7 Path of the Lilies

Long Road as Eon Energy Master

Long Road as Eon Energy Master

0It took hours before Qin Zheng finished hitting the metal. From a large chunk of metal, it was already reduced to barely 1/5 of its original size. It was now only slightly bigger than the size of Qin Zheng's palm and probably would only be enough to create one sword.     

"The metal is shining," Qi Huan murmured. He often felt that Qin Zheng was annoying and arrogant, but seeing the young man's ability, he couldn't help but feel astonished. It definitely took a long time and dedication for Qin Zheng to reach this point.     

With his current age only 12 years old, there was no doubt that he must be one of the youngest talented Forging Masters in this kingdom.     

Lin Cai nodded. "It means that the metal is already 99% pure. Qin Zheng, did you manage to make a breakthrough in your occupation as Forging Master again?"     

"It's not that pure yet," Qin Zheng put down his hammer and sat down. It took his all to hammer the metal into this state since he didn't recover all of his Eon Energy during class and only a part of it. His body was already tired from the extra exercise he had to finish from the morning.     

A glass of water appeared before him. "Here's some water."     

"Thanks, Ye Jiao," Qin Zheng didn't reject her kindness and drank the water.     

Ye Jiao pointed to the lump of metal that Qin Zheng had hammered countless times. She didn't manage to count it as he was simply too quick. "Can I take a look?"     


"Thank you." Ye Jiao picked up the metal. Her eyes showed astonishment because she could feel that it weighed a lot despite the small size. It was only slightly lighter compared with the impure Meteorite Lava Metal that she gave to Qin Zheng before. However, the shine on the surface of the metal showed that it was definitely much purer.     

"If I have a lot of the metals, I'll surely create an armor because it'll have high fire resistance." Qin Zheng put down the glass on the table near him. "However, there���s not enough metal for that."     

"Can't you combine it with another metal?"     

"I'm still not good enough to do that," Qin Zheng smiled bitterly. Combining different types of metal could create a better one. The most common example would be steel because it was made of iron that was combined with some other types and processed to create a stronger metal.     

"That's possible?"     

"Yes, but you need the correct composition and great fire control. This is why a lot of Forging Masters are those who have fire elements as their path and also enhancement," Qin Zheng stood up.     

Ye Jiao recalled their discussion before and looked back at the young man. "What's your path, Zheng Ge?"     

Lin Cai waved her hand. "Don't tell them! Just keep it a secret."     

"There's no need to keep it a secret from them," Qin Zheng laughed. "Don't you also know their talents?"     

"It's my privilege as a senior!" Lin Cai replied stubbornly.     

Qin Zheng shook his head. "I have talent in control, enhancement, and illusive. As for Senior Sister Lin, she has talent in the earth and wind element."     

Lu Wan's mind blanked for a moment. He did expect that these two would be amazing, but not to this extent! How rare would it be for someone to have two talents and now the one who stood in front of him have three talents….     

Heaven is not fair…     

Why did he not have any? Boohoo, he wanted to cry.     

Ye Jiao was stunned. "You don't have a fire element?"     

"Nope, but it doesn't matter," Qin Zheng laughed. "I can still learn it when I reach rank 4 later. My progress will be slower than the others, but it's worth it."     

Seeing Qin Zheng's look when he looked at the metal in her hand, Ye Jiao understood what he meant. Eon Energy Master had a long life when their rank went higher. Once they break through to rank 4, they would have 100 or so years of age, and those at rank 5 were even higher. If they only pursued the talent they have, they wouldn't be able to feel satisfied in the long road.     

They should also learn to do things that they loved too.     

"How many occupations are there?" Qi Huan asked.     

"There are several of them excluding the battling ones," Qin Zheng replied. "Do you have some interest in them?"     

"Not really." Qi Huan shook his head. He wanted to hone his killing intent rather than wasting time to learn this. These specific skills that required delicate control and touch were not his forte.     

Lu Wan nodded. "I'll become a poison master!"     

"There's that occupation," Lin Cai remarked. "It's a branch from medicine eh, or was it the pills refining? I have forgotten."     

Lu Wan: "…" did you pass the lesson or not?     

He had the feeling that his senior sister was actually quite unreliable. Though, he didn't dare to voice it out in fear that this particular senior sister would roast him alive.     

Ye Jiao placed the Meteorite Lava Metal on the table. "I'm thinking of becoming a rune or array master."     

"Really? It's not easy to become one if you don't have any talent!' Lin Cai exclaimed.     

"How do you know if you have an affinity for that or not?"     

"There's a test," Qin Zheng pondered. "Wait until it's the free training day and I'll show it to you. It's at the end of the week."     

"Ok. Thank you, Senior Brother Qin."     

"Now, you should return back. It's already late at night, and there's still training tomorrow morning."     



The next day, every new student has to study many other things that were outside their specialization. There was no need to say that Lu Wan obviously only stayed awake during herbs' classes. He learned so much more new types of herbs and their uses from this class alone.     

Other classes were either history, minerals' knowledge, geography, and others. All classes were stacked one after another until they only finished the last class when it was already midnight.     

The day after that, they have classes about other occupations as Eon Energy Masters.     

"There are two types of occupation for Eon Energy Master. First is obviously combat master. In combat, there are three types, soldiers, hunters, and free martial artists. Soldiers are Eon Energy Masters who stay in one country and pledge their loyalty to that country alone. Hunters are Eon Energy Masters who specialize in hunting beasts. Free martial artists are those unrestricted. They can become mercenaries, teachers, or any other similar occupations."     

The teacher stopped for a moment. "Aside from occupations, there are also positions in combat. Normally, there are four types of position: attackers, defender, support, and lastly scout. Scouts are normally quite rare, so it's often replaced with other occupations' that usually didn't specialize in fighting. An attacker would focus on the attack aspect, the defender would focus on defending, support would focus on giving support, and scout focus on speed and rallying information.     

Your path could narrow down your position in combat, but it's not an absolute must. Even if your element is not entirely suitable for a specific position, you still can do it with enough training and using your specialization correctly. As long as you're determined enough, talent is not really a limitation.     

Attackers are normally those with control and elements specialization. The elements can vary greatly, but the most common one would be fire and wind because of their destructiveness. If you're body enhancement specialization, you can also become a good attacker.     

Defenders are the one who usually blocked and restrained your opponent's movements. This position is mostly filled with body enhancement and earth element specialization. However, there is a good amount of water element Eon Energy Masters too. There are also those intermediate elements, but I won't talk in detail.     

Supporters can be someone who focuses on healing or giving additional help that usually didn't battle directly. They're mostly illusive and water element specialization. The earth element can also become a good supporter, but they're mostly more into defense. Aside from that, other occupations that are not specialized in combat are usually a good supporter. I'll go into detail after I explained the last one."     

The teacher swept his gaze to the students. He noticed that some of them didn't seem to pay much attention. "Do not underestimate those with supporter roles. They're important to make sure your group can survive.     

The last one would be a scout that specializes in speed. They're mostly known as information gatherer and spy because their speed allows them to evade their opponent. At the same time, they're also a good attacker and good in creating a diversion. Those who wished to be a scout and have speed as their main point are usually control or wind element specialization. Somebody enhancement can also focus on their speed.     

Alright, that should be all for the basics in combat. Any question?"     

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