I accidentally married a "CEO"

Interim CEO

Interim CEO

0"This is unbelievable! First, it's CEO Tan, now it's Ms. Tan. There's something fishy here!" Another member comment while looking at Sophia's and the Elder Tan direction.     

" What are you insinuating here? You better watch what you said!" Elder Tan is now upset.     

" Gentlemen! If you excuse us for a moment, we have a personal matter to discuss among us." Sophia told everyone with a sullen look on her face. Waited for everyone to leave the room.     

She motioned to Ann, then sat back down, legs still shaking from the news she just heard. ' No matter how much she hated Claudia, she never wished for her to get into this situation. On the other hand, she remembers that she's the one supposed to be riding that car. The actual target is her, not Claudia. Who could have arranged such a thing?' Sophia is now scared.     

Ann did not sit down, instead went to Jeff and whispered; "Hon! can we talk privately?" She touched Jeff hand secretly while asking.     

Jeff felt how cold his wife's hand and saw her body shivering.     

They went to the adjoining meeting room. As soon as the door closed, Jeff embraced his wife to calm her down. "Ssh! stay still, your shaking." He whispered to her ears while caressing her back.     

" Don't worry! Everything will be fine ok! We will proceed to appoint you then we will go straight to the Hospital ok!" He told Ann lovingly.     

" This is scary Jeff; first it's my Father, now it's Claudia. Who's next? My Mother? Come to think of it, my Mother supposed to take that car. Could it be that the original target was her?" Ann couldn't believe it. But the evidence is clear.     

"Let just get this over with and will go from there all right!" He gave his wife a lingering kiss on her red lips, then ushered her back to the meeting.     

The recent information dumbfounded everyone in the room. However, all the Board members only care about their shares, who cares about who's going to take over. As long as the CEO of Mega Intl. Group promised to help, that's all that matter.     

Claudia's accident became history in a matter of minutes. Like it never happened at all.     

Elder Tan open the forum; " Our agenda for today is to elect an Interim CEO for Tan Corp. We have here is Mrs. Tan's relative who had flown from America to take the position. I will let her introduce herself to all of you." Elder Tan finished his speech.     

"No introduction needed. Let start the voting!" A member yelled out     

Sophia "...?"     

Ann: " Huh!"     

Jeff: "Huh!...?" ' Greedy bastard!'     

"Let do the voting; we don't have all day. We had been seating her all morning, and we are all hungry. Don't we?" One member asked everyone.     

" Voting will now begin, Ye! or Ne! " Elder Tan announce.     

"Yes!" "Yes!" "Yes!" X 10: Everyone yelled in order.     

The voting ended unanimously. Every single members of the board elected Ann as the Interim CEO without asking any question, nor introduction. All that matter for the Board members is CEO Jeff who's going to be behind the person that will be elected.     

Ann became the new Interim CEO without a hitch. Which elated her husband to the max.     



Claudia is in surgery and critical condition. The damage she sustained from the accident is grave. There's a possibility that she might become vegetative due to the injury to her head.     

When Grandma Tan found out about the accident, she couldn't handle it and had a heart attack in the process.     

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