Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 712 - The Abyssal Power

Chapter 712 - The Abyssal Power

0"The corrosive power of the Abyss World is actually so powerful."     

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, even Kalunu himself couldn't imagine the scene in front of him.     

Dragon Island wasn't anywhere else in the World of Gods, but the transformation of the ancestor of the Giant Dragon Tribe, an extremely powerful Dragon God.     

At that time, that Dragon God was extremely powerful, and its strength was even strong enough to be comparable to the God of Shadow, a powerful God at the peak of the gods.     

Such a god fell, and his corpse remained, ultimately forming the current Dragon Island.     

After that, the Giant Dragon Tribe rested on this Dragon Island. Over a long period of time, they also slowly transformed this Dragon Island, turning this area into a holy land. The remaining power on it far surpassed that of other places in the World of Gods.     

However, even such an area was reduced to its current state, being eroded by the power of the Abyss World. The things that were revealed within were truly shocking.     

"With such powerful power, the Abyss World is indeed worthy of being a powerful world that is comparable to the World of Gods, causing the Ragnarok."     

Many thoughts flashed through Kalunu's mind. Although his expression did not change, his evaluation of the abyssal world was raised again and again, and he began to pay more attention to it.     

The present was different from the past. At present, Kalunu controlled several worlds and has become a part of the world's consciousness. Naturally, he understood just how powerful such a large world could be.     

Carl continued to move forward. He brought Kalunu around the area and walked around.     

At first, they just walked around the periphery. Although this place was also affected by the erosion of the Abyss World and the surrounding life was more or less distorted and transformed, it was not that deep yet.     

At least, under the suppression of the Dragon Island, some obvious abyssal life forms did not appear and were always suppressed. However, the situation was different in the depths of this region.     

In the depths, there were abyssal life forms everywhere. This was the first time Kalunu saw real abyssal life forms. Compared to ordinary life forms, these abyssal life forms looked much more brutal. Many of them had mutated and became much stronger.     

There were many creatures here. It could be seen that they were all Drakonids, but the changes were so great that even their original clansmen might not be able to recognize them.     

"In terms of life level alone, it's an improvement, but on the other hand, it's..."     

Kalunu frowned, feeling that something was wrong. The distortion of the abyssal aura was not a bad thing for these beings to a certain extent.     

At least on the surface, the life level of these Drakonids had been improved to a certain extent. Their life essence had been improved, and they had become stronger.     

In this aspect, it seemed to be a good thing. But on the other hand, it might not be the case.     

Because at the same time, as the level of life increased, the self-consciousness of these abyssal lifeforms was weakened by that strange abyssal power. Their consciousness became chaotic, and most of their self-consciousness was lost.     

The specific performance was that their bodies were completely controlled by their instincts. As for their original consciousness, it became even lower, and they could not control themselves consciously.     

Such an increase in strength was not necessarily a good thing. It was still fine for those powerful lifeforms because their true spirits were sufficiently powerful. Perhaps it was just that their personalities had become much more brutal and easier to be influenced by instinct. However, they were still able to maintain their existence in general.     

However, it was hard to say for those weak lifeforms. If their will were not strong enough to resist the erosion of the abyssal power, the outcome would be that they would be reduced from intelligent lifeforms to an even more powerful beast with no conscious. The price was not small.     

Of course, that was not the only specific change. The abyssal world would not be so powerful if it were just turning an intelligent being into a beast.     

Every powerful world had its way of growth. It might appear simple and crude at times, but it was beneficial.      

Especially a major world as powerful as the Abyss World. For it to grow to the current stage, it must have its unique advantages and mechanisms. Otherwise, it would not have grown to this stage.      

Kalunu was very clear about this point. Thus, he continued to observe from where he was and carefully observed the abyssal lifeforms in front of him.     

To secretly observe, he walked down from Carl's body and deliberately let him hide. He hid in the surroundings and secretly observed the daily lives of the many abyssal lifeforms in front of him.     

Soon, he found more. The existence of abyssal lifeforms was not as simple as it seemed.     

The World of Gods had also done a lot of research on abyssal lifeforms. After all, they were once the biggest enemy of the gods and the biggest culprit that led to the fall of the gods.     

As long as one studied that period of history, the Abyss World would not be able to avoid the threshold.     

In the past, Kalunu had deliberately collected records in this regard, in an attempt to obtain some information and intelligence about the Abyss World, in order to establish some advantages for the future.     

He had seen many materials, and there were also many records of abyssal life.     

In those records, abyssal life was described as a barbaric life that only knew destruction and did not know how to build peace.     

This did not seem to be too much of a mistake. Because of the current situation, the abyssal life forms were filled with destructive factors.     

Because of the abyssal power, these abyssal life forms were naturally easily controlled by the instincts of the life forms, becoming the puppets of their instinctive desires.     

Because of this, the abyssal life forms generally possessed the characteristics of cruelty, and there were not too many errors in the descriptions in the many documents.     

However, after careful observation, Kalunu discovered some differences. Abyssal life was brutal, but beneath that brutality, there was also an order.     

That order existed in the Abyss World. Unlike other worlds, the world consciousness of the Abyss World itself was unique.     

If one were to say that the world itself was a life form of a world, it only possessed simple instincts. Then the world consciousness of the Abyss World was more active.     

It also had simple instincts, but it could do many things that other worlds could not. It could even intervene in many things to a certain extent. Its consciousness stands between the abyssal lifeform and the abyssal consciousness.     

Kalunu pondered for a moment and then thought of a more appropriate description.     

The queen ant and the worker ant. In the ant colony, the queen ant had absolute control over the worker ant. And in the Abyss World, the situation of the Abyss World and the abyssal lifeform was similar.     

The abyssal consciousness could exert an influence on the abyss lifeform. This influence was unconscious.     

According to Kalunu's observation during this period of time, the abyssal lifeform would probably not realize anything even if the abyssal consciousness influenced it.     

They might even mistake it as a choice made by themselves because of the influence of the abyssal power. After all, those abyssal lifeforms had been in a chaotic state most of the time because of the corrosion of the abyssal power.     

Under that situation, if they were affected by the abyssal consciousness, they might be directly manipulated and do many things. Of course, such manipulation was only done by those low-level abyssal lifeforms who were weak and could not control themselves.     

As for those who were strong enough and had strong willpower, it was probably not enough. But even so, it was terrifying enough. Many ants could take down a giant.     

A group of abyssal lifeforms gathered under the influence of the abyssal consciousness, and the power they could produce was also extremely terrifying.     

At least in some low-level worlds, no existence could stop the abyss lifeforms.     

Even if it was a Fourth Ring existence, if they were caught in the sea of abyssal lifeforms, it was only a matter of time before they fell. What was even more terrifying was the erosion of the abyssal power.     

Kalunu stretched out his hand, and a surge of energy surged, turning into a cold beam of light. In an instant, one of the Abyssal Drakonids was killed, its flesh and blood splattering everywhere.     

This was an extremely fast scene. After all, with Kalunu's current strength, a mere ordinary Abyssal Drakonid was nothing to begin with. Killing it would only take a moment.     

This was originally an extremely ordinary scene, but at this moment, there were new changes at this moment. In front of him, the matter was not over even after killing the Abyssal Drakonid.     

A wisp of black mist followed the connection and wrapped around Kalunu's body. In the end, this wisp of black mist merged with Kalunu's body and became a part of him.     

Kalunu looked at this scene with interest and quietly felt the changes. For him, the changes in front of him were extremely rare, and it was worth patiently experiencing.     

As he carefully experienced it, all sorts of senses appeared and surged into his mind. Under the influence of the wisp of black fog, his own emotions were linked together, and he was directly affected by all sorts of influences.     

After this influence, he seemed to be slightly affected, and he formed a connection with a certain great existence. Of course, this connection was very thin, and even with Kalunu's level of power, if he didn't carefully sense it, he wouldn't be able to notice it.     

Even if he did notice it, he would most likely not care and would directly ignore it. However, it was this connection that made Kalunu feel an inexplicable crisis.     

"It can be like this."     

Kalunu was deep in thought, and he had a new understanding of the degree of shamelessness of the Abyss World.     

That wisp of black fog was none other than the Abyssal Power that originated from the Abyss World.     

The abyssal power was not considered powerful, but it was also very unique. It possessed the power to corrode life and transform it into an abyssal lifeform.     

Of course, for a lifeform like Kalunu, this bit of abyssal power was not enough to affect him. But what if there was enough abyssal power? A bit of abyssal power was not enough to affect him, but no matter what, once it accumulated, it would slowly change.     

The abyssal power was also ordinary. Just a little bit of abyss power accumulation was not a big deal. With Kaluru's own strength and will, he could easily block it and eliminate all negative effects.     

But if he absorbed enough abyss power, coupled with a certain opportunity, it might not be without the risk of falling, directly becoming an abyssal lifeform. Of course, with Kaluru's size, even if he fell, he would most likely be different from ordinary life forms and enjoy the better treatment.     

This was another matter. However, the corrosion of the abyssal power was simply impossible to guard against. Kaluru had already tested it just now.     

The existence of the abyssal power was very unique. Even if you did not take the initiative to absorb it, it would continuously be stuffed into your body. It could be considered the type of thing that you would give even if you did not want it.     

And if you killed an abyssal lifeform, it would also use that connection to directly transfer the abyssal power within the abyssal lifeform's body into your body. It was impossible to guard against it.      

This was Kalunu's evaluation of the abyssal power. To a certain extent, it could be considered a very troublesome thing. Now that he thought about it, if that was the case, it was no wonder that the battle back then was so difficult.     

In that battle back then, from the data on the surface, the number of sacred existences in the World of Gods was more than the number of sacred existences in the Abyss World.     

However, compared to the Abyss World, the World of Gods was not united enough, and they were at a disadvantage because of the Abyss World's constant erosion mechanism.     

The gods were also living beings. Although they were high and mighty, they also had their own desires and their own camps. Even if they could reluctantly put down their grudges under external enemies, it was impossible to unite to a certain extent in a short time.     

It was impossible for them to be like the Abyss World, directly united under the control of the abyssal consciousness and charge towards the World of Gods. It was no wonder that they calculated it this way.     

Kalunu was calculating on the spot before raising his head again. Unknowingly, they had already reached the depths of this region. There, the corpse of a giant dragon was lying quietly.     

Compared to Carl, whose body was only about a hundred meters long, the corpse of the giant dragon in the distance was incomparably tall. Its body alone was at least a thousand meters long.     

In front of the corpse, Carl was almost as small as a child. He was completely insignificant.     

From the corpse of the giant dragon, traces of the past could still be seen. For example, the dense abyssal power, as well as traces of the seal of divine power.     

"A golden dragon at the Mythical level?"     

Kalunu looked at the corpse, and then this thought flashed. The corpse of the giant dragon in front of him should be much older than Carl, at least an immemorial dragon.     

Moreover, its strength had reached the Ninth Ring Mythical level, and it was only one step away from becoming a Demigod.     

With such powerful strength and the noble bloodline of the Golden Dragon, it is status in the Giant Dragon Tribe must be extraordinary.     

Unlike the White Dragons, who were at the bottom of the Giant Dragon Tribe, the Golden Dragons were considered the royal family of the tribe. Their bloodline could be considered powerful and noble among the dragons, so they were naturally different.     

This was also the main reason why this area had become like this.     

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