I accidentally married a "CEO"

Investigating the Incident

Investigating the Incident

0Jeff was about to reply to his grandfathers' question. Suddenly Sophia interrupted them; " Grandpa Go, CEO Go, I would appreciate if you all can continue your discussion in the VIP waiting room. The yelling and tension are not good for the patients. " Sophia said it with a straight face.     

"I'm sorry! I got too excited and did not pay attention with my manner. You are right! Patients room are not the place to have this kind of conversation. It will distress the atmosphere." He got up and motioned to Ann and Jeff.     

"You two! Follow me, and don't even think about bailing out. An answer I will receive today, not tomorrow; Understand!" He told them growling and slowly made his way to the VIP waiting room with the help of his assistant.     

Ann gave Jeff a meaningful look. His Grandfather is adamant to know the truth about her. 'Let see how you will respond to your grandfather on this one.' Ann sardonically smiled to herself.     

The couple followed Grandpa Go to the other room. When they opened the door, a Police officer was about to knock.     

"I'm sorry! I'm Officer Gomez, from the crime prevention unit. I'm here to speak with the family of the victim; Would that be you, sir!" Looking at Grandpa Go.     

"No... No.! it's not me; It's that lady over there!" Pointing at Sophia's direction eagerly.     

" Hello! Mam, I'm sorry to bother you, but we need to have a few questions in regards to the incident that Ms. Tan was involved?     

" Is this a private inquisition or can we stay? We also needed to know." Grandpa Go intervenes, forgetting about the couple at the moment.     

Jeff and Ann looked at each other relief can be seen on their face. ' Thank God for this Officer; I don't want to add you to the people lying in this hospital Grandpa.' Jeff squish his wife's hand while in deep thought. Continued listening what Officer Gomez was saying.     

"No' is not a private matter at all, we are investigating the two incident. The one CEO Tan was involved and Ms. Tan's assassination attempt. We have ordered from the higher up to make sure we find the culprit." Officer Gomez explained to everyone.     

" That's good! Then I will stick around, and I might be of help." Grandpa Go slowly made his way to the sofa he was sitting before.     

"I think it's better if we all move to the waiting room. It's too crowded here, and also the patients is still recuperating." Sophia got up and started ushering them toward the other room.     

Everyone followed, leaving only the two patients that are sound asleep.     

Unknown to everyone, Mr. Tan heard every word of their conversation, so as Grandma Tan.     

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