I accidentally married a "CEO"

Twins!!! Twins!!!! Better Yet, Make It A Triplets.

Twins!!! Twins!!!! Better Yet, Make It A Triplets.

0"Oh! No!" Everyone screams at the same time when they see what's about to happen. The music suddenly stopped and Jeff and Ann who's dancing turned to look at the commotion.     

Jeff's eyes widened when he saw what's about to happen. Luckily the distance wasn't too far from the couple; Jeff was able to catch the desert before it fell into the ground. The whole scenario happened so quickly that everyone's heart stopped for a second.     

The Butler runs and helps the Chef get up. He couldn't stop apologizing to the couple. "I'm sorry! Young Master, I'm sorry! Young missus." He felt so remorseful thinking he ruined the magical moment.     

He then kneeled on the ground and continued asking for forgiveness.     

"Ann was momentarily stunned but able to recuperate in a heartbeat. She started laughing at them and the side of her stomach started hurting. "Oh! It's so funny; the way you dived and saved that dessert. It's unbelievable. Ouch! my stomach is hurting." She told Jeff, still laughing hard.     

Jeff forgot the proposal and the ring, he's concerned for the unborn child kicked in. "Where are you hurting? Here, here...Where?" He's so plastered that Ann continued laughing more. It even brought tears into her eyes. "No...no! I'm fine, I mean it's hurting from laughing too much, that's all."     

"Honey! That dessert that you saved is that good? You even disregard Chef's safety and dove for the dessert, that's why I thought it's hilarious." Awe transformed Ann's face.     

Jeff was about to say something then remember the Chef who's still kneeling. He turns to face the Chef. "Get up! Why are you kneeling there, there's no harm done, the dessert is safe, and so are you."     

Fear crossed the Chef's face; he forced a smile before getting up. " I'm sorry! I'm such a klutz and almost ruined the whole thing." Remorse was showing on his face.     

"Aya! What are you apologizing for, you did not ruin anything. As you can see..." Ann turns to take the dessert from Jeff's hand when she sees the ring on top. She stops for a moment.     

Everyone else stops breathing, waiting for Ann's reaction.     

"This..." Ann was pointing at the ring. "What's going on?" She looks at Jeff. The color drained out of his face, concern showing in his eyes. "Do you not like the desert?" He's doing his best to appear unaffected by her question.     

"Honey! Stop it! You know what I'm asking. I'm not talking about the desert; I'm talking about the..."     

Ann didn't get to finish her word; Jeff took the ring from the top of the desert. Right in front of everyone he kneels on one knee and looks up to her with the most loving eyes.     

He raised the ring in front of Ann while looking at her straight into her soul. "Sweetheart! Ann, my beautiful wife, the mother of my child, the love of my life. Will you do me the honor and marry me the second time?" Jeff asked her with all sincerity he can procure.     

Everyone looks at Ann with anticipation; time seems to have stopped. No one moved, holding their breath, waiting for Ann's reply.     

Ann's face turned scarlet; tears started forming in her eyes, then her lower lips trembled, she's emotionally unprepared for Jeff's declaration.     

"If you will have me, yes! I will marry you the second time, the third time, every time." She extended her left hand so Jeff could put the ring on her finger.     

Once Ann said yes! Everyone cheered and congratulated the couples once more. And the music started playing again.     

"Everyone, listen up. I want all of you to join us with this celebration, bring out the food and drinks." Jeff announced to the whole household.     

"But, I didn't make enough food for everyone." The Chef complained.     

"Hush! Don't worry about the food, let's all celebrate this joyous occasion, all we need is an open bar. Hahaha!" The Butler announced to everyone.     

Jeff's Mansion became lively, they all cheered and drank to their heart content.     

Ann couldn't help but be overwhelmed. "Honey! Please, make sure that all of this is recorded for our future children to watch alright!"     

"Sweetheart! You don't have to remind me; I have it recorded not just for our children but also us." Jeff's back hugging his wife and whispering into her ears.     

Jeff continued saying. "Every year we will watch this to commemorate this memorable day until the day we die."     

"How about we let everyone enjoy this celebration by themselves, let's get out of here. With us being here, everyone will not have as much fun." Ann told Jeff to be considerate of all the household help.     

"Ummm! Depends on what I would be getting in return." Jeff teased Ann.     

Ann teased him back, she purposely runs her hand on his lower-middle and then looks at him hungrily. She licks her lips first before saying anything. "Well! I didn't get to have my dessert yet, who knows..."     

That's all Jeff needed, he picked up his wife, carried her like a princess then left the party. Everyone cheers as they go. "Twins...Twins..."     

"If they keep it up, they might end up with a twins." The downstairs maid was telling everyone.     

"Where's your brain? What's made you think that's how the twin babies were made." The kitchen helper replied.     

The innocent maid retorted. " I don't care how the babies are made; I want them to have a twin. Hahaha!"     

"If they have a twin baby, that would be double happiness; you think the boss would give us another bonus?" The laundry girl asks with hope showing on her face.     

"If that's the case, why not ask for a triplet! Hahaha!" The Butler interjects, a little drunk already.     

The fun lasted all night, while the help was enjoying themselves and wishing for a twin or triplets.     

Meanwhile, upstairs in the master bedroom, Jeff and Ann work hard on making their wish come true.     

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