Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 592 - Weapon Tribulation And Ancient Sword

Chapter 592 - Weapon Tribulation And Ancient Sword

0It was not easy to conclude that a Heavenly Weapon could overcome the weapon tribulation. There was a heavenly tribulation for human beings, and there was also a weapon tribulation for weapons in this world. The weapon tribulation was a test for the weapon spirit. Only when the spirit had gathered to a certain extent could a Heavenly Weapon that was about to transform to be able to overcome the weapon tribulation.     

Once it passed the weapon tribulation, a weapon was qualified to be called a Heavenly Weapon and became the most dazzling existence. A Heavenly Weapon list in the outside world recorded all the Heavenly Weapons that had appeared since ancient times. Any Heavenly Weapon that had passed the weapon tribulation would be qualified to be listed in it.     

Song Qingruo's father, the current leader of the Qiong Hua Sword sect, had a Heavenly Weapon called the Qiong Hua Sword in his hands. It was a secret treasure passed down by the Qiong Hua Sword Sect, which the Sect's founder left behind. One could see how precious a Heavenly Weapon was.      

And now, there was the aura of a Weapon Tribulation here.     

"There's a Heavenly Weapon here that has survived a Weapon Tribulation?" Some people beside Song Qingruo thought of this possibility, even their breathing began to quicken, and an inexplicable desire surged up in them.     

"I'm not sure." Song Qingruo only shook her head in the face of the surrounding people's enthusiasm, then she said, "That weapon might not have survived the war and become a Heavenly Weapon. It might have failed. However, even if it failed, there should still be the remains of that Heavenly Weapon left behind." She looked around, and her eyes were extremely bright at this moment.     

Same for the people present, their eyes were extremely bright.     

"Pass the order. Let the people of my Qiong Hua Sword Sect come to take a look here." Faced with such a huge temptation, Song Qingruo only pondered shortly before speaking again, "The Heavenly Weapon has a spirit. If it exists, it will choose its own master. The people of my Qiong Hua Sword Sect can come here and try it. Don't give outsiders a chance. I can recommend whoever acknowledged by the Heavenly Weapon as a master or gets a fragment of the Heavenly Weapon to enter the inner sect." The cold voice continued to sound.     

The people around were stunned. Their gaze at Song Qingruo suddenly changed, and they couldn't help but sigh in admiration. A possible Heavenly Weapon, such a huge temptation before them.      

An ordinary person would have immediately sealed the news and not let anyone know it. However, Song Wingruo was not like that. She did not hide the news but even spread it and let the entire Qiong Hua Sword Sect come here to give it a try. Her magnanimity was truly admirable.     

Of course, her actions were more likely due to her confidence. As an innate sword physique, Song Qingruo had an extraordinary affinity with Heavenly Weapons from a young age. If there were a Heavenly Weapon here that wanted to choose a master, she would be its first choice owing to her talent and aptitude and not anyone else.     

The news spread very quickly. Behind her, an ordinary-looking youth wearing a black robe had also heard the news.     

"Heavenly Weapon?" A shocking expression appeared on his face.     

To him, a Heavenly Weapon was like a myth. It was something that he had never thought of in the past. However, it was possible to touch it now? His mood couldn't help but become a little unique, and his heart began to palpitate just thinking of this.      

He shook his head and smiled bitterly again a moment later, 'Xiao Han, Xiao Han…' He smiled wryly, 'Take a look at yourself first instead of dreaming of it. I think I should just stay here and cultivate at a place with rich Gen Qi.' He thought as he didn't have the slightest hope for the so-called Heavenly Weapon.     

After all, even though Song Qingruo said that whoever obtained the Heavenly Weapon would get it, many people were present. How could he possibly get it? The Heavenly Weapon had spirit and judgment, so why would it select an ordinary person like him who had neither influence nor talent? Xiao Han was completely clear-headed thinking of this and silently walked to the side.     

Unlike the others who were bustling with excitement, he did not have any hope from the start. He did not go around to explore the Heavenly Weapon, but instead, he followed the guidance of Gen Qi and silently headed to various places where Gen Qi gathered, wanting to find a place to cultivate properly. Soon, he pursued a small path and arrived at an area.     

"Eh?" He suddenly felt an inexplicable aura before him.     

A rich Gen Qi reaction came from ahead, making his heart skip a beat as he hurriedly moved forward. Soon, he arrived in front of a pit. This was a place where rich Gen Qi gathered, much stronger than other sites. Some scattered spiritual herbs were growing in the pit before him, causing Xiao Han to reveal a look of joy.     

He carefully put away a few spirit herbs, and just as he was about to leave, he could not help but pause, "Eh?" He looked into the pit shockingly. There seemed to be something else that had not been discovered.      

'Could it be a secret treasure?' His eyes lit up as he thought, then he quickly rushed forward and began to dig.     

A sword appeared before his eyes. However, to Xiao Han's disappointment, this longsword did not look exceptional. It was covered in a thick layer of rust. It was uncertain how long it had been here.     

Although the sword's body was intact, it looked like it could not be used anymore. From its looks, even slashing it twice might break it down, not to mention to use it against enemies.     

Xiao Han was immediately disappointed, looking at the appearance of the longsword. He had his judgment even though his cultivation was not very strong. In his perspective, the longsword had lost all of its divinity and had no value in cultivating. However, its material did not look like ordinary iron. It might still have some value if it was returned to the furnace.      

He comforted himself in his heart, then picked up the sword and prepared to leave. Unknowingly, he was already very far away from his previous position. There was no one around him.     

"Isn't this Brother Xiao?" A voice sounded behind him, making Xiao Han feel a chill in his heart, and his body stiffened.      

He turned around and saw a burly man wearing a long robe and the Qiong Hua Disciple's uniform. He was very tall and sturdy, and his aura far surpassed that of the current Xiao Han.     

"B-Brother Liu..." Xiao Han's body turned a little stiff, looking at the burly man, but he still braced himself and came over to greet him.     

"Long time no see, Brother Xiao. Why are you treating me like an outsider?" The burly man walked forward and patted Xiao Han's shoulder. A malicious smile appeared on his face, "The Gen Qi in this area is rather dense. You should have gained something after exploring here for a long time. I wonder if you can take care of me?" He patted Xiao Han's shoulder and spoke as if he implied something.     

Xiao Han's hand subconsciously twitched as he naturally understood what the burly man meant. The burly man before him was the domineering one among the ordinary disciples of the Qiong Hua Sword Sect. He often did fraudulent things owing to his near-perfect Gen Qi cultivation. Xiao Han had also suffered many losses from his past actions and didn't expect to meet him again this time. Xiao Han's face turned stiff as various thoughts flashed through his mind.     

While they were talking, the burly man picked up Xiao Han's pocket, "Oh..." Liu Xiongs looked at the spiritual herbs and suddenly revealed a smile, "These things are worth some spirit stones. Brother Xiao, your money has been a little tight recently. Why don't you lend me these spiritual herbs? I will return double the amount when I become rich in the future." He patted Xiao Han's shoulder forthrightly.     

"Brother Liu, take it since you want it..." Xiao Han's heart was bleeding as he forced a smile and cupped his hands toward Liu Xiong.     

"Thank you very much." Liu Xiong smiled contemptuously and grabbed the bag.      

Before he left, he looked at the thing in Xiao Han's hand. However, he was disappointed as the longsword seemed too old, like scrap metal, and was not worth mentioning. Probably only people like Xiao Han would want to take it away. Liu Xiong felt contempt and wanted to leave.     

Xiao Han looked at Liu Xiong's back, and all kinds of images of the past kept appearing, triggering rage in his heart, and a killing intent gradually emerged. He wanted to slaughter Liu Xiong with a sword if he could. However, his rationale told him that he should not do it.      

Liu Xiong's cultivation was far more substantial than his. He was not Liu Xiong's opponent and would only die if he made a move. He had to endure. However, the more he thought so, the more aggrieved he felt. The killing intent in his heart surged, and he could not help but want to let out a long howl.     

The longsword in his hand was changing when he was not paying attention. Specks of light were flickering. As if sensing the anger and killing intent in his heart, power slowly surged from the longsword into Xiao Han's body, giving him a shock. Then, he saw the longsword in his hand trembling and shining.     

"This is..." Before he could react, he suddenly attacked.     

The longsword began to move spontaneously, silently, and automatically. Sharp sword light slashed forward, and a mighty sword aura swept in all directions. Before him, Liu Xiong quickly reacted as he felt the terrifying killing intent sweeping across. An inexplicable aura shrouded his body and turned into a shield to protect him. However, it was useless.     

In the next moment, the sword aura swept across. The shield before Liu Xiong was slashed in half, along with one of Liu Xiong's arms. A blood aura splashed instantly, and a strong bloody smell emitted in all directions.     

Xiao Han was startled.     

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