I accidentally married a "CEO"

Are You Not My Wife?

Are You Not My Wife?

0"Jeff, Go! What are you doing?" Terror overtook Ann's face as she glared at her husband then glanced up to the ceiling while shaking her head.  She couldn't believe what her husband was doing.     

"What? What did I say wrong? Are you or are you not my wife?" His expression hardened, a vein was about to pop out in his neck, and sadness clouded Jeff's features.     

"Well!.." Ann frowned, her cheeks turning pink with embarrassment; she looked at the direction of George Hao.     

George's face was indescribable after what he heard. Realization dawned on him, and the color drained out of his face; While Deep in his thoughts. 'CEO Jeff Go is Ann's husband, and I'm trying to mark his territory. What a joke! Here is a man that can trample the lowly me in a heartbeat without making an effort.'     

Lea and Ronald both had sparkles in their eyes, chuckling in secrets.     

"What did I say, it won't be long before our big boss Jeff mark's his territory and barks at anyone trying to covet what belongs to him. Hahaha!" Lea laughed out loud.     

"Hahaha! You are right one hundred percent. It seems you can read Jeff correctly." Ronald joined her laughter with sadness in his eyes. 'Why don't you try reading me instead of someone else's man?' He thought.     

George Hao still dumbfounded, excused himself, and left in a flash. He was still trying to comprehend what he had just learned; it was too much information for his weak heart to handle.     

'Now is not the time to ask for details, maybe another time when CEO Go is not around. I will find out then?' His forehead creased and eyebrows knitted, he sighed then continued towards the Marketing department.     

Once George was gone off-site, Ann scowled at Jeff for what he had divulged to poor George Hao.     

Looking at Jeff, a line appeared between her brows." What you did was uncalled for; you know that, right? You didn't have to give him a heart attack, you know. You could have introduced yourself without letting him know about our relationships that way."     

Jeff scratched his head, and sheepishly apologized, "I'm sorry! I happened to drink a gallon of vinegar once I saw him hugging you earlier."     

"What did you say?" Ann squeezed her eyes shut; it suddenly dawned on her that he has been spying on her. "Is it Lea?" Ann asked before turning to the direction where Lea and Ronald were trying to be inconspicuous.     

Jeff's eyes widened when he realized the mistake his done. He accidentally blurted out their secret. 'They are in trouble now! I better find a way to appease her anger before a bloodbath occurs.' "Oh! It's almost lunchtime!" Jeff quickly changed the subject.     

"Why don't we all go out and eat at this famous restaurant downtown. I heard they have your favorite food, what do you say?" Jeff's eyes bore into his wife, waiting eagerly for her answer.     

Ann raised a brow before glaring at him and stormed out of the room without replying.     

"Sweetheart! I'm sorry! I was not spying on you! I... Don't know what came over me, alright!" Jeff followed his wife, begging for forgiveness, not realizing he looked so out of place.     

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