7 Path of the Lilies

Sea of Fire (2)

Sea of Fire (2)

0Seeing that Lu Wan still looked at her with disbelief, Ye Jiao just laughed and didn't try to elaborate any further. She didn't sense any negative intention from Han Fu when she talked to him, so naturally she didn't think of him as someone bad. Still, his slightly soft gesture that was similar to a woman troubled her a bit.     

After all, she was not used to seeing a man who would laugh in quite a sissy way. If not for the fact that he was so loud, she would never think of him as a man.     


From the side, they could see a man was screaming. He had depleted his Eon Energy, and the end was not within sight. As the two of them nearly moved to help, they could see the water was poured on top of him.     

"Damn it, you're making me work too much."     

The air distorted as a middle-aged man had appeared on top of an Eon Energy plate. He was looking at the fallen young man with a snort. "Come on, you'll have to continue to the next stage."     

With his hand, he took out a line of water. It flowed with such ease as if it was a living being and enveloped the young man who had fallen. The man thus created a ball of water under him and used it to travel in high speed towards the other side with the fainted young man behind him.     

"T-that's so amazing!" Lu Wan yelled loudly. Even though he was complaining about the heat, he couldn't help but exclaim in excitement. This would be the first time he saw someone controlled the water so well. It was as if the water was part of the middle-aged man's body.     

Ye Jiao nodded in agreement. She had seen how Chen Tian and that advisor controlled water before, but they couldn't be compared to this middle-aged man. The way the water flowed seemed like it had its own life. It was not forced, and there was not even any leak of Eon Energy in his control.     

It was so perfect!     

"Is that how Eon Energy Master Rank 4 looks like? It's so amazing! Ahhh, I wish I could do it like him!" Lu Wan had started to move again, but his mouth was spouting his real feelings. It was similar to the time when he just found out a new ingredient for poison. He would surely talk a lot about them and didn't let everyone around him rest.     

"I think he might be above rank 4."     

"You mean rank 5? I'm so jealous."     

Ye Jiao's lips twitched. She wondered what that middle-aged man would think if he knew that a brat was jealous of him. Looking at the way that middle-aged man moved, she could guess that he must be one of the elders that supervised the examination.     

Looking to the other sides, she noticed that a lot of youngsters were also screaming on top of their lungs. The excitement was clearly painted over their eyes. It was their first time seeing such a display of power. Even though that elder just casually used his power, it looked amazing in their eyes.     

Trying not to think too much, Ye Jiao focused her attention back to her circulation. She had to make sure that she could hold on until the end of this sea of fire, so she only made a thin barrier around herself and absorbed a large amount of Eon Energy on her way.     

"Guh, you're insane, Ye Jiao," Lu Wan suddenly sensed the movements of Eon Energy as he frowned.     

"What is it?"     

"If you absorb too much without being able to refine them in your body, you might die," Lu Wan said seriously. "Why do you think those people fainted in the middle of the way? If they try to absorb the Eon Energy in this place, they'll die because it's not suitable for their body."     

Ye Jiao blinked her eyes. She still found that there was part of the Eon Energy that she could absorb into her body. Looking at the solemn expression on Lu Wan's face, she knew that he was serious since this boy rarely showed that kind of expression.     

"You can't absorb?"     

"I can't," Lu Wan admitted. "I tried it before but found out that all the Eon Energy in this place are all fire elements. My body seems to be unable to absorb them, so I give up. If you don't have a fire element's affinity, you shouldn't force yourself to absorb the Eon Energy, Ye Jiao."     

"I-I see."     

Looking around her, Ye Jiao knew for sure that she could absorb the Eon Energy but not all of them. In addition, she knew for sure that she was not fire elemental, so it should be weird that she managed to absorb Eon Energy in this place.     

"Let's speed up a bit, I can see the end of the fire."     

"What? Then let's go!"     

The two of them utilized their Eon Energy when they finally arrived by the end of the sea of fire. However, they were stunned when they reached the edge and what greeted them was a huge lake. There was only a narrow space where they could stand without getting affected by the two of them.     

"Did it mean we have to depart right away?" Lu Wan's face was sour. He had used up a lot of Eon Energy in the journey just now. If he had to go again, his body might not be able to hold on at all.     

"Not really," Ye Jiao commented. Her eyes were looking straight to the front as she absorbed Eon Energy like crazy. She needed to replenish them soon before departing to cross that large lake.     

"You're late, Ye Jiao."     

"Ah, Han Fu," looking at the young man, Ye Jiao smiled wryly. He basically departed first while she didn't. From the way he looked, he was already ready to depart once more. It seemed that he also had an amazing technique to recover his Eon Energy.     

Han Fu grinned. "This place is not affected by the two sides at all. You can rest however you want, but more and more people are going to come, so it'll be better for you to hurry and depart right away."     

"If I have Eon Energy to go, I'll go right away too," Ye Jiao laughed. "I'll catch up soon."     

"Mhm, I'll see whether you can do it or not," Han Fu smirked, full of confidence.     

Ye Jiao no longer paid any attention to the young man as she focused her attention to the Eon Energy around her. It was already the time for her to absorb them. There seemed to be various attributes in this place, making it easy for her to absorb the one she needed. Though, it felt a bit frustrating that she was unable to see their color anymore. She wanted to see….     

"I'm going ahead. See you later."     

Han Fu utilized his Eon Energy and dashed on top of the water surface. By controlling his Eon Energy under his leg, he could make them dense enough to let him stand on the surface. It was a common practice in some areas to learn their control, but unfortunately, it didn't include the Four Kingdoms.     

"How did he do that?" Lu Wan's jaw dropped.     

Opening her eyes, Ye Jiao looked in the direction where Han Fu went. Her eyes watched his movements carefully. Even though she was unable to sense his Eon Energy movements thanks to an invisible barrier, she still could see what he was doing.     

"He's controlling his Eon Energy on his feet."     


"I'm not sure. You need to try it yourself if you wish to understand how it is."     


Lu Wan shut his mouth and focused on recovering his Eon Energy. He moved a bit away from Ye Jiao as he could sense that young girl's insane absorption. It would only make him feel bad if he had to stay around that young girl for a long period of time. The comparison of their absorption rate was simply too big!     

It didn't take long for Ye Jiao to fully recover her Eon Energy. She didn't bother to refine them because she intended to use them almost immediately. Looking at the lake before her, she felt a little doubtful.     


The loud sound made her turn to the side. She could see the previous elder had stood there, dragging an unfortunate person with him. He sighed to himself.     

"These youngsters are so annoying. I wish they could all just do this by themselves. Stop making me work so much."     

The youngsters: "…" believe us, we also want that. It's just, the test is simply insane, and it's impossible to completely pass it safely.     

"If you have finished, go right away," the elder looked at the others and snorted. "Don't make this place too crowded. It can only hold 10 people, and all of you totalled 27."     

"…" wait a bit, we haven't finished our recovery.     

Ye Jiao noticed that there were already 9 people with two people approaching fast from the sea of fire. She stood up and enveloped her legs with Eon Energy. In the next moment, she dashed out to the lake.     


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