Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 700 - Memories

Chapter 700 - Memories

0Many powerful creatures emerged from the space before him as the void trembled. Some were powerful creatures from other worlds, while others were the Evil God's dependents.      

They were the Evil God's accumulation over a long period. Some could be its experimental subjects, while others were completely new creatures created by the Evil God.     

These creatures had been sealed in many dimensions in the past, and they could only appear in other worlds with the Evil God's consent. However, with the Evil God's death, these creatures broke free from the seal and left the sealed space.     

The Evil God's dependents roared in the void and seemed excited at the moment. However, it was obvious that they got happy too early.     

Kalunu glanced at them and then stretched out his hand. A wisp of divine power trembled. Then, the world's virtual shadow appeared again, suppressing all the life forms that appeared under the terrifying gazes of the Evil God's dependents.     


Terrifying ripples spread, suppressing the surroundings. The many dependents were sent directly into Kalunu's world in the end.      

On the continent that the Evil God's body had evolved into, the Evil God's dependents should be able to survive very well. What happened before Kalunu was just a small interlude. Kalunu had more important things to do now.     

He had suppressed the Evil God standing behind the Centaur. This signified the disappearance of a powerful enemy and also an extremely precious wealth. The divinity and memories left behind were all extremely precious to Kalunu.     

The former was self-evident. It was a good choice for self-transformation or trading with other gods. As for the latter, it might be more important for Kalunu now. After all, he did not lack divinity. What he lacked was experience and memories about the Gods' realm.      

All of these could be obtained from the previous Evil God's memory. Kalunu was in the process of digesting the memory at this moment. Huge memories flowed into his mind and kept emerging.      

The Evil God was not a creature from the World of Gods but came from another huge and extraordinarily prosperous world. Everything in it was very different from the World of Gods. Even the name of the Gods' realm was different. The Evil God was born from that world, rose to the top, and arrived at God's realm.     

However, that world was ultimately destroyed due to a natural disaster. Two terrifying and boundless great worlds collided and targeted each other in a terrifying crusade. Both sides were equal in strength and wanted to conquer each other, turning the other into resources for their advancement.     

Therefore, a war quickly erupted. Initially, it was a fight between mortals, and it kept climbing until it reached the point where even those in God's realm had to participate personally.     

The Great War of the Gods erupted, and both worlds shattered. That scene was extremely profound in the Evil God's memory. The two great worlds shattered, and the living beings inside were roaring and crying on the world's fragments. Even the worlds let out a mournful cry and died completely in the collision.     

The Evil God was lucky enough to survive the war. He joined hands with the other surviving gods in an attempt to refine the broken world and bring it back to life again. However, their efforts were in vain.     

They did create some worlds and cohered using the original world fragments, hoping to create a brand new world. However, the size of the new world was far from comparable to the original world. It could not support existences in the Gods' realm like them.     

If they forcefully stayed, not only would there be no benefits, they would encounter all sorts of dangers and might even crush the new world itself. There was no other possibility. The Evil God had no choice but to leave and head out of the world.      

Passing through the long void was a chaotic Boundary Sea beyond the world. Infinite worlds bobbed up and down in the Boundary Sea, and many lifeforms had long fallen and sank within.      

Kalunu finally had a deeper understanding of the Boundary Sea through the Evil God's memory. The gods of different worlds had different names regarding that Boundary Sea.     

The immortal Gods in the Divine Weapon World called it chaos, and the gods in the World of Gods named it the world's source. It was also known as the Boundary Sea for divine existences in other worlds. However, regardless of its name, its characteristics were the same.      

The Boundary Sea had a terrifying power. That power was like a kind of demonic nature that could silently corrode the body and mind of the gods, making them fall unconsciously and eventually become creatures of the Boundary Sea.     

It would completely fall once it reached that stage, directly becoming the world's enemy, and would lose all of its consciousness and nature. Its body would transform, and its mind would become chaotic, turning into a monster that had lost all its sanity despite the power of the gods.     

This kind of ending was something that no gods would want to see. However, this was also one of the reasons why gods needed to find a world to stay in and rely on.     

Only the world was the home of all living beings in the vast Boundary Sea. Even the high and mighty gods could not avoid this, as they needed to grow and move forward under the protection of the world.     

The Evil God sank into the Boundary Sea and searched for a long time to find a new world. However, it could not avoid the many dangerous encounters along the way, even with its power.     

Not only was there demonic erosion in the Boundary Sea, but also many Boundary Sea monsters that had fallen in the past. Those Boundary Sea monsters were all transformed from the life forms that had left the original world. As a result, each of them was extremely powerful. The weakest was equivalent to a legend, and the strongest was at least a god level.     

It was not that easy to deal with them, even though these life forms did not have intelligence. The Evil God sank into the Boundary Sea along the way and had found many worlds.     

Unfortunately, the weak worlds were useless. The gods' capacities were equivalent to the world, and ordinary worlds could not accommodate it. As a result, some weak worlds would die and explode when the Evil God entered. \     

Only strong worlds could accommodate the Evil God's existence and allow it to have room for improvement. That was because those worlds that were strong enough had stronger Power of Laws and origin which could allow the existence in God's realm to go one step further and reach a higher level.     

However, such worlds were very rare in the entire Boundary Sea. Moreover, due to the sizes of these worlds, they would often give birth to their gods. Furthermore, these existences had a unified attitude toward the foreign gods. Therefore, except for a few worlds with a unique environment, gods of the other normal great worlds would often instinctively be hostile toward the foreign gods.     

If one were to enter these worlds rashly, one would be attacked by the gods and eventually devoured. This was a clear risk. After all, entering other worlds required a relatively long period of adaptation.     

When one first entered other worlds, it was the weakest moment. Not only would one have to consume a huge amount of power to enter, but one would also have to face the world's repulsion. Besides having external enemies, one's strength would be much weaker than before under the world's repulsion. This was precisely why the Evil God's journey in the Boundary Sea was not easy but extremely difficult.      

He finally arrived in the World of Gods after a long period. It was the time when the World of Gods was in chaos, as the gods happened to experience an internal conflict during that era and were at a weak moment.     

The Evil God sneaked into the World of Gods using a special method. After hiding there for a long time, he finally found the trick and slowly solved his exclusion issue.     

He changed his appearance and washed away the traces of the Boundary Sea. Then, he completely integrated himself and became a local god in the World of Gods. Then, when the time was right, he spread his beliefs in the World of Gods to become his reliance, preventing himself from being rejected by the World of Gods.      

In the following long period, he remained a local God in the World of Gods and existed there for a long time. He had participated in the war between the gods and launched a war of faith, using it to plunder the power of faith and blood sacrifice.     

He also participated and was deeply involved in the war between the World of Gods and the Abyss World. However, due to the war with the powerhouses in the abyss in the past, he suffered heavy losses and had no choice but to fall into a deep sleep. He could not recover immediately even with the rewards the World of Gods gave and could only hide in his divine kingdom.      

Subsequently, the World of Gods and the Abyss World fell and hit rock bottom. The gods fell into a deep sleep and no longer appeared in the material world. After that, the Evil God dived into the divine kingdom.     

He had also made a backup plan to deal with the long period of silence, leaving behind his church in the material world. It was just that a long time had passed after he awakened, and the backup plans he had left behind back then could no longer be used.     

Even the church and faith he had left back then had completely disappeared under the suppression of the other Gods' churches. In such a dangerous situation, he had no choice but to take up his old expertise and start the blood sacrifice ritual again.     

In the central area of the Material World, those prosperous places had long been occupied by the forces of other gods. Therefore, he shifted his gaze and focused on the desert.     

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