I accidentally married a "CEO"

Only I Can Kiss Her Butt!

Only I Can Kiss Her Butt!

0"Ronald! turned the car around!" Jeff ordered with eyes full of ideas.     

Ronald was confused, but he has no choice but to comply with Jeff's order.     

"Why are you asking to turn the car around? Where are we going? Not back to Tan Corp., are we?" Ann, anxious now, her plan is being sabotaged by her husband. "Honey! Please! I must give him some pointers. The fisherman might not be able to reel in the fish." Ann begs Jeff, almost in tears.     

"What fisherman? Why does the fisherman need to reel the fish in? I don't understand what you're saying at all." Jeff scratches his head.     

"I already told you about my plan. The only thing left is for me to give him pointers so they can get together. You know what I mean!" She's unhappy now, and if Jeff doesn't change his mind, he might end up in the doghouse instead.     

Jeff pulled his wife to his embrace, then whispered. " I have a plan, and we will help them hook the line and sinker, not just reel the fish. Hahaha!" Kisses his wife on her forehead.     

"Why didn't you say so from the beginning. You had me worried there for a minute." Ann's lips quivered.     

Jeff kisses his wife's quivered lips and hugs her tightly.     

"Ah- Boss? Where are we going? You said turn around, and I did, but what do I do after?" Ronald was asked, very confused.     

"Go to the Condo! Change that, go to the closest supermarket and go grocery shopping." Jeff replied to Ronald's with eyes gleaming.     


They arrived at the Groceries Store — Jeff, who never shopped for food in his whole life, acting like it's a typical day for him.     

They took a cart and started strolling and looking around. People were staring at the couple, and some even took pictures.     

One person asks another. " Are they celebrities? They look like one. But I had never seen them on TV. So who are they?"     

"The man I know is the CEO of the Group that owns this place. The woman is the new Interim CEO of Tan Corporation. Why they are together could only mean one thing." The other person replied.     

"They are lovers," They said in unison.     

"We're lucky that we decided to get our lunch here today. Did you get a clear picture? Make sure to send me a copy, alright!" The other person said.     

The two bystanders were reporters from two different companies. They had been camping in the lobby of the hospital and unable to get any news. They were given an ultimatum by their superior already. And now, a significant scoop drop right in front of them without making an effort.     

The couple was having so much fun; they did not realize that they would be the headlines on that evening news.     

"Get that!" Ann was pointing, and Jeff was picking it up and putting it in their cart. Ronald and the bodyguards were following 5 feet away, so they didn't attract onlookers.     

Once they got everything they needed, they headed for the cashier. The cashier was amazed when she saw the two people in front of her. They are the cutest couple she has ever laid eyes on. Recognition dawned on her face. 'Ann Wen!'     

'The sweet girl that gave me an autograph during a commercial shoot at the mall.' The cashier thought and smiled to herself.     

She couldn't believe how lucky of her to meet her again. "Excuse me, Miss Wen, I hope it's not too much of me to ask, but may I have another picture with you? " The cashier asks before she even starts ringing the product.     

Ann was stunned for a moment that the cashier recognizes her celebrity status. She looks at her husband fear crosses her face. However, Jeff only nods to her with approval.     

"Sure!" Ann replied to the cashier blushing.     

The cashier was in seventh heaven after hearing Ann agree. She hurriedly took out her cell phone. Ready to take a selfie when Jeff spoke. "Ronald! come here!"     

Ronald rushes right to them while wondering what's going on. "Yes, boss! You called me?"     

"Come and take a picture!" He commanded Ronald with such authority. The cashier was dumbfounded and speechless.     

"Let me have your cell phone," Ronald asks the cashier.     

The cashier happily handed her phone and posed with Ann, ready for a picture. However, there's someone who wanted to be in the picture as well. Jeff stands next to Ann, like a male God statue.     

Ronald paused, unable to take the shot. "What are you doing? we don't have all day!" Jeff's asking.     

"O-oh! My apology, I didn't mean too." Ronald points the cell phone camera toward the trio. Just as he was ready to take the picture, Jeff grabbed Ann's face with his two hands and kissed her in front of many onlookers.     

'Announcing to the whole world that this woman belongs to me.'     

Ronald took more than one-shots. He sent copies to Lea and his phone before handing back the phone to the cashier.     

Onlookers that were passing by are now curious as to who these couples are.     

They need to get out of there quickly, or people will bombard them. Jeff told Ronald to complete the transaction, then ushered his wife out to the waiting car and drove off, leaving Ronald and the bodyguards to their device.     

Ann texted Ronald [ See you at the Condominium, stop somewhere and bring an extra apron.]     

[ How many extras should I bring?]     

[ Two small one and Two extra tall one] Ann replied.     

Ronald was able to decipher the meaning right away. All four of them will make the food.     

[ Your order is my command, boss lady!]     

Jeff saw the text; he asked Ann to hand him the phone.     

[Stop kissing my wife's 'butt!'] Then he followed with [Only! I am allowed to kiss that BUTT!]     

Ronald; "...."     


Please, check out my other story.  The title as follows:     

The Billionaire's Contracted Wife [English/Tagalog] Version.     

The President's Daughter: Tagalog version     

The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance [English}     

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.