I accidentally married a "CEO"

Who Said I Agree?

Who Said I Agree?

0While Jeff's household was celebrating the joyous occasion, on the other side of town in Ann's condominium, Lea prepared to seduce Ronald.     

She had prepared the dinner that was ruined the night before. This time, she did it all by herself; she followed the instructions to the dot.     

Ronald arrives on time; he brought a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolate with him. When Lea saw this, at first she was going to scold him for being old, but then she changed her mind.     

"Is that for me?" She put her sweetest smile she could come up with. "You didn't have to, but thank you anyway!"     

"It's nothing. It is all I can think of bringing." Ronald's forehead started sweating from nervousness.     

"Dinner is ready. Why don't you wash up first?" Lea tried to make him feel comfortable.     

Ronald did what Lea told her while in the bathroom. 'Stop it! Relax! She's not going to eat you alive.' He keeps on telling himself. The more he's trying to calm himself, the more his heart starts raising the past. *thump, thump, thump*     

No matter how hard he tries, his heartbeat won't calm down. He didn't have any choice; he cannot stay in the bathroom forever. He slowly opens the door, peeking to see where Lea is.     

When he didn't see Lea in the living room, he proceeded to the kitchen. There's no Lea either.     

"Where could she be?" He mumbles to himself as he hears something...     




Sounds of high heels were coming toward his direction. What Ronald saw after that made his jaw drop.     

Lea is wearing nothing but a thin red nighty, everything visible to the naked eye. Her beautiful body is glistening under light clothing. A red high heels on her feet which made her so... sexy. Ronald started salivating from what he's seeing.     

'I knew this would work.' Lea is smiling happily about her accomplishment.     

Lea slowly made her way to the kitchen. When she's almost facing Ronald, he suddenly spoke. "No offense, you're the most beautiful and sexy girl I have ever laid eyes on. But aren't you cold?" He asks     

Lea almost fell to the floor. 'What the heck is wrong with this man? Here I am almost, but naked right in front of him, and the only word that came out of his mouth is. Aren't I cold?''     

'That's It!' Lea was about to jump on him when...     

Ronald made his first move. He pulled her to his embrace, kissed her hard on her lips, then started showering her with kisses everywhere. Slowly but surely, they made it to the bedroom without them realizing it. They were both engrossed in their lovemaking.     

Lea helped Ronald out of his clothing. Not a minute pass, all items of clothing are on the floor. They are both butt naked.     

Ronald has to make sure before they go all the way. "No regrets?" He asks Lea in between kisses.     

"If I have a plan on regretting, do you think you will be in the horizontal position with me right now?" Lea replies to Ronald's question.     

That's all he needed to know. All the pent-up emotion he's been keeping now burst into flame. Ronald showed her all his talent in bed. [Which is not much.]     

Lea, on the other hand, is an expert when it comes to lovemaking. She taught him all she knows. Luckily Ronald is a smart man and learns pretty quickly. They end up eating each other rather than eating dinner together.     


The next day, Mega World Intl. Headquarters:     

Boss and assistant both have a bright smile on their faces when they walk into the building. All women pass by daydreaming and salivating.     

Once they reached Jeff's office's comfort, he started the list of things he wanted Ronald to handle asap. They needed to be careful not to ruin Ann's career in Entertainment. It's her dream, and he will make sure she achieves the highest.     

"Make an appointment for a photographer. We need one for the tabloids." Jeff looks into a file for a telephone number, handed it, Ronald to contact.     

"If you get a hold of her, pass me the phone, and I will speak with her," Jeff ordered.     

Once Jeff's finished giving Ronald instructions, he proceeded to call his grandfather.     

"Hello! Grandfather, it's Jeff. how are you?"     

"I'm fine. You?" Grandfather Go chuckles in the other line teasing him.     

"Have you contacted the other side of the family yet?"     

"Why should I?" Grandpa Go jokingly replied.     


"Alright! I got you; I'm on my way to the hospital now to speak with the Tan's. Once I finalized the date, I will let you know." Grandpa Go replied in a determined tone of voice.     

"Thank you! I want her to have a proper wedding. The sooner, the better." Jeff told his grandfather.     

"I understand, don't worry! Nothing and no one will stop this from happening. So stop worrying, alright!"     

"Alright! I trust you, grandfather, remember she's carrying your great-grandchild right now." Jeff is blackmailing his grandfather.     

"I know! I know and don't worry, I will not divulge it to the other side of the family. I will let you two do that. I'm not a party pooper, you know." Grandpa Go hangs up after that.     

' Lucky you, Grandma Tan didn't want to see that night, if now I would have already told her everything, hehe!' Grandfather Go mischievously laughs to himself.     

A minute later, Ronald came back with a sullen face. "She did not pick-up the call," He reported to Jeff.     

"It's fine. She would know sooner or later, especially when the news comes out about my impending wedding," Jeff told Ronald confidently.     


Grandpa Go arrives at the hospital with a big grin on his face. He can't wait to inform them of the happy union that will be happening soon between their family.     

Unfortunately, it is not what he expected to hear from the father of the bride.     

"What do you mean they will be getting married? Who said I'm letting my daughter marry into your family!" Exclaim Albert Tan with a scowl and a raised brows.     

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