you are here already, how about we let everyone know who you are." Grandpa Go sternly told Claudia.     

"Grandma Tan, CEO Tan, Mrs. Tan. Please, excuse this old man for airing this for the whole world to know."     

"Ladies and Gentleman, as to not put any doubt on your mind of the legitimacy of this union. Let me clear everything right now. This young lady who's claiming to be the heiress of Tan Corp. is Miss Claudia Tan" He then turns his attention to Ann, who's quietly standing next to her husband.     

"This here is Miss Joanna Wen-Tan, first daughter of CEO Albert Tan with Mrs. Sophia Tan. Therefore, as per agreement with Grandmother Tan, the first granddaughter will be my grandson Jeff's fiancee."     

"The news indicating Joanna stole what belonged to her half-sister is untrue. She's the rightful fiancee of my grandson from the beginning. Is that clear!"     

Claudia started panicking and about to grab Ann when." Miss Claudia Tan, will you please come with us." Officer Garcia with some backup.     

"Why do I have to come with you? No! Do you know who I am? You better get your hands off me." Claudia was trying to get free.     

Officer Garcia has no choice but to put handcuffs on Claudia. "You are under arrest for the attempted murder of CEO Tan and hiring assassins to kill other family members. You have the right to remain silent..."     

"Dad! Grandmother! Help me, please!" Claudia pleading and screaming while two woman officers holding both her arms and dragging her out of the ballroom. Followed by Officer Garcia reading her rights.     

Guests are all stunned only for a moment. Once they all get back to their senses, congratulations begin.     

The celebration continues as nothing happens.     

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