Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 702 - Merging into One

Chapter 702 - Merging into One

0Kalunu's mind wavered, and he couldn't help but fall into deep thought. However, in the depths of his mind, while he was deep in thought, there was also a strange change happening.     

As he extracted the divinity from the Evil God's body and stored it in his own body, a shadow began to spread and spread in his body.     

The black shadow was very obscure, hiding in the body of Kalunu and spreading carefully. As Kalunu began to scan the memories of the Evil God, the shadow became stronger and stronger.     

In it, the face of the Evil God that was previously faintly discernible reappeared.     

It was the Evil God from before. He had not completely fallen and died. At this moment, his memories and divinity had been extracted by Kalunu, and he had come back to life and resurfaced in Kalunu's body.     

He was lurking here. At this moment, he was corroding Kalunu's true spirit along with Kalunu's actions, wanting to corrode Kalunu's humanity and use his body to revive.     

For him, this was the only choice at the moment. His body was destroyed by Kalunu. All his former believers were sacrificed in blood. Even his divinity was completely plundered by Kalunu.     

For him, the only choice at the moment was to seize Kalunu's body and replenish himself by plundering everything in him.      

As long as he could seize this body in front of him, everything in Kalunu could be seized by him. At that time, he could still return to his peak at the fastest speed and become the god he once was.     

What surprised him was that everything in front of him was still going very smoothly.     

Kalunu seemed to be immersed in his memories, and he still hadn't come back to his senses. He was browsing through his memories and didn't care about the changes in his body.     

Under such circumstances, it was the best time to strike. The Evil God carefully spread forward and spread in all directions.     

In the end, he successfully came into contact with the source and was ready to erode Kalunu's consciousness and transform it.     

But soon, he was stunned because he could feel that there was no consciousness around him. Inside Kalunu's true spirit, cold and indifferent light spread without the slightest fluctuation of emotion.     

It was as if the world's consciousness was cold and aloof, and all the light in it was so cold, without the slightest fluctuation of human nature.     

"How is this possible?"     

Sensing all this, the Evil God was somewhat in disbelief. How could there be such a life in this world? Even an extremely powerful existence like a god could not possibly have no humanity.     

Human nature, to the existence of a god, more meant self. Losing human nature was equivalent to losing self. And if one lost self, it was equivalent to becoming an ice-cold and ruthless machine.      

From then on, they would no longer have all kinds of desires, nor would they have the slightest motivation to move up. They would be like a puppet, moving forward in a daze for thousands of years. He would not have the slightest initiative.     

However, judging from Kalunu's previous performance, there was no such trend at all. Everything about him looked so normal, with all kinds of fluctuations of human nature.     

He did not look like he had lost his human nature at all. But what was the reason for all this?     


Standing in the same place, the remaining will of the Evil God gathered and muttered to himself.     

"Why is this impossible?"     

Behind him, a voice suddenly rang out, causing a loud rumble.     

The Evil God suddenly turned around. Behind him, light and shadow swirled, and an afterimage gathered here, slowly turning into another figure.     

That was Kalunu's appearance. Opposite the Evil God, his appearance was still the same. At this moment, there was a faint smile on his face, and he just stood there looking at him.     

"You actually came out on so quickly."     

Standing in his original spot, he looked at the Evil God in front of him with some surprise, as if he was surprised that the other party was so easily lured out.     

But soon, he smiled again, and his smile was very bright. "This is also good.     

"It's good to have you outside and solve it earlier."     

His smile was very bright, and it was very cordial in the eyes of others, but in the eyes of the Evil God at this moment, there was only a chill. "You deliberately lured me out?"     

"Or what?"     

Kalunu shook his head. The expression on his face gradually disappeared, and the polite smile slowly faded away, returning to its original appearance.     

His expression gradually became indifferent. There was no emotion to speak of, as if he had become a machine in an instant. There was no emotional fluctuation, and there was no human nature to speak of.     

Waves of world fluctuations were circulating. The aura that had existed for a long time emerged from Kalunu's body. At this moment, he no longer looked like a mortal but like a high and mighty God, the will of a certain world.     

Compared to the gentlemanly appearance that had always maintained a smile, the current Kalunu was like his original appearance. His face was cold, and there was no emotion in his golden eyes. His every move was like the will of the heavens.     

That cold aura spread out, causing the Evil God before him to feel a chill all over his body. At this moment, he suddenly felt a little regretful. If he had known it would be like this, he would have taken the last chance to leave. He definitely would not have any delusions.     

"Do you want to leave?"     

In front of him, an indifferent voice came from Kalunu's mouth. It was cold as ice. "It's already too late."     

Standing on the spot in the distance, he opened his arms, and a powerful aura flowed from his body, as majestic and powerful as mountains and rivers.     


He opened his mouth and murmured, as if the world was calling, "Merge with me...     

"Just like what you imagined before..."     

Light sounds came out of Kalunu's mouth, and a new change began to occur in all directions. In front of him, a true spirit flickered. The light was pure and natural, and in the end, it blotted out the sky and covered the earth as it pounced on the Evil God.     

From its looks, it seemed like it was going to wrap itself up and become one with the Evil God.     


The Evil God's face was full of fear in this scene. "You're crazy! If you want to die, don't bring me along!"     

He resisted with all his might, wanting to reject such an outcome. Kalunu's true spirit had already merged with the world's consciousness. It did not have any form of self or human form that was a postnatal creature.      

Although it was extremely powerful, it was like the world's consciousness. It was filled with order and laws.     

Once the consciousness of others fused with it, there was only one final result. They would be infected by the true spirit and eventually become a part of the world's consciousness. It was as if they had become part of the Heavenly Axiom and would no longer be themselves. Once they fused with the world's consciousness, they would become an existence like Philip.     

However, compared to Philip, the others could not control them remotely like Chen Heng. Therefore, the result of their combination with the world's consciousness would be that they would lose all of themselves and become puppets.     

This was the case even for the existence of gods. There would not be any unexpected circumstances. The Evil God was unwilling to accept such an outcome, so he resisted with all his might.     

However, the current situation was no longer something he could do as he wished. If he were to hide in Kalunu's body, then Kalunu wouldn't be able to find him within a short period of time.     

However, since he had taken the initiative to show and reveal himself to Kalunu's true spirit, there was no other choice. There was no other way other than obediently merging with Kalunu's true spirit and becoming one with it.     

In an instant, the place was filled with light, and the true spirit's light shone in all directions, illuminating everything.     

The Evil God's true spirit supported it for an instant before it was assimilated by Kalunu's true spirit and became one.     

His face was ferocious within the true spirit's light, and he was still struggling instinctively. However, in the end, the expression on his face slowly disappeared, turning from ferocious to relaxed.      

Finally, it became numb and cold. Gradually, he became like Kalunu at this moment. In the end, he no longer resisted. He spontaneously combined with Kalunu and slowly disappeared.     

Everything disappeared. Without a sound, a god-level existence died and completely withered.      

Kalunu was not surprised by this. They might still fall for it if it was an ordinary mortal or even a Demigod facing such an Evil God.     

However, it did not matter to him for Kalunu, who had merged with the world consciousness and turned himself into a world. At this moment, Kalunu was almost invulnerable.     

To a certain extent, losing one's humanity meant losing one's self, but at the same time, it also meant that many shortcomings were missing. Some problems that were fatal to other gods were no longer problems for Kalunu.     

To a certain extent, this could be considered an advantage.     

"It's finally over."     

Standing still, feeling the true spirit slowly growing in his body, this thought flashed through Kalunu's mind, and he could not help but shake his head slowly.     

At this moment, a smile appeared on his face again, as if he had withdrawn from his previous state and returned to his human nature. However, his body's world-like majestic and indifferent aura could not be dispelled. It was simply impossible to stop it.     

Kalunu himself did not care about this. He turned around, stepped through the void, and directly returned to the World of Gods.     

And at this moment, the changes in the World of Gods had just begun.     

In the desert, the Kalunu Kingdom swept through everything, dispersing all traces of the Centaur tribe. The Kobolds occupied a large amount of land, and many Centaurs became slaves. They began to work hard for the sins of the past, doing the hardest work.     

And within the Kalunu Kingdom, many things were still going on. War didn't mean everything. It was just a mean. After dealing with the Centaur tribe, there were still many things that Kalunu needed to do.     

For example, building roads, building cities, and developing trade. There are also relations with other races. These are big issues that need to be addressed over a long period of time.     

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