I accidentally married a "CEO"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

0Claudia walked out of the hospital with a big grin on her face. "Wait and see who comes on the top after today; everything belongs to me. I'm the rightful heiress. I will get rid of who anyone comes in my way!" She mumbles as she walked out of the door.     

However, there was something wrong when she arrives where her car was supposed to be waiting.      

"What do mean my driver left? Are you sure? Did he say why?" Claudia was speaking to Sophia's driver, frantically.     

"Yes, Miss! He informs me that he needed to put gas in the car and get a bite to eat. He should be back right away." Sophia's driver replied.     

Claudia wasn't' too happy to hear that, and there's no way that she would wait. She needed to be ahead of Sophia and Joanna. She cannot take a chance. She had an idea...     

"You take me then! Mother can take my car in return. I need to be ahead of them in the venue. I cannot be late." She said angrily and impatiently.     

"But... Miss Tan, I would get in trouble if I leave without letting Ma'am Sophia know. May I call her first and ask?"      

"It's alright! Mother plan on staying with my father and sent me to handle the board meeting. So, no need for you to call her. What?! You don't believe me?" She was shooting dagger to the man as she spoke, who would not be intimidated.     

The driver did not have any choice. He got in the car and drove off with Claudia in the backseat of the vehicle.     


Meanwhile, Sophia embraced her mother-in-law and quietly whispered to her ear. "Whatever you might be thinking; the answer is yes!"     

She then turned her head toward Ann, motioned and said; "Let's go! It's Showtime."     

Ann gave the old lady a nod, said her goodbye and followed Sophia out of the Hospital.     

The two were stunned to find out that sneaky and cunning Claudia had taken off with the car.      

"What do you mean Claudia took off in my car?" Sophia asked the Security Guard, who was scratching his head, not knowing what to reply.     

"That bitch!" Sophia snarled. "Edna! Go get us another car and make it quick!" She ordered.     

"Mrs. Tan, if you don't mind riding with us, we have space in the car?" Lea offered while looking at Ann for approval.     

"Yes! Mother, do ride with us, it will save us time. You might be late if you have to wait for the driver to get another car." Ann was coaxing Sophia to agree.     

"If you have no issue with me riding in the same car as you, I would love too!" Sophia replied happily.     

Edna, who was quietly observing everything that's happening, smiled to herself; followed along and got in the car with the three ladies.     


Board meeting venue:     

"What do you mean the meeting is on hold?" One of the Board members exclaimed.     

"We understand that CEO Tan's health is critical; however, our lively hood is at stake as well. We cannot wait. We must begin at the indicated time!" Another board member said intensely.     

"Now-Now-Now! Calm down, everyone! What's another 30 minutes, they are already on their way here? Moreover, CEO Go has guaranteed you all already that the Company will not go down. He will be helping the person that will become Interim CEO." Elder Tan was trying to calm the members of the board.     

"Let's wait and be patient all right! Bickering will not help the matter at hand." Elder Tan said, desperately.     

"All right!" Everyone agreed in unison.     

"This girl better be as good as Mrs. Tan made her out to be if I'm to convince this whole bunch of money-hungry Board members. I have to give them something exceptional in return." Elder Tan was mumbles to himself while waiting.     


Claudia was ahead of the four ladies on the road to the venue. Ann's car was following behind not too far away. At the same time, Sophia and Ann were conversing how the plan should proceed, making sure there were no loopholes. They cannot take a chance with Claudia messing everything up.     

In the next lane, a motorcycle with a rider and a driver with a helmet on were seen going the same directions as the two cars. From the way the driver of the motorcycle speeding and getting closer to the one of the vehicle, it seems that they are planning something...     

The stoplight turned red, and the cars come to a full stop. Suddenly, the motorcycle became side by side with the vehicle, and the rider pulled what looks like a Semi-Automatic Nine-millimeter pistol.     

The rider pointed it toward the car in the other lane then...- " BANG! BANG! BANG!"     

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