I accidentally married a "CEO"

The Fish Was Hooked!

The Fish Was Hooked!

0Ronald was taking his coffee break when his cellphone started vibrating. He looks at the screen to see who called before answering. It's was Ann.     

" Hello!" Ronald responded curiously.     

"Ronald, it's Ann. How are you?"     

"I'm fine! Thank you for asking? Is there something I can help you with?" Ronald asked, but was thinking while waiting for her to reply. 'Why is she calling me instead of her husband, I wonder' He asked himself.     

"I have a favor to ask you. Are you available?" Ann is secretly looking at Lea to see what she was doing.     

"Depend on what you need my help with?" Curiosity was visible on his face.     

Ann was trying to think of how she was going to approach the subject.     

" You see... I don't know if you knew that I am now living at the Mansion and Lea's living by herself at the condo. I'm worried that she will be very lonely at night, and her old habit might start" 'Let see if you don't take the bait.' Ann thought.     

"Habit? What kind of habit?" Ronald is now worried that Lea might be doing drugs or something.     

Once again, Ann peeks at Lea, currently busy with some documents, before answering Ronald's question. "You see, back in the States, every time she gets lonely, she would go out clubbing and drink." She chuckled before continuing.     

" What I'm worried about is that after she gets drunk, she will blackout. If that happens and no one is with her; You never know what might happen." Ann finished her sentence with a sigh, and she made sure her voice sounds worried.     

Ronald is in a panic mode after hearing Ann. "So, what would you like me to do? I can go with her if you want, or-or, why don't you tell me and I will do it." His voice started to crack, and Ann can hear a concern by the sound of him.     

Ann continued with her mischievousness. "No-no! I don't want you to go with her clubbing; I thought that you should keep her company during night time, at least eat dinner, someone to chat, or watch movies, something like that; Nothing hard." Ann told Ronald nonchalantly.     

'Hahaha, I got you now, little sister. The fish is hooked; now it's up to you to reel it in.'     

Lea, still busy going through the daily reports, had no idea that her best friend had sold her.     

"I thought of something that she would love, and I assure you if you follow it through. Guaranteed to work one hundred, no, I take it back. Two hundred percent. What do you say?" Ann is anxiously waiting for Ronald's reply.     

'Something Lea would love? How should I answer? Should I go for it or let this chance go? What the heck, what do I have to lose? I might even gain something.'     

"I'm in! I'll do it. Tell me, what should I do?" Ronald happily replied.     

"How about you meet me for a coffee, and I will tell you all my plans. What do you think?"     

Ronald has no choice if he wants to know what her plan was, but first, he needs to inform the Big boss, or he might get into trouble if he finds out.     


Mega World Intl. Group Headquarters:     

Jeff was not happy when he heard from Ronald about the meeting for coffee. "What time are you supposed to meet?"     

"Boss lady said asap, but I figured I let know first." Ronald is watching Jeff's facial features for any sign of eating vinegar.     

"That's good, you know to inform me first, or you would have been dead if I found out later." Jeff did not play around with his words and told Ronald with a straight face.     

Ronald stands there quietly, barely breathing. Afraid to get his head cut-off by the King of possessiveness." Go and get the car ready. I'm going with you!" Jeff ordered Ronald with an unreadable look on his features.     

Ronald was finally able to breathe. He hurried up and left to ensure that his boss did not change his mind.     

They arrive at Tan Corporation within fifteen minutes. Ann was walking toward the building's front door with a couple of bodyguards following her ten feet away.     

Before Ann reaches the building's front door, two more bodyguards show up to walk five feet in front of her. "Excuse me! Both of you" She's speaking with the two bodyguards that recently joined to protect her.     

"You two don't need to come with us today; I don't need too many bodyguards. I'm starting to look like the First Lady of the Country." Ann is trying to joke around, but she's serious about not wanting to attract attention.     

"We are sorry! CEO Wen, but CEO Go, strictly ordered us not to leave your sight when you're going out of the building. We can't disobey his order, or we can get in big trouble." The bodyguard politically answered Ann without batting an eye.     

"Alright! Alright! I got you! Just be inconspicuous, please. I don't like attracting too much attention." Ann told the bodyguard and continued walking toward the front door.     

Jeff has a sullen look on his face. He bit his lower lips while looking at his wife with his brows drawn together.     

Ann backed up a little when he saw who's waiting for her inside the car's back seat. "Jeff, Go! what are you doing here?" Ann gave Ronald a glance with a questioning look.     

"Why? Am I not allowed to join the fun? " Jeff is sulking like a child.     

'This is not good. Why did he come? How can I tell Ronald to seduce my best friend with my approval? On top of that, how can I give him pointers on how to seduce her without him eating vinegar?' Ann went into the car and gave her husband the sweetest kiss she could come up with.     

While they were on the way to a cafe nearby, Ann decided to let Jeff in with her scheme.     

"Ronald! Turn the car around!"     

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