I accidentally married a "CEO"

Pretty Woman

Pretty Woman

0Ann contacted Sophia to inform her of their plan and to assure her that they will be back in time. After the conversation, she made the preparation. They will be traveling light since they plan to go on a shopping spree.     

Jeff and Ronald had to go back to the mansion to get some necessities for the trip. Ronald prepared a memo to send to all of the head department of Mega Intl. Groups in case an emergency occurs while they are out of the Country. Employees at the Mega Headquarters already used to it. For the past four years, they received this type of memo a hundred times.     


" It's surreal; I'm flying back to spend Thanksgiving day with my family. I'm seating not in a first class cabin, but a Mega class! Hahaha!" Lea was cracking a joke to the now very nervous Ronald.     

In the private cabin of the Jet, Ann and Jeff are snuggling comfortably not a care in the world.     

After a long 17 hours flight, they arrived in Las Vegas International Airport. After getting clearance from the Custom, they head out to the car that was already waiting for them to take them straight to Mega International Hotel and Casino.     

" Ann, since we arrived a day early, after doing our shopping spree, how about we watch your Idol show tonight. I'm sure a handsome man here can get us a ticket." Lea was pointing with her perked-up lips to Ronald.     

" Do you want to see her show? or are you tired and want to rest afterward?" Jeff asks Ann in his embrace looking worn out from the long flight.     

" Yes!-oh-Yes! I would love to go see her show, I'm not tired see." stretching and flexing her muscle after wiggling out of Jeff's embrace.     

' God! she so innocent, if it comes to her Idol, I think she will forget that I even exist.' Jeff is now eating vinegar.     

They arrive at the Hotel without a hitch. The Manager has everything prepared in advance before their arrival. Ronald also informs him that the Missus is accompanying the Boss.     

Everyone who's anyone within the Hotel want's to get a glimpse of the only woman that was able to capture their CEO.     

Asian style, all the heads of every department waiting by the entrance of the Hotel to welcome them.     

As they were approaching the entrance, Ann and Lea saw them; " Jeff, are all those people waiting to welcome you?" Ann asked feeling uncomfortable.     

"Why? Do you have an issue with them welcoming us?"     

" Is not an issue, what if there's a reporter around? You don't want Grandpa Go getting a heart attack, do you? It will shorten our time here." Ann tries to joke.     

"She's right you know! one picture in the news and your secret love affair will be known to the whole world." Lea's jokingly said with concern showing in her eyes.     

"Ronald who's quietly sitting and deep in his thought ordered the driver to take them to the nearest rent a car place. They need to arrive incognito; he has a plan of how they are going to go about it.     

Ronald plan works, they made it in the haven of their rooms.     

After changing to a simple dress not look too conspicuous, they head out to do the shopping spree.     

" Wow! I feel like I'm in the movie Pretty Woman. The scene when Edward took Vivian shopping after being mistreated by the sales ladies. One exception is me 'Kit de Luca' is also getting pampered. Hahaha! " Lea's almost in tears with happiness.     

"Hahaha!" Ann started laughing as well, after thinking of what Lea said. She couldn't help herself from laughing at loud. Jeff who's acting like the Edward in the movie, look all confused. [He never saw that movie]     

All shopping done, they bought anything to everything they like without hesitation. Not when money bag [Jeff] is with them. Even Ronald was able to get some gifts that he plans on giving to Lea's parents when they visit on Thanksgiving day.     

Ann and Lea went to the spa to get pampered while Jeff and Ronald checked on the situation within the Hotel.     

" Ann, can you pinch me? Hard ok!" Lea was asking seriously. "I still can't believe that the man you married accidentally four years ago will fall for you? What type of love potion did you give him? I need some. hehe!" Lea was extending her hand toward Ann.     

"You're losing it, girl, I think you have been without a man for too long. Come to think of it. What do you think of Ronald?" Looks at Lea blushing, Ann already knows the answer.     

" I have an Idea, why don't you call hubby, tell him that you will meet him by the bar later and go from there to the show. I want to re-enact the scene when Vivian shows up so beautiful, and Edward couldn't take his eyes off her. What do you think? come-on just for fun ok!" Lea is urging her friend to play out her fantasy.     

Ann: " Hmmm?"     

"Come on girlfriend, just this one ok! work with me here!" Lea keeps on begging like a little child wanting some ice cream.     

" What do I get if I go along with you?" Ann's now teasing Lea.     

"What would you get? You will get Heaven and Earth, a Ying and Yang and the whole world beneath you." Lea said confidently.     

" Well, you made it sounds enticing. Ok! I will do it. What do we need to do?" Ann excitedly agreed.     

" Leave it to me your Highness, tonight you will become Vivian who made Edward hopelessly in love with her." Lea makes the arrangement.     

Ann texted Jeff instead of calling him. [ Honey! I have a surprise for you tonight, instead of going together from our room, I will meet you at the Hotel bar and will go from there ok! Oh, by the way, make sure you wear a tuxedo!]     

Jeff: '...?'     

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