I accidentally married a "CEO"

Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving Dinner

0Finally, everything ready, the table was set. Turkey in the middle of the table, cooked to perfection. Spiral Ham glazed with honey, mashed potato and gravy, some butter rolls and not but the least. Pecan pie, Apple pie and fruit salad for dessert. Mrs. Kuan is looking at the perfect table setting with tears of joy.     

" All right! Everyone, ready or not come and eat!" Lea was screaming on the top of her lung.     

The father and sons duo quickly got up and went to their respective places in the table. Jef and Ronald kind of lost where to seat, they stand and waited.     

" Honey, come to sit next to me here." Ann motioned to Jeff who's feeling awkward.     

"You! too, come and sit here." Lea is motioning to Ronald to sit next to her.     

Lucas: 'Hmm!'     

Lucas: 'Hmm!'     

Mr. and Mrs. Kuan: '...???; Giving Lea a warning look.     

Jeff and Ann: '...' Only cared about themselves.     

"Wait! If everyone doesn't mind, make I record this? " Ronald asked 'He needs to make a recording to show his Dad and to teach the Old man what family should be.'     

" Go ahead! Do what you must, but have a seat so we can start eating. Where starving." Logan and Lucas said in unison.     

Ronald got the queue and put his cellphone at the side recording the whole event.     

"Who would do the honor?" Mr. Kuan asked around     

"I'll do it." Ann volunteered     

"All right! let bow our heads and thank the Lord for this bounty that we're about to receive." Mrs. Kuan ordered everyone.     

Jeff and Ronald follow along with the flow. It's a new experience for them, to be in this kind of environment. They are taking in every bit of the happiness they are feeling at that moment.     

Ann gave all her attention to her husband, filled his plate with everything. "You should try this! This Turkey leg is my favorite part, but I will give it to you." Sweetly smiled to her husband looking stunned and lost for words.     

Jeff was engrossed in looking at his wife being attentive to his needs thinking; 'He never wanted it to end. He wanted this to last forever. And he will make sure that it lasts forever.'     

"Honey! Earth to my hubby!" Ann nudges Jeff who's in dreamland.     

When everyone heard it, they all chuckle over the scene between the CEO and his beloved wife.     


After dinner, the guys went back to the living room to continue watching the Football games. Jeff and Ronald just followed like a puppy.     

The three ladies cleaned up after. Once they finished, they joined the men in the living room for more festivities.     

"Guy's this is too boring! How about we go to the strip and walk around. I need to get rid of all these carbs I just consumed. " Lea announced to everyone     

Everyone looked at each other and decided to agree with Lea's suggestion.     

" Good! I want to go the Casino and bet anyhow. And I know your Mother is itching to play the slot machine. Let's go!" Mr. Kuan told everyone.     

Ann looked at her husband reaction first before getting up and whispering to his ears; " Don't worry sweetheart, there's this saying. When in Rome, do what Roman's does. and What happen in Vegas, stays in Vegas." Kissed him lightly then coax him to get up.     

Jeff only cares is his wife's happiness. What she says goes nothing else matter.     

"Let's go my puppy! Let me show you the rope. Now you will have on hand experience what resident of Las Vegas do on time like this. " Lea teased Ronald who's been recording everything that's happening.     

Ronald called a Limousine to pick them up instead of driving to the strip. The Kuan's are stunned when a "Hummer" type of limousine arrived. Jeff just smiled without saying a word nor acting arrogant.     

The limousine drops them off at Mega International Hotel and Casino. They were once again stunned when they embarked from the limo and entered the Hotel. Every employee they came across greeted Jeff with respect.     

Jeff whispered something to Ronald who then left in a hurry.     

" Is he a High Roller?" Lucas asked Lea     

" No! I think he owns this Casino the way the employees greeting him." Logan intervene.     

Ann and Lea just smiled at each other and continued strolling, following Jeff who's walking like a God with all his disciples following him.     

The Kuan's treated like a Royalty, Ronald came back with racks of chips handed it to the twin brothers along with Mr. and Mrs. Kuan. Then urged them to play table games.     

They don't want to accept at first, but Ann, Jeff, Ronald and Lea urged them. In the end, they happily agreed and went on their way leaving the four to themselves.     

The four decided to chill and went to the bar where an Asian Band is playing. The night went by fast, Ann and Jeff said their goodnight to Lea and Rolan. Went up to their room to start making little Ann and little Jeff.     


Time to say goodbye to the Kuan's. Ronald finally gave his parting gifts. He got Mrs. Kuan an Electric Mahjong Table. He got the twin and Mr. Kuan a Season tickets to their favorite Football team. Ann, Jeff, and Lea all gave them an envelope full of cash. They waited until they were in the car and ready to go before they hand it over. Afraid they will not accept it if they know.     

They said their goodbyes and left, boarded Mega International Group private Jet and flew back to Asia.     

" Sweetheart! when we have kid's can we bring them there for every Holiday?" Jeff asked Ann.     

Ann smiled to Jeff, looked him straight in his eyes before saying; " Whatever my husband wants is what I will do! If you don't mind spending your Holidays with the Kuan's, so be it." Ann snuggles to Jeff, still a long flight back to Asia.     

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