I accidentally married a "CEO"

Who Care Who She Is!

Who Care Who She Is!

0The Vice President and his secretary were speechless. Who would have thought that a young woman, as such, could be the Interim CEO? Suddenly a thought came to the Vice President;     

"Where did you get the information that they were interns? Did you check with the Human resource, or you assumed?"     

"Well, I asked around if anyone had seen them come in today, and since I don't know their names, I could only give a description. They told me that two interns went to the Interim CEO's office, and when I saw them there...you know the rest." The secretary replied     

"Well, it's now too late to backtrack. Well, there's no turning back now, it already happened. "     

However, the Vice President was not ready to give up his position without a fight.     

"I don't care who she is; there's no way that a nobody like her who just popped out of nowhere, can get rid of me. Let's see who will be turning in their resignation after I'm finished," The Vice president told his Secretary.     

The Secretary embraced the Vice President happily. "I know you can do it. And if the worst comes to the worst, you can always get rid of her as you did with the CEO. Hahaha!"     

"Hmmm! Come to think of it, you're right! I can arrange for her demise just the same way I got rid of Albert Tan. Hahaha! You're smarter than me!"     


Ann had enough of all that was happening within the Tan Corporation. It was childish, and she has no time to play. What's important right now is to put the Company on track so she can go back to her career.     

George Hao followed them into Ann's office. Once they were inside, he couldn't help himself any longer and asked a question. "What was that all about? How did it come about that you became an intern? Why didn't you correct them when they were here in your office?" George rapidly asked questions back to back.     

"Wooh! Hold up! Slow down, one question at the time. Why don't you make your self-comfortable and we will talk, alright!" Ann smiled at him so sweetly, not realizing that it would create havoc in George's weak heart.     

'Please, stop smiling like that; I can only restrain myself for so long.' He kept telling himself.     

"By the way, I sent all the documents you had requested. If you don't mind my asking, Why do you need them?"     

"I'm doing an internal audit starting with the upper Management. I was asked by CEO Tan to look into this matter." Ann replied calmly.     

"I see! But what is your plan once you find something? Are you planning on restructuring or not sure yet?" He's wondering what Ann's plan was.     

"Right now, all I want is to check the financial status of the Corporation. How much cash flow we have, Overhead costs, etc. etc. Then I will consult with CEO Go what to do afterward."     

"CEO Go? Why would you need to consult him? What does Tan Corporation have to do with Mega International World Group? They are two different entities." George was now concerned that Ann would be working closely with a man like Jeff.     

"Well! Apart from being a shareholder, CEO Go has guaranteed his services to Tan Corporation while I'm the Interim CEO. That was part of the deal for the Board of Directors to accept me." Ann replied, sadly.     

"Why do I have a feeling that you're not happy about it? Do you not like CEO Go?" George asked, 'hoping that she doesn't like him.' Have you two met before? I saw his pictures in one of the Magazines, and he's a very handsome man."     

George was watching Ann's reaction to his question and comment. Unfortunately, Ann is an excellent poker player. He could not tell if she's bluffing or not just from looking at her beautiful face.     

Ann looked at George straight in the eye." I do know him, and it is not that I'm unhappy that his shadowing me, it's because of something else."     

The whole time Ann and George were having the conversation, Lea was doing a live feed to Ronald and Jeff, every bit of it without them knowing. 'Let's see what Mr. CEO thinks about this now. Hahaha!''     

"Well! If there's anything I can do to help, I mean anything. Just say the word, and I'm at your command. Your Highness!" He then bowed playfully.     

" Thank you! What I do appreciate is that you're with the Company. Knowing there's someone I can trust and ready to give me a hand, gives me a peace of mind." Ann then got up and hugged George Hao without malice, and he hugged her back in return, smiling to himself.     

Jeff, who was currently having a meeting with his employees, saw what was happening in Ann's office. Thanks' to Lea broadcasting the whole thing.     


Mega International World Group Headquarters:     

Jeff was quietly listening to someone giving the situation analysis with regards to M/V Serene's current situation. At the same time, he was watching everything through his cellphone without anyone knowing. Unfortunately, Jeff couldn't hear what they were talking about. He could not turn the volume for others would know what he's doing.     

"The Pirates had given their demand, Twenty-One Million USD in exchange for the lives of Twenty-One crew members. One Million for each person, and we must respond ASAP." The negotiator informed them.     

"That's a lot of money!" One person commented.     

"But the lives of the crew are all in danger if we don't cooperate." Another one responded.     

Jeff, who was too absorbed watching his wife's interaction with George Hao, suddenly spoke, "Give them what they want, prepare the money ASAP. Lives are at stake here, and payment needs to be made to ensure their safety. If there's nothing else? Meeting adjourned"     

"Ronald!!! Prepare the car we are going to Tan Corporation!" Jeff was now steaming and ready to kill whoever wanted to covet what belonged to him. And that person was George Hao. Thanks to Lea!     

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