Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 701 - Mark of Divine Spark

Chapter 701 - Mark of Divine Spark

0It had to be said that the Evil God's move was reasonable. In the prosperous areas of the material world, there were basically a large number of intelligent races.     

These intelligent races represented a very large number of beliefs, but there were already many forces of the god's church in them. They were deeply rooted in them, and outsiders simply could not step into them.     

If foreign gods like the Evil God dared to enter them, the final result would be that they would be alerted and eventually found by other revived gods. Therefore, he shifted his gaze and finally came to the desert.     

At that time, there were still many desert races in the desert. These races were the losers who had previously fought in the material world. Because of their previous failures, they were driven into the desert.     

Compared to the civilized world, the desert was stupid and powerful. They worshiped power, so it was easier to bewitch them. The Centaur race easily entered the Evil God's eyes among the many desert races.     

This was due to comprehensive considerations. In the desert, many races had more in numbers than Centaurs, such as Kobolds and Goblins, but they were often weak. Not only were they as weak as ants, but it was also difficult for them to obtain enough power.     

Some races, such as the Tree Spirits, were more powerful than the Centaurs. Their numbers were too few, and no matter how they developed, they couldn't obtain much power of faith, much less enough strength to rely on. Thus, they could stay in the World of Gods.     

All in all, the Centaurs were the best choice. What happened next was just as everyone knew. Under the command of the Evil God, the centaurs began to exert their power.     

They massacred the other races in the desert and held a blood sacrifice to replenish the Evil God's power. At the same time, they obtained feedback from the Evil God, continuously obtaining more and more power to strengthen themselves.     

Just like that, the original Centaur tribe continued to grow, from a small tribe to a giant force that spanned across the desert. The Evil God's power was also rapidly recovering and growing.     

Originally, if there were no other obstacles, with its power, it could even unify the entire desert, gathering all the power in it and gathering it into its own body.     

If that was the case, not only would it recover its power, it would even be enough to let it advance one step further, and it could achieve a higher status.     

Unfortunately, an accident happened in the end. He came across Kalunu.     

The Centaur tribe, which had developed to its peak, had met the Kalunu Kingdom. As a result, they had been forcefully blocked. That upward trend had also been stopped.     

At this point, everything had already been predestined. Compared to Kalunu, who had several worlds as his backing and divine power as his support, the foundation of the Centaur tribe was still too weak. As a result, they had been blocked. They had advanced even further.     

Otherwise, with the trend of the Centaurs'development, they might have successfully grown to a new level.     


When Kalunu checked the Evil God's memories, streams of divinity emerged in his body. That was the divinity in the body of the Evil God from before. Now, all of it surged into Kalunu's body.     

This method was originally impossible. Even if they were both gods, receiving the divinity of other gods' bodies in perfect condition would still take a long process. They could only absorb part of it, and the losses were severe. It was impossible to absorb all of it.     

Otherwise, the gods would only need to keep devouring each other to develop and grow. Why would they have to work hard to comprehend laws and develop believers?     

But in front of their eyes, this kind of thing happened. The divinity that was originally in the body of the Evil God kept pouring into Kalunu's body. It seemed that there was no loss, and he completely accepted it.     

The reason it could be like this was naturally the effect of the simulator. The simulator could transform laws' power, transforming laws' external power into its things.     

Because of this, Kalunu could transform the many divinities in the god corpses into his own.     

At this moment, it was also ordinary. However, compared to the god corpses he had come into contact with, the divinity in the Evil God's body seemed somewhat different.     

In his body, a change was taking place. Streams of divinity flowed into his body, but eventually converged in his body, forming a brand new change. An inexplicable mark emerged and appeared on his body.     

This mark was formed by countless divinity, but it seemed to be a little vague. Only a part of it was real, and the rest of it was incomplete. Countless divinity piled up in it and gathered together to form this broken mark.     

"This is..."     

Sensing the mark formed by the divinities in his body, Kalunu could not help but be stunned. At this moment, all sorts of thoughts flashed through his mind instinctively.     

In the unseen world, a stream of information was transmitted into his mind, allowing him to understand what this incomplete mark was instant.     

"Divine Spark..."     

Standing in the void, Kalunu sensed the mark on his body. At this moment, he muttered to himself, all sorts of thoughts flashing through his mind.     

This incomplete mark was the Divine Spark of the Evil God from before. If mortals wanted to ascend to the god realm and become Demigod, they needed to condense divinity and sublimate all their comprehension.     

If a demigod realm wanted to ascend to the god realm, they needed to gather countless divinity and sublimate it into a Divine Spark.     

When divinity sublimated into a Divine Spark, it was a qualitative change as well as a quantitative change. When the Divine Spark was truly formed, it would mean the birth of a brand new god.     

Kalunu carefully looked at the Mark of Divine Spark in front of him. In his body, this mark was manifesting. At this moment, it looked exceptionally clear and thorough.     

However, only a small part of this mark was real. Most of the areas were somewhat illusory. There were even a large number of incomplete areas that could not be filled up.     

The imaginary part meant that the comprehension was not deep, and the divine inscription was not solid. It could collapse at any time. As for the incomplete part, it meant that there were more possibilities.     

According to the information in the Evil God's memory, when a Demigod had just become a god, he could only condense an illusory divine imprint.     

However, as the god's comprehension of the law became deeper, the mark would also become more solid. There would be more and more real parts, and there would be fewer and fewer defects.     

When this Godhead imprint was condensed and turned into a flawless one, it meant that it had reached a certain level of perfection and would climb to a higher level.     

However, there was no doubt that it was very difficult. According to the memory of the Evil God, even if it was only a god who condensed more than half of the Mark of Divine Spark, it could already be called a powerful person among the god level.     

Even the most powerful among gods, such as the God of Shadows and the God of Light, had not reached the perfect Mark of Divine Spark. There was still a considerable part of it missing. It could be seen how difficult it was.      

In legends, once the Mark of Divine Spark was perfected and completely condensed, there would be all kinds of changes. The god himself would also be sublimated and promoted to another domain.     

At that level, he might be able to exist independently from the world, even in the boundary sea. The strange demonic nature would not erode him.     


Kalunu suddenly realized something.     

"The Mark of Destiny..."     

This thought suddenly flashed through his mind. At this moment, observing the existence of the mark in front of him, feeling the power and power of its existence, he suddenly realized something.     

Did the mark of Destiny represent the same thing?     

In the past, Chen Heng had explored the existence of things like the Mark of Destiny, wanting to find out what the essence of this thing was.     

But there was no doubt that the essence of the Mark of Destiny was too high. Even at Chen Heng's current level, he could not explore it clearly, let alone understand its essence.     

Chen Heng could only know the Power of the Mark of Destiny itself. But what was the essence of it and how terrifying its source was, was not something he could know.     

But now, Kalunu suddenly realized. The Mark of Destiny in Chen Heng's body had a lot of similarities with the Mark of Divine Spark in the god's body.     

The Mark of Divine Spark extracted from the Evil God's body was similar to the Mark of Destiny but relatively simpler, far less complete, and dazzling than the Mark of Destiny.     

However, there were still some very similar things. For example, the type of power.     

The Mark of Destiny controlled the Destiny. With the power of the Mark of Destiny, one could quickly control Destiny. The domain of the Destiny could be used to see through the destiny and foresee the future. It was not a big problem to even intercept the destiny of others.     

The mark extracted from the Evil God's body also had a considerable amount of power, but it was reflected in the domains of darkness, sacrifice, and so on. Its domain was different from that of the Mark of Destiny.     

However, there was no doubt that both the Mark of Destiny and the Mark of Divine Spark represented some kind of power.     

If that was the case...     

Was the Mark of Destiny once formed from the Mark of Divine Spark controlled by a super-strong person?     

Divinity could exist for a long time, even if the former god still existed for countless years after his death.     

The Mark of Divine Spark could also be the same. There were even cases where Divine Spark fragments appeared in the mortal world and were obtained by mortals.     

If an ultimate strong person at that level died and the Divine Spark mark remained in his body, it was likely that it could also exist in the world for a long time. It could exist forever.     

"Is this the origin of the Mark of Destiny?"     

Standing in the same spot, various thoughts flashed through Kalunu's mind. At this moment, he could not help but feel a little absent-minded. He felt that he had most likely discovered the truth.     

There was most likely an extremely great secret existence within the body of the Mark of Destiny.     

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