Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 752 - Mystic Realm Exploration

Chapter 752 - Mystic Realm Exploration

0When Kana came this time, he brought three bottles of bloodline medicine to Chen Heng. These three bottles of medicine were initially intended for Chen Heng to use for a long period.     

According to Jameson, these three bottles of medicine were enough for Chen Heng to digest for several years, which was calculated according to a normal person's conditions.      

One's bloodline was connected to his origin. It was not something that could be easily shaken. Hence, any slight change could negatively affect the person as a whole. Countless people in this world had died directly from the bloodline change.     

It was impossible for someone like Chen Heng to be alive after consuming three bottles of bloodline medicine in one go. Most people would directly die or turn into monsters. Hence, it would be very difficult for him to maintain his human form.     

Chen Heng dared to do this mostly because he was brave and talented and relied on his true spirit's powerful control. Therefore, unlike others, he was able to do this. Others could just forget about it.     

The Sun's bloodline in Chen Heng's body had fallen silent after the three medicine bottles were used. However, the great harvest required some time to digest slowly so the harvest could be completely settled.     

This was Chen Heng's first time feeling the benefits of joining the King's Council. However, this also created a problem. Initially, his Silver Moon bloodline had the absolute advantage in his body, suppressing all the other bloodlines.      

However, after the bloodline medicine's improvement, the Sun's bloodline in his body had caught up and now had a tendency to compete with the Silver Moon bloodline. Although this was somewhat different from Chen Heng's original plan, the impact was not great.     

'If I can't purify my bloodline, it seems acceptable for the Sun's and Silver Moon bloodlines to occupy each other.' Chen Heng pondered, and this thought flashed through his mind.     

It would naturally be best if he could completely transform the bloodline in his body into one. Combining the two progenitor bloodlines would also be acceptable, though other problems might exist. However, this was not a big deal. If there were problems, he could think of a way to solve them. So there was no need to be overly afraid.      

After figuring out these key points, Chen Heng left and walked to the other side. He was in a good mood because his bloodline had been upgraded. During this period, the prisoners in the minaret received good treatment, with various meat being added to their lunch daily. It could be considered a reward from Chen Heng.     

"There seem to be some changes in your body." Then, after walking around Grissom for a few rounds, the old man couldn't suppress his emotions and said, "Can you tell me why?"     

Chen Heng revealed a smile on his face. He did not intend to hide it. Instead, he told him the whole process, only omitting some things.     

"I see." Grissom finally understood and sighed, "You're lucky."     

"An ordinary person like you would likely have many problems, but you seem very stable." He looked at Chen Heng with a strange look in his eyes.     

Based on his understanding of the situation, if someone like Chen Heng used the bloodline medicine like this, even if he could still maintain himself, there would be some serious side effects. For example, his personality would have flaws, and he would become angry, murderous, sensitive, and erratic.     

However, there seemed to be no change in Chen Heng. He was still smiling and talking and looked like a normal young man.     

"Is that so?" Chen Heng was puzzled by Grissom's words, "I don't seem to feel any change. Maybe my character is relatively optimistic." He smiled.     

"Maybe." Grissom looked at Chen Heng for a long time and wanted to say something, but he hesitated. In the end, he could only nod.     

Chen Heng had stayed here for a long time, so he had also observed Chen Heng for a long time but did not see any changes. So, ultimately, he could only attribute it to Chen Heng's talent.     

"It's good that you can withstand the transformation of your bloodline, but you have to pay attention to it." Grissom said, "Don't underestimate the medicine risk just because you experienced nothing this time. Once the bloodline transformation's effect appears, it's irreversible."     

"I understand." Chen Heng nodded with a smile and said, "It's just that I don't have much choice, do I?"     

"That's true." Grissom sighed and finally nodded.     

He still sat there, maintaining his original posture. No one knew what he was doing. Chen Heng looked to the side. The cutlery had been moved. It seemed that he had eaten the food he had received recently and was not fasting like before.     

He looked at Grissom and was about to leave. However, Grissom's voice sounded from behind, "I have a meditation method here. Take it and try it out."     

"Okay." Chen Heng nodded with a smile on his face.     

From its looks, the hard work during this period had finally paid off. Grissom stretched out his hand and pointed at Chen Heng's body. A warm current emerged from his forehead, emitting heat. Then, a message appeared in his mind, but Chen Heng subconsciously blocked it.     

Chen Heng's heart moved. Finally, he resolved the obstruction and chose to receive this message. A meditation method surged into his mind.     

This was a nameless meditation method, but the content was complicated. Moreover, it was a unique system that Chen Heng had never seen before. Chen Heng took a closer look and confirmed that he had never seen any similar meditation method before.     

"This meditation method should be of some help to you." Grissom's voice came from behind and sounded a little hoarse, "If you use it frequently, it can make the blood in your body more stable." Then, he silently closed his eyes and did not speak anymore.     

Chen Heng looked at him and said, "Thank you."      

Then, he turned around and left. Behind him, Grissom looked at Chen Heng's back, and his gaze was a little complicated. However, compared to before, other than nostalgia, there was also some anticipation in his eyes this time. What was he looking forward to?      

Other than himself, probably no one else knew about this. However, to Chen Heng, Grissom was probably in a strange mood. As for what exactly happened, no one knew.     

Time passed slowly. Soon, a month passed. It was soon time for Chen Heng to go back to report to the mystic realm of the King's Council.     

When Kana came over, he had already informed that anyone who officially joined the King's Council needed to enter the King's Council's mystic realm once. The reason why Chen Heng did not immediately enter was only because of Jameson.     

Jameson valued Chen Heng very much because of his bloodline, so Jameson did not let him join the mystic realm expedition team immediately to explore the mystic realm. Instead, Jameson let Chen Heng recuperate at the minaret for quite a long time before he was prepared to join the team.     

According to Jameson, the team that went to the mystic realm this time was a bunch of newbies. However, to protect Chen Heng's safety, Jameson intentionally placed a few older men inside to protect Chen Heng. He also deliberately sent his men to inform Chen Heng in advance to show his concern for Chen Heng.     

From this point of view, Jameson indeed cared about Chen Heng and treated him well. During this period, Chen Heng couldn't help but ask around, wanting to obtain more bloodline medicine due to its excellent effect.     

Just three bottles of bloodline medicine could enable the Sun's bloodline in Chen Heng's body to undergo such a huge transformation. Therefore, wouldn't the effect be even better if there were more bloodline medicine? Perhaps relying on this bloodline medicine could help Chen Heng accomplish his goal of transforming completely.     

After some investigation, Chen Heng finally discovered the source of this bloodline medicine. It was a special product that originated from the gods' graveyard. Every year, an expedition team would enter the mystic realm and obtain many precious materials and other resources from the gods' graveyard.     

The bloodline medicine Jameson gave Chen Heng also originated from the mystic realm, with a limited quantity every year. Hence it was rare and precious.     

According to the situation that Kana was envious of, even an elder like him, who Jameson entrusted, also felt that this bloodline medicine was very precious and was not something that could be obtained under normal circumstances.     

Therefore, Chen Heng couldn't obtain it through exchange with others. Moreover, he could not obtain it under normal circumstances and could only get it by doing meritorious deeds. Hence, Chen Heng was quite looking forward to entering the mystic realm.     

The guards that Jameson arranged for him might have an adverse effect at this time. After all, with people watching from the side, Chen Heng might not be able to act on his own, so he could only obediently follow Jameson's direction.     

It would be troublesome when that time came. If Chen Heng wanted to obtain the resources in the mystic realm and the corpses he wanted, he would most likely have to go to some special places, as the resources in normal places had already been taken away by the seniors.     

However, the special places were most likely dangerous to Jameson's men. It would be fine if Chen Heng were just an ordinary member. Then, he could take the risk and court death if he wanted to die. The others would be happy to see him become a joke.     

However, Jameson favored him and regarded him as the future seed of his subordinates, which was indeed troublesome.     

Before heading to the mystic realm to explore, Chen Heng wanted to think of a better way so that this trip could go through in peace the way he wanted.     

It was indeed a headache. In addition, the effect of the nameless meditation method given by Grissom was almost seen. It greatly affected the stability of the bloodline. In addition, it could greatly activate the activity and develop the power of the Sun's bloodline.      

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