I accidentally married a "CEO"

I Might Be Old, But I'm Not Senile!

I Might Be Old, But I'm Not Senile!

0Everyone was stunned by the way Jeff had exclaimed. They couldn't believe how adamant he was not to let them stay at his home.     

"Hell no! I already said they would not stay with us, and that's final." He did not hesitate to use force with his word to get across to Ethan.     

"Thank you, sister-in-law, but it's better if we stay with grandfathers or into another villa." Ethan declines politely to Ann, emphasizing the word sister-in-law.     

"Ethan Wright! What did you just call her? Sister-in-law, without batting an eye, are you crossing me? Didn't you hear what I told your brother? I'm not accepting her. Therefore, she's not your sister-in-law. Understood?"     

"Mother! Come on, enough already, alright! You're not helping the situation here. Let's get out of here and let the couple have peace, please!" Ethan pleaded to Olivia, who's not accepting the fact that Ann's is Jeff's future wife.     

While all this was happening, Ann started to feel nauseous and dizzy. She grabs hold onto Jeff for support when everything just went dark, then she collapses. Jeff catches Ann before she collapses and falls on the ground.     

Jeff realizes ahead of time that there's something amiss with his wife. Her complexion started to turn pale; she kept on rubbing the back of her neck. Ann gave out all indications that she's not feeling well.     

"Sweetheart! Ann..." He was stroking her face while trying to make her come to her senses. When that didn't work, Jeff hurriedly lifted Ann, carried her to the nearby couch, and laid her down.     

Ethan's first reaction was to catch Ann when he realizes that she's about to collapse. However, Jeff is much quicker than him, which is a good thing. If not, Ethan will never hear the end of it from his mother or his brother?     

A concern is showing on Ethan's face as he asks Jeff. "Shouldn't you call the family doctor? Is she alright? Aren't you concerned at all why she passed out like that?" He bombarded Jeff with questions like an AK-47 machine gun.     

"She's fine, Ann's a little anemic, it happens' once in a while," Jeff replied to Ethan's question.     

"How can you say that! She still hasn't come to her senses." Ethan has a terror look on his face.     

"Hahaha! Now I got it, why you needed to get married, this is unbelievable... unbelievable. Tsk...tsk... tsk... I'm right, aren't I?" Olivia's eyes are burning with malice.     

"Mother! Give it a break already. Can't you see that she's not well? You're attacking a person while passed out. That's great. You're really something." Ethan was glaring at Olivia now.     

"If you say that she's alright, then we will leave now to give you peace. Kindly bid our goodbye to our sister-in-law!" He said loud to Olivia's face, then grabs her to walk out of the study room.     

"Stop pulling, alright! I'm going...I'm going! " Olivia's yelling on the top of her lungs, but Ethan wasn't paying no mind to her at all.     

Once Olivia and Ethan inside the car on the way to grandpa's home, Olivia told Ethan her suspicions. " The reason your older brother did not call for the family doctor, it's because she's pregnant. It's normal for a pregnant woman to pass out once in a while."     

"Whether she is or she isn't, it's none of our business until they announce it to us. Mom, act like a mother, alright! I'm tired of your whining like a child whenever you don't get your way." Ethan shook his head and just stared out the window.     


"What do you mean they are on the way here? Who said that woman could step foot in my home?" Jeff was informing his grandfather over the phone.     

"Well! You can always turn them away, up to you. I'm just giving you a heads up, bye!" Jeff's chuckling after hanging up the phone. "Serves you right!" he mumbles.     

"Ron! Come here! Make sure that woman does not enter my house, you hear me! If she tries to call security and tell them to drag her out by..."     

"Drag who out by...what?" Olivia was walking in like a queen, followed by Ethan, who's still concerned about Ann.     

"I'm talking about you! And drag you out by your hair. Hmph!" Grandpa Go gave her a killer look.     

Ethan walks towards his grandfather, and shyly hugs him. "Hello! Grandfather! I'm sorry I was not able to visit you sooner. So that you know, there's not a day goes by that I did not think about you, though!"     

That's all grandpa Go needed to cool down. " You're here, and that's what matters! You're welcome to stay with me, but she cannot!" Pointing at Olivia with his pouty lips.     

"But, grandpa, we're only going to be here for a little while, couldn't you accommodate us, please!" Ethan tries his best to soothe his grandfather's anger towards his mother. " You know, mom cannot live without me. hehe!"     

However, grandfather Go is adamant that Olivia is not welcome to his home. "If you want to stay, you're welcome! Your mother needs to go." He told Ethan straight up without batting an eye.     

"Grandpa...Please! If you want me to spend time with you. let her stay as well, please!" Ethan keeps on trying.     

"Ethan, you go and settle in. You!" Pointing at Olivia, "Come with me to my study. We need to talk." Grandpa did not wait for her reply. He went ahead towards his study.     

Olivia didn't have a choice; she got up and followed the older man. Ethan was going to say something to his grandfather, but Olivia motioned to him to stop, and he did.     

Once they were inside the study, grandfather Go did not beat around the bushes. "You! If you don't want me to air out your dirty laundry in front of Ethan, you better leave. The sooner, the better."     

" Father-in-law..." Olivia was saying.     

"Stop! Do you think I didn't know that your Mafia-husband was the one who gave the order to kill my son?" I'm old, but not senile.     

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