Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 748 - Storm

Chapter 748 - Storm

0Golden light spread in all directions, enveloping the region. The God of Shadows smiled, looking at all of this. The figure shrouded in shadow seemed to become much clearer.     

"The outcome has long been decided. You can not erase everything about me."     

He raised his head and looked at the majestic existence in front of him. This world's sacred existence was indeed very unique.     

The Guardian of the Cardo Empire before the God of Shadows was at the Demigod level in his speculation. However, in some other aspects, he exhibited better qualities than a Demigod.     

The other party's body was powerful, and his true spirit was impressive. He was far stronger than the Demigods in the World of Gods.     

In other words, the Guardian of the Cardo Empire could easily defeat the Demigods from the World of Gods if they squared off against each other. They were completely incomparable in terms of strength.     

Such an existence seemed to be called a Saint Child in this world. Many thoughts flashed through the Shadow God's mind as he silently deduced.     

In the dark, a divine spark circulated and illuminated the surroundings, revealing all traces of the past.     

One after another, Demigod existences that had once left traces in the World of Gods appeared. They stood before the Guardian of the Cardo Empire before being defeated.     

This was the deduction of actual combat.     

"It seems to be lacking."     

After the deduction, the God of Shadows raised his head again and raised a soft voice. His voice did not come in any language but was just an invisible fluctuation. However, it could be keenly captured and understood by others.     

In terms of combat strength, the Demigods in the world of gods were far inferior to Saint Childs.     

However, everything had its strengths and weaknesses, and Saint Childs in this world also had flaws.     

Most of their strength relied on their powerful bloodlines. Although they were powerful, they still lacked the immortal characteristics of true Demigods. In other words, these Saint Childs did not have divinity in their bodies. They relied entirely on their bloodlines to reach this level.      

Although they were powerful and their combat power was terrifying, they could not be compared to true divines in many aspects. In fact, according to the deduction of the Shadow God, these Saint Childs might even die of old age as time passed.     

Dying of old age was such a laughable matter to holy existences.      

Normally, Demigods who had ascended in the World of Gods would have divinity in their bodies. Hence, they possessed a certain degree of immortality, enough to sustain their lives through time.     

However, the existence of Saint Childs in this world was different. They could die of old age due to the passage of time.     

If the Demigods in the World of Gods knew about this, they would probably laugh their heads off. Of course, even if they would die of old age, that was only relative to true Demigods.     

In reality, even if they died of old age, it would still be an extremely shocking number. It would take a long time to reach that stage.     

"Extreme but powerful."     

The God of Shadows sighed, then raised his head again and said softly, "But it is still a good choice."     


In front of them, a powerful force pressed down. The power of the Guardian of Cardo Empire leaned over, and together with the Heaven Weapon, the power it unleashed was shocking.     

At least in the sense of the God of Shadows, it was comparable to a god. If it was a slightly weaker existence among the gods, such as the God of Nature, the Guardian of Cardo Empire might directly overpower the weaker gods.     

If there was only a little power incarnation, there were even fewer who could withstand the other party's attack.     

The God of Shadows was one of the few people, but he was still somewhat helpless due to the loss of power in this simulation state. He could not suppress the other party and could only barely maintain the current state.     

However, this was enough. The God of Shadows did not panic. He maintained his stance firmly as if he had set up a flag, continuously attracting people from all directions.     

On the ground, many mortals were loudly shouting the God of Shadows' name. The knight group formed by the small noble families began to defect and joined the God of Shadows' camp.     

The Guardian of Cardo Empire didn't pay much attention to this phenomenon. It was understandable. For an existence at his level, a little rebellion was nothing.     

As long as the royal family was still there and their support hadn't been cut off, the Cardo Empire would bring rebirth sooner or later. There wouldn't be any problems.     

However, he didn't know that as many people below turned against each other, the power in the body of the God of Shadows was rapidly increasing.     

Faith was one of the sources of God's power. As more and more believers prayed devoutly and contributed the power of faith to the God of Shadows, his power was also increasing.     

From the surface, it could be observed the resistance that God of Shadows displayed was becoming longer and much more effortlessly. In the beginning, he could barely resist the other party's attack, but as time passed, it became more and more relaxed.     

Seeing the situation and the surrounding expressions became more and more uncertain. Many people were encouraged, and they wantonly praised god and continued to attack in the name of God.     

The chaos that swept through the Cardo Empire had already occurred at this moment.     

The Cardo Empire was located on a closed continent and had always been isolated from the outside world. Thus, the current chaos within the Cardo Empire had not greatly impacted the outside world.     

To the outside world, another more impactful event had happened. The first prince of the Violet Empire, Aili, had gone missing!     

This was the second attack after Princess Aimer of the Gilna Empire. Although the entire process differed slightly from the previous one, the outcome was the same.     

Prince Aili had gone missing. He was suspected of being taken away by the attackers, and his whereabouts were still unknown. Unlike Princess Aimer, Prince Aili was hailed as the person most likely to succeed to the throne within the Violet Empire.     

His disappearance had a far greater impact on the Violet Empire than Princess Aimer's disappearance. Instantly, the entire Violet Empire shook. A huge earthquake had already begun to occur.     

After hearing the news of Aili's disappearance, King Violet was furious. He sent out his guards to search, wanting to find Aili.     

However, just like how he had searched for Princess Aimer before, his search for Prince Aili was fruitless. Not many people were able to find any clues.     

It was as if that group of attackers had never appeared. No matter their methods, they could not find any traces of the other party.     

Because of this, King Violet was so furious that he almost went to the ancestral land to retrieve the divine artifact. However, he was dissuaded by the palace officials. It was said that because of this matter, several palace officials fell to King Violet and became corpses.     

After sacrificing so much, King Violet finally calmed down and reluctantly gave up on the idea of using the divine artifact. However, in the current situation, what else can he do if he doesn't use the divine artifact?     

No one knew the answer. And after this matter gained the limelight, many people had other thoughts.     

Some people suggested that since the first prince had gone missing, it wouldn't be appropriate to make him the future successor. They should choose another prince as the crown prince.     

At this moment, other than the second prince, Jason, who had the qualifications to inherit the throne, there was only the third prince, Alan, left. However, Prince Alan had already left the capital and decided to give up on the fight for the throne.     

Some people suggested that Prince Alan be brought back to the capital, while others suggested that Prince Jason be directly made the crown prince. For a moment, the capital was once again in turmoil because of this matter.     

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