7 Path of the Lilies

Coincidental Meeting

Coincidental Meeting

0To say that the dining room was crowded would be an understatement. It was practically filled with people that Ye Jiao was speechless. There didn't seem to be any room left for the two of them to slip in. Wherever she looked, she would see a sea of people.     

"Qin Zheng… where should we go?"     

"You should call me brother," Qin Zheng corrected her. "Also, do not utter my name so loudly in the public."     

"Alright, Brother Qin?"     

"Not my surname too."     

Internally, Ye Jiao rolled her eyes in displeasure. She quickly thought of another way of calling before trying again "Zheng Ge?"     

"Yes, Jiao'er?"     

"Will that do?"     


Qin Zheng paid no heed to the girl that was about to sigh again. He walked to the servant and showed a silver coin. "Is there any better room for the restaurant aside from this one?"     

The servant beamed. "There's the second room, but it's only for VIP quests. To enter the second room, you have to pay 5 silvers. Also, there's the VIP rooms on the third floor if you're interested."     

"The second floor will do."     

After Qin Zheng paid another five silvers, the servant was happy and brought them to the second floor without delay. He made sure that the sea of people didn't block their way until they reached the designated place.     

Ye Jiao followed without making any noise. She was speechless when she saw the partially empty second floor. Compared to the hell on the first floor, this place has much more space. If one thought about it, there was no doubt that it must be because of the fact that people have to pay to enter this place.     

Not everyone can spend five silvers without batting an eyelid like the two of them.     

"Here's the menu. You can take your time to look at them."     

Taking the menu pages, Ye Jiao almost vomited blood when she saw the prices. They were at least five times more expensive compared to the ones at the first floor. Internally, she sighed at how the owner of this place made a fortune. The cost of the ingredients shouldn't have reached this height!     

"Jiao'er, what do you want?"     

"I'll have fried fish, fried rice, meat dumpling…"     

When Ye Jiao listed out her order, Qin Zheng arched his eyebrows. He knew that she had a big appetite considering how big the meat this little lass ate every day, but this was the first time he saw her order this many. Previously, she was still holding back and just ordered what was necessary in the inn.     

"I'll have the same," Qin Zheng said after Ye Jiao had finished.     

"Alright, I'll be right back," the servant smiled widely when the two of them settled their order. He was sure that the owner would be pleased because there were two big eaters in this place.     

Ye Jiao passed a glance at Qin Zheng after the servant had left. "You can eat that much?"     

"It's not hard to eat that much if you're already Eon Energy Master," Qin Zheng said unhurriedly. "Food is one of the sources to gain Eon Energy and the higher the quality of the ingredients, the more Eon Energy that you can gain from them."     

Recalling the difference between meat from beast rank 1, 2, and 3, Ye Jiao understood what Qin Zheng said. The higher the rank of the beast, the more Eon Energy inside their meat. Obviously those who were already Eon Energy Master would find the one with more Eon Energy far tastier.     

Even she herself couldn't really bring herself to eat the meat of beast rank 1 anymore after eating a lot of meat from beast rank 2 unless she had to. It didn't taste that good anymore.     

"I see."     

As the two of them waited for more people to come, Ye Jiao noticed a group of people entered the second floor. Several servants were guiding them with the utmost respect. Ye Jiao even wondered if those servants would lower their head to the ground considering how they acted.     

"This way, Your Majesty."     

Your Majesty?     

Ye Jiao's interest piqued up instantly. She looked at the man leading the group. It was a tall man with gray and silver hair with a large beard. He wore a purple robe with some gold and silver decoration all around it. Just one look would be enough to tell that this person must be someone of high status in this kingdom.     

Behind the man, there were several other people following after them. There were several young men and even teenagers aside from the guards and the servants. Some of them have faint silver on their head, which was a mark of the imperial family in Chi Kingdom. The entourage alone was enough to fill a large room with people.     

Her eyes caught on the sight of a 13 years old boy with the brightest silver hair among all of them.     

'Senior Qi Huan.'     

Ye Jiao didn't expect to see her senior in this place after bidding her farewell just a few days ago. It seemed that he truly returned back to Chi Kingdom because of the matter of the lake.     

Qi Huan also saw Ye Jiao, but he acted like he didn't see anything. Their relationship was kept a secret from other people because of their special master and job. It would do them no good if people learned that the prince with the highest status in Chi Kingdom was actually an assassin.     

"Jiao'er, do not look at them directly," Qin Zheng warned.     

"Ah, sorry."     

It was impolite to look at someone directly, so Ye Jiao averted her eyes. She might not know much about etiquette, but even someone like her knew that it was impolite to stare at other people. It didn't even take a genius to understand that.     

Some people bowed down to the king when he passed. Only those who didn't belong to Chi Kingdom didn't have any intention of greeting him like that. After all, they belonged to another kingdom and certainly would only do basic courtesy and give way to him. They respected him, but they would not bow down.     

As the entourage headed to the third floor, the food arrived for Ye Jiao, so she started to eat. This time she had no choice but to eat slowly since Qin Zheng was practically glaring at her, reminding her to mind her etiquette.     

"The lake is the place for…."     

People around her talked with one another and Ye Jiao paid more attention to them as she knew that it would help them in searching for more information regarding the lake and the place in general.     

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