7 Path of the Lilies

Larger Chain Reaction than Expected (2)

Larger Chain Reaction than Expected (2)

0She paused for a moment and gathered her Eon Energy as she looked at Su Lian with despair. "You have taken everything away from me, so now, I'll do the same to you."     

"You-! What do you think you're doing?" Su Lian's eyes flashed in alarm. She knew that Su Daji might do something crazy if she was cornered, so she tried to make this woman calmer. "You can't touch my children or myself or Wei Shang will never forgive you!"     

"Indeed, he'll never forgive me," Su Daji chuckled. Her eyes landed on her cousin. "You love yourself more than anyone, so you shouldn't have realized that he will never care for you. Besides, even if he never forgives me, I don't care. I never loved nor care for him. It was all just for power and position."     

Right now, Su Daji no longer cared for anything. For her, there was no more hope to get what she wanted. Rather than worrying about her future, she just wished to bring down her enemies with her!     

As soon as she said that, Su Daji activated her Eon Energy. She dashed to Su Lian's side in a mere second and her hand was holding a long sword.     


Su Lian was not fond of weapon, but she still could use one. Most of the time, it was unneeded though, as she could use her fist to smash through her way. With Su Daji relied on her speed, she swiftly moved her body away from Su Lian's attack and used her sword from all directions to attack Su Lian.     


The voice of a young girl startled Su Lian. She quickly roared. "Wei Mi, get away from here!"     

Su Daji didn't have any plan to attack the young girl, but she swiftly moved to Wei Mi's direction. A guard blocked her way, but Su Daji already moved from her position and headed to the young girl. Her sword moved at lightning speed. Before the guard could reach her, her sword made the slashing movements.     

Slash! Swish!     

In the next second, she moved to another side and jumped to the nearby well. Ignoring the cry and wail of the young girl, Su Daji launched another attack and directly killed the guard who blocked her way.     

"SU DAJI! YOU'RE INSANE!" Su Lian roared in anger. These children were those whom Wei Shang loved because of their talent. Hurting them would be equal on making enemies out of the Wei Family.     

"I'm indeed insane," Su Daji didn't retort. She placed one of her hands on top of her core as she sensed the movements of Eon Energy. "You see, I don't have anything worth living for anymore. Just like you, our children are nothing but tools for us to use against Wei Shang and gain his favor. But now that I already lose him, I don't have anything to lose anymore."     

"What are you?!" Su Lian smashed the wall with her fist, but Su Daji moved faster. She moved behind Su Lian as she pierced her sword to the woman's core.     


"It's better that no one is able to get the core. Also… good bye," Su Daji's body glowed in green color as Su Lian's face paled. The guards were also alarmed as they quickly took the wounded Wei Mi and dashed away as far as possible.     


Detonating her own core, the Eon Energy ran rampart on the area, destroying everything around them for more than two kilometers away. As Su Daji was already at the peak of rank 3 with slight hints of breaking into the fourth rank, the explosion it generated was much higher than ordinary ones.     

It even reached outside Wei Family Residence as Su Lian's quarter was next to Wei Shang and it was the one nearer to the exit. Lots of buildings were destroyed as a lot of people also died due to the explosion. In the middle of the location, Su Lian was standing with ragged clothes and blood flowed out of her chest with numerous scratches all over her body.     

"Sh*t. It's good that I manage to activate the defense tool or I'll surely die," Su Lian cursed out loudly. As the Su Family daughter of the main line, she was given a defense tool in case there was an attack of above rank 3 directed at her. It could only block one attack, so Su Lian had never used it before.     

Facing against crazy Su Daji, she knew that it was her only defense line.     

"Call doctors and clean up everything!"     

A lot of servants died, including those most trusted by Wei Shang. By the time he returned, he quickly checked on Wei Mi. The doctor told him that she would be fine, but there would be a scar on her shoulder.     

"A scar?" Wei Mi asked in a trembled voice. Even though many women already thrive because of their prowess, there was no way they wouldn't pursue beauty. She didn't want to have a permanent scar in her body.     

The doctor nodded. He said regretfully. "It's not possible to cure it with this method in this kingdom. There might be one at other more powerful kingdom, but I can't say for sure."     

"Father?" Wei Mi looked at her father with hopeful expression.     

"Train hard," Wei Shang said in a flat tone. He strode out as his brow creased. Seeing how much the destruction Su Daji caused, he was having a headache. His secret army had a lot of their members killed because of the explosion as the base was right under his residence, his trusted servants mostly died because of that.      

Also, the Su Family sent someone to inquire of what had happened.     

'The Su sisters are giving me more problems than what they worth.'     

Inside the room, Wei Mi was filled with hatred. She couldn't accept that she wouldn't be a beauty anymore.     

"First Young Master has arrived."     


Wei Cheng strode into the room. He sighed in relief when he saw his little sister was still fine. He patted the girl's head as she started to tell him everything that had occurred. However, even without her telling him, he had heard everything from the surviving guards.     

"Brother, I hate Wei Liao," Wei Mi spat out. "If only he's not here, his mother will not give us this much trouble."     

"Yeah," Wei Cheng just agreed. He knew that Wei Liao was alive because his residence was located far away from their quarter. However, he was not in the right time frame to think about that.     

"Brother, can you do something to him for me?"     

"You should rest first, Mi'er. Brother will talk with Father first."     

Wei Mi sulked when she saw her brother left her directly. Inside her mind, she was determined to make Wei Liao's life suffer.     

At the same time, Wei Cheng made a round in his residence and found out that his mother was alright. However, she was cursing loudly because her new core was damaged and it could never be repaired anymore because it was not hers from the very first. The amount of Eon Energy she could store only amounted around 40% from her original ones, meaning, she only has the strength at rank 2 or even peak rank 1.     

Seeing how his father still acted indifferent to the matter, Wei Cheng felt tired.     

"Young Master, we have cleaned the residence for you."     

"I'll head there," Wei Cheng replied. He returned back to his residence and looked around him. There were no longer anyone watching over him because they were too busy to take care of the residence.     

He truly felt tired. Taking out the stone he received from the barbarian, Wei Cheng smiled wryly. 'At least, it's better than being a puppet in this heartless residence.'     


On the other side of the residence, Wei Liao sat on his bed as he gazed out. He had seen for himself when his mother fought and what the servant told him regarding their fight. From the way Su Daji acted around him, he knew that she had never treated him as a genuine son.     

She never gave him affection and only worried if something happened to him because it would devalue him.     

'I really should stop trying to gain favor from other people.'     

He was weak and he knew that, so he always tried to gain favor from Wei MI and Wei Cheng. Becoming their lackey that would do anything they told him to, he had gotten accustomed to it. He hoped that they would help him in return.     

But what he got was a cold shoulder.     

'Trying to gain favor from people like them is ridiculous. It'll be better for me to just strive to be independent.'     

Wei Liao clenched his fist. He knew that his days would be hard without his mother around and the hatred a lot of people gave him because of what his mother did. But he would survive and someday, he would show them that even someone with low talent like him could reach greatness!     

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