I accidentally married a "CEO"

She's Back!

She's Back!

0The anticipated 60th birthday celebration of Grandfather Go finally arrived. The venue was set at the Mega Hotel and Resort of Asia. Guests that were coming from other Countries would be staying at various Hotels owned by Mega World Intl. Group of Companies (MWIGC).     

Grandfather Go didn't want to make a big deal out of his birthday, but there was nothing he could do. Everyone who's anyone within the Country must be invited along with other well-known people from other countries where they have business ties.     

Well-known people around the Country were waiting anxiously to receive an invitation to the party. The party was to last for at least three days minimum, depending on how many people will attend.     

The P.R. the department of MWIGC was on toes; they could not make a mistake, or else the consequences were dire. "You! You, and you. Handle this matter, and you, you, you, take care of this one." The director of P.R. the department was sweating bullets at the moment.     

Sheets of paper which had the names of the guests were handed over to be sent invitations. Each name had a letter labeled on it from A to Z. A-list is the cream of the crop and priority. The category of importance went down depending on the association and relation with MWIGC.     

Grandfather Go's birthday event was only second to the Inauguration of the President of the Country.     

To be associated with MWIGC is everyone who's an anyone's dream come true.     


Olivia Wright was no exception; she had to have the best of everything. She could not let that woman 'Sophia Wen' outshine her no matter what the cost.     

Sophia Wen, as the 'Diva' of the Country, of course, had all Fashion designers fighting for her to wear their creations at the event. She was also thinking the same as Olivia; she would choose the best and most famous and known designer to create her evening gown, and that designer is none-other than [1]M.C.     

However, [1]M.C. had already been contacted by Jeff personally to design Ann's evening gown and wholeheartedly accepted. Therefore, Sophia had to choose the next one, which is [2]R.L., who had many other celebrities wearing his creation on the red carpet.     


The anticipated party began, people from all over the world arrived in bulk. The Country's International Airport had an issue accommodating all the private Jet's that were coming. Many flights had diverted to another nearby airport, and it made a lot of passengers unhappy. One of them was Claudia Tan, who had just returned.     

The whole country's security was on alert due to the event, which was more prominent than having a summit with all the dignitaries that had arrived.     


Lea was so excited about the party she couldn't stop talking non-stop, and it was driving Ann crazy. "Girlfriend, do you think when it's your wedding day, it will be as big as this? Gosh! I can imagine me wearing the Maid of Honor gown, being televised for the whole world to see."     

"Keep on dreaming; I might forget the whole thing. We are already married. This is just a show to let the whole world know. What's the big deal?" Ann is teased Lea, busting her dream bubbles     

"By the way, tonight, you will be escorted by your hunk of a man. Therefore, I'm not going to be a tag-along and will be accompanied by him. "Lea said nonchalantly.     

"Him? Who are you talking about? You mean Ronald?" Ann looked at Lea lost.     

"Yes! Him, what is wrong with me calling him? I like calling him...-him! Hahaha! "Lea teased Ann to lighten the atmosphere.     


Mega World International Group of Companies had reached the capacity of people waiting to be seen by Jeff. All representatives from various companies came to visit.     

Jeff had enough of it; he needed to get away as fast as he could. "Ronald, make excuses to all of-of them. I need to get a breather. I'm going to have lunch with my wife." He left through the private elevator to be inconspicuous.     

On the way to Tan Corporation, Jeff called his wife ahead of time.     

"Lea, I'm going out for lunch. Hold fort while I'm gone, alright!" Ann grabbed her purse and walked out the door without waiting for Lea to reply.     

"So! This is how it's going to be from now on; I'm holding the fort while you're having lunch with your hunk, I don't think so." Lea mumbled to herself.     

"Hello! What are you doing? Come and have lunch with me." She decided to call Ronald.     

"I'm sorry! I'm holding the fort while the big boss is out there having a breather. How about I come over tonight, oh! I forgot tonight is the start of the party celebration." Ronald tried to think of a way to soothe Lea.     

"Forget it; I'm going to be busy as well. What time are you going to pick me up?" Lea changed the subject. "You are going to be my escort, right?" She needed to make sure, or else someone will be in the doghouse.     

"Yes! Yes, I am your escort. I should be downstairs waiting for my princess before she knows it."     

"You better be! You don't know who you're messing with here." Lea bantered.     

"Alright! Take care; I'll see you later" Ronald was finally able to breathe easy, knowing she's not upset any longer.     

Lea; "Hmmm?"     


Jeff and Ann went to a nearby restaurant to have a quiet lunch. Jeff was busy catering to his wife's needs; Ann was doing the same thing. The couple was the envy of other nearby tables.     

Ann saw a figure that was so familiar and couldn't place it. However, the face looked like a young version of Sophia and more similar to hers. She was staring at the person when Jeff followed suit to look.     

The person saw them and walked towards them.     

"Hello! I'm back!"     

Jeff and Ann; "CLAUDIA!"     


A/N : [1] & [2} Google/Web     

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