Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 770 - The Beginning of the Disaster

Chapter 770 - The Beginning of the Disaster

0Aili's appearance had completely changed when Chen Heng saw him. Although the previous Aili wasn't valiant, he was tall and had a temperament, unlike ordinary people.     

However, the situation was different now. After the experiment, his body changed from slightly over two meters to more than three meters tall, standing like a little giant.      

He looked ferocious and covered with layers of silver scales. His eyes were pure silver and gave off a cold light. Anyone who he stared at would feel a chill and an inexplicable fear. What was even more special was that there was a long and thin tail behind him.     

He didn't look like a human at all but a ferocious monster. In fact, strictly speaking, anyone with a bloodline was basically not a human anymore. Even Chen Heng himself was a monster now, though not as thorough as Aili.     

"Distortion?" Chen Heng looked at Aili in surprise, but did not feel too surprised.     

He had learned about what happened to Aili through Jameson and the others, but it was only the first time he had seen it personally. Even though he had already expected it, Aili's current appearance was a little terrifying.     

Suppose the bloodline in the body of a normal Silver Moon royal was high enough. In that case, they could also transform into the King of the Silver Moon, temporarily stimulating the potential in the bloodline and turning into the bloodline's initial appearance.      

It was also not in human form, but at least it looked normal and beautiful in comparison, even after excluding some minor points. There was a certain degree of unity in the aesthetic judgment of intelligent life. Nevertheless, even if a higher-level life were not of the same race, it would still give people a strange sense of beauty.     

For example, the Giant Dragon was a very beautiful life in the aesthetic judgment of many humans in the World of Gods. The same for the actual body of the Silver Moon Royal Family, looking very beautiful under normal circumstances.     

However, Aili's current appearance gave people a terrifying feeling. An ordinary person would most likely be scared to death if they saw it. However, sensing Chen Heng's gaze, Aili returned to his senses and smiled at him, revealing rows of sharp shark-like teeth.      

The teeth were still glowing with silver light and possessed a unique power. A single bite would most likely cause great damage. His gaze also carried certain aggressiveness, as if he was looking at his food, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling. Chen Heng carefully felt it and finally confirmed the answer in his heart.     

After the Sun's bloodline was highly awakened, all sorts of abilities emerged spontaneously, able to sense the various emotions in the hearts of others. At this moment, Aili's heart was filled with a pure desire to devour, as if a person who had been hungry for many years to see delicious food.     

This feeling made Chen Heng frown, "The distortion is so thorough."     

Aili left here a moment later. Chen Heng looked at Jameson and asked, "What's going on with his condition?"     

"As you can see, the distortion on his body is severe." Jameson shrugged. He also felt that what happened to Aili was very strange, "He has been in a state of eating since the end of the experiment, and no matter how much he eats, he still can't get enough. It's a very strange situation. We have seen similar situations in the past, but none of them were as exaggerated as him."     

"The way he looked at me just now was as if he wanted to eat me up." Chen Heng said indifferently, "I'm very sure that if there were a chance, he would nibble the next piece of meat from me without hesitation."     

"You are right." Jameson nodded, confirming Chen Heng's idea, and said, "This is a failed work, but for now, he still has some use."     

"Is it the place you mentioned?" Chen Heng asked.     

"Yes." Jameson continued to nod, "Just like what I told you a while ago, there is a powerful force in that ruin. It seems to be some kind of seal that requires a powerful bloodline to break. So although Aili's body has been deformed, at least his bloodline has become stronger because of it. So he is a good candidate to bear the seal."     

"Maybe. I hope there won't be any problems." Chen Heng shook his head and said.     

"We believe there won't be any problem with you here." Jameson smiled and then changed the topic, "By the way, are you going to be away for a while?"     

"Yes." Chen Heng nodded and said, "I've been here for a long time. However, I still have some things to settle, so I hope to leave for a while."     

"About how long?" Jameson frowned.     

"A month." Chen Heng thought for a moment and said.     

Jameson's frown immediately relaxed, and he nodded, "That's fine. I can decide and notify the council for you. There will be no problem if you return before the appointed time, which is just nice. Meanwhile, we also have some things to settle during this time."     

"Huh?" Chen Heng turned around and looked at Jameson. His eyes were filled with doubt.     

"The experiment was finally a success. So naturally, we have to test the quality of these experimental subjects." Jameson smiled, "Meanwhile, we can also solve some of their problems."     

He did not directly tell Chen Heng the specific situation but only said so. Chen Heng secretly frowned but did not say anything more and just nodded silently. Then, he bid farewell to Jameson and prepared to leave.     

The preparations didn't take long. Jameson had intentionally made arrangements, so the guards around didn't stop him. Caitlin even came over to send Chen Heng off, personally sending him to the teleportation array.     

"If you want to return after you leave, you can return through the teleportation array at any time." Looking at Chen Heng, Caitlin said, "In addition, it's best to avoid the Violet Empire for the time being."     

"Why?" Chen Heng glanced at Caitlin and asked.     

"Something big is about to happen there." Caitlin didn't reply directly. Instead, she smiled and said, "Elder Jameson has already brought Prince Aili to the Violet Empire."     

'Aili has already gone to the Violet Empire?' Chen Heng was momentarily stunned.     

With Aili's current state, what benefits did he have by going to the Violet Empire? Obtaining the position of the successor to the throne?     

'This was not very likely. After all, with his current appearance, it was obvious that he was not a normal person. Therefore, as long as King Violet's mind was slightly normal, he would not consider making Aili his successor. Then what could it be?' Chen Heng frowned.      

He did not think about it for the time being but already had a bad feeling in his heart.     

'Looks like it's time to go back.' This thought flashed through his mind.     

Initially, he was prepared to go and explore the ruins of the gods' graveyard. There were many ruins in that mystic realm, especially the Golden Palace left behind by the Sun Empire last time. There were also the remains of the primogenitor. So it was likely to involve the secrets of the Heaven Gods, which was the most important thing to Chen Heng.      

After this, he prepared to head to his territory to visit Charlie and the others to see the changes there. However, looking at the current situation, Chen Heng felt that it was best for him to make a trip to the Violet Empire first to prevent any problems.     

"I understand." Chen Heng looked at Caitlin and said.      

Then, his figure gradually disappeared from Caitlin's eyes, with Princess Aimer beside him. So, yes, Princess Aimer was also preparing to leave with Chen Heng. This was something that Chen Heng had already thought of.     

Chen Heng had made arrangements for a Sun Royal Family like Grissom in his territory. Since this was the case, it didn't seem to be a big deal to make arrangements for another Gilna Royal Family.     

On the other hand, Princess Aimer still had some small problems that needed to be solved, which required the help of the many instruments in his territory. This was also to conceal some things.     

This was the King's Council's territory. It would be too shocking if they solved the problem with Aimer here, allowing her to recover her royal family's power. At that time, it would probably stir up problems. Hence, it was best to leave it to be solved in his territory for safety. This was also a very important point.     

Chen Heng went outside after bidding farewell to Caitlin. Bright sunlight appeared before his eyes, illuminating on earth and making the world look bright.     

Before him was grassland with fresh grasses growing and sheep resting. They looked at Chen Heng and Aimer, who had suddenly appeared in a somewhat chaotic manner.     

"Have we left?"     

Aimer looked excited and could not help but ask Chen Heng this question. It was not until Chen Heng repeatedly nodded to confirm that she could not help but shed tears of joy.     

This departure this time, to a certain extent, meant that her previous experience was completely over. From then on, she could return to normal and be herself again, although, in reality, it might not be that easy.     

Chen Heng glanced at Aimer and could not help but shake his head, seeing the tears on her face. Aimer was much weaker than the others in terms of psychological quality.     

Similarly, as a direct descendant of the royal family, Aili was able to survive the experiment. However, Aimer had almost died in the experiment. Her willpower played a large part in this, which seemed normal. After all, she was a princess of the royal family and did not have any ambitions. So it was only normal for her to behave like this.     

Chen Heng shook his head and continued the journey with her, heading south all the way.     

On the other side, flames were burning everywhere. A city let out a miserable howl at the border of the Violet Empire. The massacre suppressed numerous lives as they were directly annihilated, leaving only a pile of bones behind.     

"Hahahaha!" Aili stood in the middle of the crowd and let out a savage laugh as he massacred.     

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