7 Path of the Lilies

Weak People Have Their Own Means

Weak People Have Their Own Means


Ye Jiao's mind tried to work hard as she processed the word. It should mean that she used some underhanded means to win, right?     

Mu Xin leaned back on her chair. "There are several ways to fight. You can use poison, secret weapon, assassination, and many others. Why do you think there are covert ways to do things? It's because there are a lot of people who want to challenge those far stronger than them. Without these, they won't be able to win."     

Ye Jiao listened to Mu Xin's explanation attentively. She had heard some of those words, but as a seven-year-old kid, her vocabulary was quite limited.     

"Can you explain more, Senior Mu?"     

"Ok. Poison is substance that can be dangerous to human's body. Some people use this to fight in order to weaken their enemy because they're far weaker than the other party. Some poison can even directly kill even a powerful Eon Master," Mu Xin explained in her limited knowledge too. She didn't have that vast knowledge and only some of the basics.     

Ye Jiao blinked. "There are things like that?"     

"Yes. Just like medicine can cure sickness, poison can do the opposite," Mu Xin replied.     

"How about secret weapon? Is that the weapon that you keep in secret?"     

"No, it means hidden weapon that you don't show to other people. If you usually fight with sword and when your opponent drops his guard, you stab him with a knife that you hide somewhere, it means that you're using a secret weapon," Mu Xin explained.     

Ye Jiao was speechless. Did normal eleven years old girl would talk about killing someone in their fight? It was no wonder that Mu Xin is the daughter of General Mu. Even her knowledge has some relation with fight one way or another.     

"As for assassination, it's simple. You're paying other people to kill your enemy."     

"Can you do that?"     

Mu Xin nodded her head. "There are some assassin organizations in this kingdom, but I don't know their name. If you have money, you can use their service to kill someone. Of course, the higher the person you want to kill, the higher the money you have to prepare."     

"I see," Ye Jiao didn't expect Mu Xin to know their name too. She herself rarely traveled on the street because she disliked the gaze people always gave her and lately, she was confined in Wei Family Residence. She couldn't get out of the residence easily as there were a lot of guards around except if she wanted to go to the training field again.     

Which she would not do because Wei Cheng, Wei Family first son, stayed there to practice.     

As for money and hiring assassin, that would be a far etched dream. She didn't even have any means to earn money right now. Hunting might earn her some money, but rank 1 beast didn't have much value because many people could hunt by themselves. They were only hunted for meal or just for practice for children who recently formed their core or reached rank 1.     

"Time to practice again," Mu Xin stood up. "There's no need for you to think of killing other people. There are a lot of ways to make people suffer without killing them."     

Ye Jiao: "…" you're the one thinking about them, Senior Mu. She was just asking because of curiosity.     

Seeing that Mu Xin had stood up and prepared for practice, Ye Jiao also followed suit. Her mind was still thinking regarding the things that Mu Xin said to her. She didn't have any plan on killing anyone. That thought was simply too unreasonable for a seven-year-old kid. All she wanted was to have some ways to make sure that they wouldn't disturb her.     

How to make them stay away from her mother's residence? That was something she needed to think about.     

"Are you ready?" Mu Xin had readied her stance once more.     

Ye Jiao nodded her head. For now, she should just focus on training with Mu Xin. Hopefully, her arm would not be in brutal condition after this.     

Their spar didn't last long because Mu Xin also felt sore. Apparently, her sword was much heavier, and she had to swing the sword for 1000 times at higher rate. Well, that was more than twice hers, but Mu Xin still looked better. Her arm was completely sore with abrasion here and there.     

Mu Xin helped her to apply the medicine before sitting down and absorbed the Eon Energy around her.     

Ye Jiao decided to do the same as she sat down and started to pull Eon Energy in her surroundings. Little by little, they entered her body. This time, she also focused them to her hand, nourishing her muscle to the fullest.     

It was a slow process, but Ye Jiao enjoyed watching the progress as she tried to control the Eon Energy. It slowly healed her muscle, allowing the sore muscle to feel much better than before. Compared to the previous day, her speed had increased again, albeit only a little bit.     

'If I can increase the speed of absorption, I should be able to form the core faster.'     

With that in mind, Ye Jiao spent the rest of her time to form her core until Mu Hong returned home and called the two of them.     

"How's the practice today, Mu Xin?"     

"It's going well, Father. We swing the sword per your instruction. 500 for Ye Jiao, 1000 for me. We eat…."     

Hearing the detailed report from Mu Xin, Ye Jiao's mind blanked. She felt as if she was facing a military meeting because of how detailed Mu Xin's explanation was. This made her wondered if Mu Xin truly calculated everything and memorized everything that they did.     

After Mu Xin had finished, Mu Hong turned his head to Ye Jiao. "It's good to practice memorization little by little. Wang Jun will send you back, little girl."     

"Thank you very much for your care, General Mu," Ye Jiao bowed down formally. Her movement was a bit clumsy, but it was still the expected form. She turned her body to face Mu Xin. "Let's practice again in two days, Senior Mu."     

Mu Xin nodded her head. "Take care of yourself."     

In the next second, Wang Jun appeared in the room. Ye Jiao really wanted to know if this man was truly a soldier because of how he could appear. She would need to sharpen her sense further if she wanted to be able to know more.     

"Miss, pardon my intrusion."     

The journey home went without a hitch and Wang Jun dropped Ye Jiao in front of her residence.     

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