Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 679 - Farewell, You Ruo

Chapter 679 - Farewell, You Ruo

0In terms of territory alone, the Star Alliance was far larger than the Hao Hua sect. After all, the Star Alliance not only occupied a part of this world but also had the vast initial world as its foundation.     

In that world, the Star Alliance's technology was highly developed, so it was more reasonable to teach its disciples.     

In the region where the Star Alliance was located, at this moment, they had directly completed compulsory education in cultivation, allowing all children of the right age to have the opportunity to come into contact with cultivation and thoroughly display their talent.     

Under the huge population base, there would always be many geniuses who would stand out and achieve things that others could not.     

Comparatively speaking, on the side of the Hao Hua sect, many sects were still using traditional methods to select disciples.      

In the territory where the Hao Hua sect was located, those interested in cultivation would need to go through many tests to enter a sect. Only after their temperament and aptitude had met the standards would they be able to enter a sect and become a disciple of a particular sect.     

This was a traditional practice. It could ensure that the disciples taught were relatively elite and had a relatively high success rate. However, in terms of numbers, it was undoubtedly greatly reduced.     

In the short term, it was still alright. However, in the long term, it was inevitable that they would be at a disadvantage in the confrontation.     

A thousand years ago, the number of cultivators on the Hao Hua sect's side was far above that of the Star Alliance. But now, it was the reverse.     

The number of cultivators from the Star Alliance was much higher than that of the Hao Hua sect. Other than the cultivators above the Heavenly Venerate level, the cultivators below the Heavenly Venerate level were at an absolute disadvantage.     

The number of cultivators above the Heavenly Venerate level was also gradually adjusting. If a few more years passed, perhaps this level would be caught up.     

This result made a lot of people feel uneasy. Some cultivators of the Hao Hua sect saw the result of this confrontation, so they strongly requested to take advantage of the fact that the Star Alliance had not yet become big to eliminate it directly.     

Otherwise, it would be too late to take action when the Star Alliance grew stronger and overtook the Hao Hua sect.     

Some people were interested in the system of the Star Alliance and proposed to learn from the Star Alliance's practice to cultivate more cultivators.     

However, this proposal was undoubtedly opposed by many people. After all, compared to the purity of the Star Alliance, the Hao Hua sect was essentially the union of many sects, and it was very difficult to be truly unified.     

Sometimes, even if a proposal were right, it would encounter many obstacles to do it. It would be very difficult, or even impossible, to do it.     

Unless the leader of the Hao Hua sect personally gave the order, the supreme Heavenly Venerate's mighty power would suppress it. Only then could it be carried out in an absolute way.     

Otherwise, other people would not be able to suppress everyone, nor would they have the power to push it forward.      

Many people saw the danger and felt a sense of crisis in their hearts, so they kept giving Chen Heng advice. Chen Heng was also somewhat interested in these suggestions but did not pay attention to them.     

Because to him, the dispute between the Star Alliance and the Hao Hua sect was unimportant. After all, Chen Heng and Philip were essentially the same people. There was no difference between them.     

In fact, between the two factions, Chen Heng was more inclined toward the Star Alliance. After all, it was a faction that he had built up by himself, and its composition was brilliant. It was far less complicated than the situation on the Hao Hua sect's side.     

It was a good choice to use the pressure brought by the Star Alliance to pressure the various sects on the side of the Hao Hua sect and make them slowly disappear.     

Therefore, during these thousand years, Chen Heng chose seclusion. He did not pay attention to the affairs of the outside world and directly watched the development of the situation.     

During these thousand years, Chen Heng's cultivation had also improved. The runes in his body had become even larger, and the two marks representing the Heavenly Weapons had also become clearer. The connection with him was very deep.     

The power that originated from the Immortal Sect and the heaven-cleaving sword continued to fuse into his body, causing his aura to become even more profound and powerful.     

If Chen Heng had only just entered the ninth level a thousand years ago, then now, he had taken a huge step forward. He had already walked a long way on the ninth level. He was not too far away from the peak of the ninth level.     

At this level, he had also obtained more information from the world. Now, he had learned more things.     

On a certain day, Chen Heng walked out of the secluded cultivation ground and headed toward the outside world. This time, he did not inform anyone about this trip. He just walked casually by himself, looking very casual.     

He set off from where the Hao Hua sect was located and then walked through the area where the Star Alliance was located, moving forward.     

Over the past thousand years, the surrounding world has undergone many changes. The earth's terrain had also changed because of the changes of many cultivators. It became more reasonable, and the spiritual Qi that was swallowed and exhaled was more suitable for cultivation.     

And all of this seemed to be fed back into the Heavenly Dao, causing changes in this world's origin.     

Chen Heng walked forward. Along the way, he comprehended the changes in the terrain of the star. He seemed to have heard the sounds of heaven and earth and obtained echoes from them.     

Finally, he walked to an unknown region. With a step, he arrived in a stretch of the void. His surroundings were empty as if there was nothing. Further away, a few stars were lying there. Looking from afar, they were extremely bright, as dazzling as the sun and moon.     

Chen Heng raised his head and stared, feeling the aura they emitted. Those stars were not truly existing but the projections of the various worlds.     

However, what surprised Chen Heng was a certain existence on the side. An inexplicable Dao charm flowed out and circulated in this place.     

On the side, what appeared to be an endless void seemed to exist in reality, suppressing everything in all directions.     

A flow of information made Chen Heng feel enlightened. He was about to make a move when he suddenly heard a voice.     

"Long time no see."     

A gentle girl's voice suddenly sounded in his ear. The voice sounded somewhat familiar.     

Standing still, Chen Heng heard the voice in his ear, and his heart could not help but move. The next moment, he stepped forward and directly walked into the void in front of him.     

Strictly speaking, there was no concept of space and distance in the void. With this step, Chen Heng immediately walked into a brand new area and used this to enter a space.     

If one looked from a higher angle, one would find that there was a space that had opened its door. It had taken the initiative to open its door and pull Chen Heng into it.     

After entering this space, the surrounding scene was immediately displayed. In various areas, many divine chains of Dao and orders were flying around. There were all sorts of strange scenes.     

Occasionally, some divine chains of order and runes would fly around and collide, resulting in a unique divine power fluctuation that was enough to terrify a Heavenly Venerate.     

The essence of this space was very high. An ordinary cultivator's cultivation base was lower than a Heavenly Venerate's and would probably be suppressed the moment they entered this area. They wouldn't be able to survive.     

"This is..."     

Chen Heng stood on the spot and looked at the space in front of him. As he sensed the situation inside, a thought flashed through his mind.     

He didn't know why, but the place in front of him gave him an extremely familiar feeling. It was the same as when Chen Heng was in the inner world of the Immortal Sect.     

However, this wasn't the inner world of the Immortal Sect but another Sky Heavenly Weapon. Chen Heng wasn't unfamiliar with this Sky Heavenly weapon. Strictly speaking, he had seen it up close before.     

The Immortal Bell. Chen Heng quietly stood in his original spot. He looked around and quietly felt the sky full of flying runes. All sorts of thoughts flashed through his mind.     

In the next moment, a figure appeared before his eyes. This was a very beautiful woman. She wore a long black robe, and her appearance was the same as before. There wasn't the slightest change in her appearance. It was just that her temperament had changed greatly, making her appear even more transcendent and sacred. Her entire body carried a terrifying aura.     

This was You Rou.     

"It's been a long time."     

Looking at Chen Heng in front of her, You Rou said with a smile, as if she already understood Chen Heng's background and identity. "I wonder how I should address you?"     

"Hao Hua sect master, or the nameless divine sword?"     

"A name is just a code name. If you want, you can call me Hao Hua sect master."     

Chen Heng stood there, shaking his head as he spoke.     

"That's good."     

You Ruo smiled and nodded to Chen Heng. "I didn't expect the divine sword by brother Bai's side back then to reach such a state today."     

"I also didn't expect that an ordinary woman back then would be the one who answered the bell."     

Chen Heng calmly spoke, his gaze fixed on You Rou as he calmly spoke.     

"Regarding this matter, I only understood after entering this world."     

You Rou smiled and explained, "Back then, when I was in another world, I already knew that there was something very important waiting for me in this world. Hence, I had to come here.     

"Until I truly entered this world, I understood the past and truly understood.     

"Right now, your strength is probably not inferior to a supreme Heavenly Venerate."     

Chen Heng looked at You Ruo before saying. Under his spiritual perception, the current You Ruo was very powerful.     

Long before she entered this world, You Ruo already had the cultivation level of a Heavenly Venerate.     

After entering this world and combining it with the Immortal Bell, her cultivation base had improved over the past two thousand years. Now, she had already reached the level of a supreme Heavenly Venerate.     

And she was not an ordinary supreme Heavenly Venerate. You Ruo's coordination with the immortal bell was much better compared to Venerable Ming. Because she was formed from the Immortal Bell, their connection was much closer than the so-called Answerers.     

Under such circumstances, if she was willing, she could easily mobilize the power of the entire bell and use it to fight. Most likely, she would be able to reach the battle prowess of an Immortal God.     

Her strength was far above that of Venerate Ming. Even if the current Chen Heng used all his trump cards, he might not be able to do anything to his opponent in this Immortal Bell domain.     

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