I accidentally married a "CEO"

Did You Missed Me?

Did You Missed Me?

0Jeff wanted to answer the facetime call from Ann. Unfortunately, he was afraid she would know from the background of the study room, that's he is home. He wanted to surprise her; therefore, he decided not to answer the call.     

Once he saw that the phone stopped buzzing, he picked it up and texted her instead.     

Jeff: [Hi! Sweetheart! Sorry, I can't face time right now.]     

Ann: [I Understand! I just wanted to tell you that I'm spending the night with my grandmother. I won't be able to talk to you later.]     

Jeff almost dropped his phone when he read the text.     

Jeff: [What do you mean?]     

Ann: [It's what I meant, I'm not at home. I'm with my grandmother and will spend the night with her.]     

Jeff did not reply anymore. He ran upstairs to pack some clothes.     

Ann checked if Jeff had read the message, and it showed that Jeff did.     

'But why is he not replying?' She waited for a minute before dialing his number. Just a voice call, not face time.     

Jeff answered in one ring, "Hello!" His voice sounded like he was flipping things all over the place and breathing hard.     

"Honey! What's going on? Why do you sound like you're trying to find something?" Ann was now curious.     

"Oh! Nothing, I'm looking for the dumb key." Jeff replied nonchalantly.     

"Why are you looking for a key at this hour, where are you going?"     

"You'll soon find out!" Jeff then hung up without saying goodbye.     

That did not go well with Ann; she doesn't like it when someone hangs up on her. And Jeff just did that.     

'Mr. Jeff Go! What are you up to now? Wait till you come back to this country, and you will get it.' Unknown to her that she will be seeing him very soon.     


Ann was taking a shower in the guest room when Jeff arrived. She had no idea that her anxious husband was at the door impatiently pushing the doorbell.     

A dumbfounded Butler opened the door to Jeff. "Good evening, CEO Go!"     

"Good evening!" Is all Jeff said, as he waited for the Butler to usher him into the house?     

"How may I help you, Sir?" The Butler asked with a tired, sleepy look in his eyes.     

"I'm here to see my wife. Where is she?" Jeff surveyed the surroundings.     

"Sir, if I'm not mistaken, you are not married to Miss Claudia yet. So, who is this person you're looking for now?" The Butler was now confused.     

"Never mind that!" Jeff pushed the door open and went inside like he owned the house.     

"CEO Go! CEO Go! Please! I need to announce to you, please! Wait a minute."     

"Ann! Ann! Where are you? Ann! Ann! Where are you?" Jeff was calling his wife's name almost in a whisper.     

'So! He's looking for the young Miss Wen and not Miss Claudia.' The Butler realized and pointed Jeff to the direction of' the guest room.     

Just as Jeff was heading to the guest room, Grandmother Tan walked out of her bedroom. "Oh! My Goodness! What are you doing here, Jeff? You scared me half to death. "     

"Good Evening, Grandmother In-law, I'm sorry to disturb you at this hour, but I just came back from my business trip and found I'm missing a wife." Jeff did not beat around the bush.     

"Wife? Who's your wife, and why are you looking for her here? Wait a minute! Wait a minute!" Suddenly, it dawned on Grandma Tan. Ann!     

"Jeff, come here for a minute and sit down with me." She grabbed the anxious Jeff to the living room.     

"Mr. Butler, please bring us some refreshment,  it seems this young man needs a cold drink right now." Grandma Tan ordered with a slight smile on her face.     

Jeff hesitated for a moment, but in the long run, he followed Grandma Tan without arguments.     

Once they were seated, Grandma Tan gave Jeff a once over before asking. "Explain this to me; you and my granddaughter are already married. Is that right?" Grandma Tan had a glowing look on her face.     

"Grandmother In-law, to be honest, it's a very long story, and one night is not enough. Moreover, I have dearly missed my wife and already waited all day. Can we do this over breakfast tomorrow?" Jeff told her straight face.     

Grandma Tan looked at the anxious Jeff and saw how much he misses his wife. She chuckled before answering, "Go! Go ahead! If you must, but you will tell me everything over breakfast, you promise!"     

Jeff got up and gave the old lady a quick hug. Like a child who was permitted to play, he went straight to the direction of the guest room.     

Jeff was almost at the door when he heard Grandmother Tan call; "You will need a key, let Mr. Butler get it for you. Just wait a minute." She told Jeff while shaking her head and chuckling at the same time.     

A minute later, the Butler came with the spare key for the guest room. He gave it to Jeff, bid him good night, then turned and walked away, chuckling as well.     

Jeff slowly unlocked the guest bedroom. He poked his head to see if Ann was already asleep. Once he saw the light still on, he knew she was not asleep yet.     

Once he got inside the bedroom, he heard the water running, 'Ann's taking a shower.' He thought.     

*Ding!* Jeff thought of something cheesy in his mind.     

He hurriedly took off all his clothes and went for the bathroom. He slowly opened the door to check if Ann was still in the shower. 'The coast is clear' He made his way to Ann, who was busy singing. Not realizing there's an intruder in the bathroom with her.     

Jeff slowly opened the showers' sliding door, hugged his wife from the back then whispered in her ear. "Did you miss me?"     

Ann was startled from what Jeff did, and she started hitting Jeff and screaming at the top of her lungs;     

"JEFF GO!!! YOU @#$&*)&^% you scared the shit out of me!" Then she hugged and kissed him back.     

"What are you doing here? I thought you were in Korea? When did you come back?" Ann bombarded Jeff with questions in between kisses.     

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