I accidentally married a "CEO"

Dinner Gone Bad...

Dinner Gone Bad...

0Ann and Lea went back to the office after visiting Mrs. V.P. They both had a puzzled-looking face when they arrived.     

Mrs. Lim, who's busy with other tasks, did not miss the look on their faces.     

" How did it go?" She asks Lea as they were walking by her desk.     

Lea forced a smile before replying. "It's alright; everything went as smooth as it should be."     

"Why do I get a feeling that there's more to it than what you're saying?" Mrs. Lim is persuadingLea to tell her what happened.     

"I just don't get it, Mrs. V.P. knew all along her husband had been cheating on her, and she accepted it as it was a standard norm in this country." Lea sighs after finishing her sentence.     

Mrs. Lim doesn't know how to reply; she continued listening like a good mother and then went back to her job after Lea aired out her grievance.     

Ann made herself busy as soon as she got back. She didn't want to dwell on what Mrs. VP told her. 'Jeff will never do that; he loves me too much.' She thought to try to ease her mind from worrying.     

The day went by quickly, and it's time to go home. Ann gave Lea a few pointers regarding Ronald's feelings towards her.     

Once Lea learned that Ronald also has feelings for her. She couldn't wait to go back home; she plans on seducing him tonight, one way or the other. 'Let see if you can still find a way to run away after seeing me with just my birthday suit.' "Hahaha!" She's so happy with her dirty thoughts.     


Everyone in Jeff's Mansion is excited about preparing for the big event. The Butler and the Chef are in harmony; they want everything to be perfect for their lovely couple.     

Mr. Butler called everyone for a brief meeting. "Gather up everyone! It is a once in a lifetime event, and it needs to be perfect. Nothing can go wrong, you all know what to do. We only have less than an hour before they come home. Take your rightful places, get to it!"     

"Yes, sir!" Everyone happily replied in unison. Once all details explained, they all went to finish their perspective task.     

The dinner is to take place out in the garden by the fountain. Lanterns are all lit up, surrounding the whole area — an orchestra playing a sweet melody not far away from where the proposal will take place. Lastly, the ring is to be set on top of the desert as part of the decoration. When queued by Jeff, the Chef will bring out his special dessert with the ring on top, that's when Jeff will make his proposal.     

The whole setting finally finishes and dinner prepares the garden setup. All that's missing are the couple. The anticipation is high from the entire household waiting for Jeff and Ann to arrive.     

"I can't wait to see young madam's reaction when she sees this." one of the maids said. "I know right! To be a part of this joyous event is enough for me to last a lifetime." Another maid replied with excitement showing on her face.     

The Butler who's standing not far away from the two shakes his head and smiles. 'Two innocent and naive girls, wait till you find your man and you find out that bed doesn't always smell like roses.' He thought.     

Jeff wanted everything to be perfect; he picked up his wife from Tan Corporation. When they were almost home, he stopped the car. "Sweetheart, will you do me a favor? Can I put a blindfold on you, I have a surprise waiting at home."     

"What kind of surprise?" Ann asks with excitement.     

"If I tell you, then it wouldn't be a surprise any longer." Jeff is looking at his wife mischievously.     

"I guess you're right, if you must, then put it on." She turns around so Jeff can put the blindfold on her.     

Finally, the car pulls up in the driveway where everyone lined up eagerly waiting for the car door to open. When they see Ann with a blindfold, everyone starts chuckling, especially the housemaids.     

They feel unsettled knowing what's about to unfold. The household help couldn't contain themselves seeing the young master so in love with his beautiful wife It's picture-perfect.     

Jeff helps Ann out of the car and guides her through the house towards the garden. The butler motioned the orchestra to start playing when they were getting closer. Ann hears music playing from a distance, sweet, mellow music; The soothing sounds can penetrate one's soul. Her heart is bursting with happiness even though she cannot see a thing through the blindfold.     

Once they reach the marked area, Jeff unbinds the blindfold for Ann to see. When she opens her eyes and sees the magnificent view, she's speechless. Her whole face lit up. " This is perfect; I can't believe all of this.' Tears started to form in my eyes.     

"Oh! Honey! This is so sweet." She tipped her toe and kissed Jeff soundly for everyone to see.     

The Butler whispered to the downstairs maid excitedly.     

"Go, go! Tell the Chef it's time to begin serving."     

The Orchestra started playing Ann's favorite song. Jeff got up from his chair. "Mrs. Go, may I have the pleasure of this dance?" Stretches his hand waiting for his wife to accept.     

Ann accepted Jeff's hand, and they danced to the tune of "To love you more" Everyone's watching had tears of joy in their eyes. The scene is so beautiful for anyone to see.     

The music is about to finish, Jeff motions to the Butler in secret to bring the dessert with the ring.     

"What? They haven't eaten their dinner yet?" The Chef now in a panic.     

"Boss wanted to propose first." The Butler replied.     

"Alright! Give me a second; I'll bring it out."     

The Chef was proudly carrying his masterpiece when he suddenly tripped, and the dessert went flying...     

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