7 Path of the Lilies

Preparation to Leave

Preparation to Leave

0"Why am I in the lower ranking than him even though we have the same point?" Lu Wan looked at the ranking with an annoyed look. He has been hoping to trample on this man, but it didn't look like it was possible.     

"Isn't it obvious?" Qi Huan gave a sidelong glance to Lu Wan. "The three princes have to be on the forefront of the ranking to make sure that it reflects well on their strength. You having the chance to enter the top 10 is already good enough."     

"I still don't like it."     

"Whatever, it's not my business," Qi Huan turned around. He walked to the direction of people from Chi Kingdom. His guard was also there, waiting for his order patiently. "I'm going on a journey starting tomorrow, so you all can return back."     

"But Your Highness, your guard…"     

"I can protect myself, so there's no need for guards. Don't worry, I already got Imperial Father's permission," Qi Huan responded in fluent words.     

The guards looked at one another. They already got a lot of relaxing time so far because Qi Huan could protect himself very well. Even in the battle against assassins, this prince was not flustered in the slightest and could face them upfront.     

"We understand, take care of yourself, Your Highness."     


Seeing how easy it was for Qi Huan to receive the permission, Lu Wan felt like vomiting blood in anger. He truly wished it was that easy for him to receive the permission to get out of the city and explored the outside world. However, it would be extremely difficult for him to do so.     

Ye Jiao watched from the side before slipping away in the crowd. She would only greet Qi Huan tomorrow when they were about to depart. Right now, these youngsters still have to attend the ceremony to receive their reward.     

For each part, they would be given different rewards and according to their position, their reward will also be different.     

"For the first part, the first place to third place reward is a weapon according to their preferences. For the second part, the reward is Blue Eon Fruit, three for the first place, two for second place, and one for the third place. For the third part, the reward is armor with the highest grade to the first position.     

Lastly, the reward for the combined ranking is Eon Energy Pill rank 3, 2, and 1. For the first rank, they'll receive one that has been purified three times, rank 2, purified two times, and rank 3 purified one time. Rank 4 will receive normal Eon Energy Pill rank 3, rank 5 will receive Eon Energy Pill rank 2 that has been purified three times and so on…"     

As they listed out the reward, Ye Jiao felt her head spinning because of how generous they were. Her eyes landed on the reward that Qi Huan received for his result while Lu Wan also took his.     

It was good that the first place belonged to different people or it would be difficult for them to provide so much goods.     

"Excuse me, is it possible to exchange the weapon for something else? I already have more than enough weapons and armors," Qi Huan asked the nearby teacher.     

"Let's see. What do you want to trade it with?"     

"If it's possible, I would like Eon Energy Pill rank 3 that has been purified."     

The teacher knew that Qi Huan got the highest grade for the first part and the third position for the third part. He nodded his head. "I can give you two Eon Energy Pill rank 3 that has been purified once. Is that enough?"     


"Ok. We'll take it for you."     

After Qi Huan, the other children also exchanged their reward. For these geniuses, weapons and armors were something they would not lack given their position. What they were lacking would be pills because of how rare they were. Even one of them could easily cost numerous golden coins.      

They finished exchanging their rewards then returned back. From the side, Ye Jiao could see that a lot of people were already rushing to the transportation array. Most of them were the teachers who were assigned to watch over the competition.     

'I better have some rest first.'     


Chen Zi Quan and Wei Cheng also returned to their residence. Chen ZI Quan looked at Wei Cheng in approval.     

"It's good that you exchange your weapon's reward to the pill. You should digest it quickly after your return."     

"Yes, Your Highness."     

Wei Cheng also got second place in the first part of the hunt because he was in the same team as Chen Zi Quan. Thanks to that, he was supposed to get a weapon. He managed to change it to an Eon Energy Pill with Chen Zi Quan's help along with Wei Yin.     

"But it seems that we're going to need to deal with Lu Wan sooner," Chen Zi Quan's eyes glinted with ruthlessness at the mention of that young man. He had been harboring a lot of hate for Lu Wan because of how he acted so far. Now, he felt an even bigger threat when he saw the ranking.     

Fourth place!     

It might be good for their kingdom to have a higher position in total because the third and fourth place were taken by him and Lu Wan, but he didn't think so. With Lu Wan's attitude so far, he knew better than anyone that they needed to secure Lu Wan's loyalty before they could feel safe.     

"Does Your Highness intend to…"     

"I'll ask my father to have Lu Wan do the ceremony," Chen Zi Quan said immediately. "He might be still underage, but his achievement is already enough for him to become a subject of the kingdom and pledge his loyalty."     

As Chen Zi Quan uttered out his plan, Wei Cheng recalled the vow that he took in the past. It was a vow to serve the imperial family, mainly Chen Zi Quan, and never betrayed him or he would be unable to reach greater heights in the future.     

It was an oath of loyalty that every talented person has to take in the four kingdoms for the kingdom where they were born after they reached the age or achieved something to take their interest.     

"I'm afraid the Lu Family is not going to stay quiet."     

"They won't be able to reason out that Lu Wan is too young again," Chen Zi Quan said calmly. His father had called the Lu Family in the past, but the Lu Family somehow refused their will to call Lu Wan to the imperial palace because he was still too young. Right now, they would have the perfect reason to call that young man again without giving the Lu Family any ability to refuse.     

"Your Highness is wise."     


"Excuse me, Your Highness, there's an urgent letter from General Wei to Your Highness and Young Master Wei Cheng."     

Their conversation was interrupted abruptly. Chen Zi Quan took the letter and looked over to Wei Cheng. "Your mother is truly a troublemaker."     

"Your Highness! This…."     

"We're going to return back," Chen Zi Quan ordered as he stood up. His eyes glinted with ruthlessness. "You better settle this quickly, Wei Cheng. Su Family is not going to stay quiet anymore."     

"I understand, Your Highness."     

After Chen Zi Quan left, Wei Cheng looked at the letter as his eyes showed trace of tiredness. That foolish mother of his only knew how to create trouble.      

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