Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 554 - The Twilight’s End

Chapter 554 - The Twilight’s End

0Chen Heng had witnessed many powerhouses from the past to the present, powerhouses that originated from different worlds. Each of them was very eye-catching and would leave a deep impression on people. However, the Twilight Knight had surpassed them.     

In Chen Heng's memories, the strongest person he had seen in the past was Philip. However, at this moment, the Twilight Knight's aura had reached its peak, and it did not seem to be inferior to Philip at all.      

Of course, this was referring to the past Philip. Compared to the current Philip, he was naturally far inferior. However, this did not change the Twilight Knight's strength. That aura rose to the sky, breaking through all obstacles before it.     


A furious roar was heard in the distance.     

Chen Heng turned to look. The Lava Behemoth fighting with Red seemed to have sensed something and instinctively headed towards this place. Its gaze was highly fierce, carrying a hint of decisiveness.     

It rushed towards this place as if it had sensed the Twilight Knight's state. Its body was so huge and tough, like an indestructible mountain.     

A powerful force rushed forward and was about to explode.     

"I can't block it!" Chen Heng's eyes widened, and a sense of powerlessness suddenly rose in his heart.     

He could feel a considerable force surging forward. That force was so powerful that it surpassed all the previous attacks. Before this, Chen Heng's expression did not change when facing all the Twilight Knight's attacks. Even when he was suppressed at a disadvantage, he could still block it with ease.     

However, at this moment, he had no way to do so. The power of this attack was too terrifying that even Chen Heng was unable to block it.      

'What would happen to me at this moment if I am unable to stop this attack? Would I most likely die?' This thought flashed through Chen Heng's mind.     

He looked ahead, and his gaze fell on the Twilight Knight. At this juncture, the Twilight Knight's power shrouded everything, continuously burning the life in his body. His entire body had turned into a dried corpse as if he could completely rot at any time and fall into the underworld of the undead. However, there was no doubt that he was still not dead. On the contrary, his aura was unprecedentedly powerful and terrifying.     

It was unknown whether it was an illusion, but under Chen Heng's gaze, the Twilight Knight even revealed an ugly smile before he spoke, "Goodbye..."     

Not a single sound was heard the moment when the collision was about to happen, or rather, it could not be heard. However, Chen Heng still accurately received the Twilight Knight's message and understood his thoughts.     

From its looks, the Twilight Knight also understood that he did not have much life left and was prepared to use the most astonishing final attack to end Chen Heng's life, making him fall together with him. This was also the last thing he could do as the leader of the Five Knights.     

Chen Heng smiled and felt somewhat relieved in his heart thinking of this, 'Finally, it has come to this point…'     

The most terrifying attack was about to come. Chen Heng did not panic but only felt a little regret in his heart. He looked ahead and calmly faced each other, welcoming the moment about to arrive.     

"Brother!" From afar, Lu Yao's voice could be heard.     

She looked at the scene before her, her beautiful eyes wide open. She could not help but shout, feeling that powerful aura. Her eyes turned red. She desperately wanted to rush forward and block this attack for Chen Heng.     

Unfortunately, the defense Chen Heng had set up was not something she could break. She could not do it no matter how hard she tried. She could not get out besides waiting quietly in that area.      

Under her gaze, a violent collision was starting in the distance. Under that powerful force, Chen Heng's body was as small as a speck of dust and was directly engulfed.     

His figure instantly disappeared, and the Twilight Knight's power completely shrouded his aura. First, it was covered, then completely engulfed, until finally, it turned into nothingness and completely disappeared.      

Light emitted, and endless, vast energy exploded, rushing toward the outside world. This power was so mighty that it exhausted all the energy of a king, and the final attack it unleashed was terrifying. Even the divine land at the side was affected and was on the verge of self-destruction.      

People could only see a Lava Behemoth roaring and exploding in the center in the endless light.      

A Divine Bird bathed in divine flame also let out a long cry. Its entire body was bathed in golden blood, and it was trying to drag Lu Yao out of the central region, barely escaping.     

What was left in the surroundings after this? Nothing.      

After this attack, the originally vast divine land was destroyed. Even if there were countless runes and magic formations, it was useless. A large piece was directly destroyed, leaving only a few shards behind.     

The surrounding stars shattered, and many meteorites turned into meteor showers, falling into an unknown distance.     

What was left?      

Lu Yao was still alive. Red protected her, standing on top of the shards left after the divine land shattered. She let out an unwilling cry, trying her best to call out Chen Heng's name, wanting to know if Chen Heng was okay.     

In the distance, the powerhouses of the Round Table were also watching the battle with shock in their eyes. This was an epic battle that will most likely be recorded in the annals of history and remembered by countless descendants.     

However, this battle also had a special meaning. "Did the Twilight King die in battle, just like that?"     

The powerhouses were all stunned, looking at the scene before them as terrifying as the explosion of a star. Their eyes revealed a look of confusion.     

The Twilight Knight did not lose this battle. On the contrary, it could be considered a victory to a certain extent. However, the Twilight Knight had already fallen after this battle. The top strength of the Round Table had wholly disappeared.     

Even though a star king had fallen in the Star Alliance, there were still two supreme kings, the Black King and the Red Lotus King, supporting them. After losing the Twilight Knight, the Round Table had absolutely no room for maneuver under the watchful eyes of these two kings.     

The Round Table had lost its hope and was about to step down from its original overlord position. 'What should we, who originally belonged to the Round Table, do now?' This thought flashed through their minds, and they felt even more dazed.     

It was not until Lu Yao's shout woke them up that they finally regained their senses. They saw the Divine Bird chirping, carrying Lu Yao as it stood on the piece of divine land before them, letting out waves of cries.     

After the intense battle before, the Divine Bird had reached its limit. Although its aura was still powerful and that holy aura was still apparent, it had eventually declined. Even the divine flame burning on its body had slightly dimmed, unable to maintain its previous brilliance.     

As for Lu Yao, even though her current strength was good and she had already reached the fifth rank, it was still nothing to the powerhouses wandering around this place. After all, there were quite some powerhouses entrenched here. Among them, quite a number had reached the fifth rank. Some of the powerhouses were even close to the sixth rank. A mere Lu Yao was nothing to them.     

'However, should we make a move?' The surrounding powerhouses thought as they looked at each other in dismay. From the perspective of their faction, they were enemies with Lu Yao. Countless people from the Round Table had hunted down Lu Yao in the past. And based on Lu Yao's current condition, as long as the powerhouses here attacked concurrently, Lu Yao would not be able to escape no matter what.     

If they want...     

'But, was it necessary?' They hesitated in their hearts.     

The Round Table was doomed at this moment. On the other hand, the Star Alliance was rising like a sunrise. It was destined to replace the Round Table and become the overlord of the next era.      

Were they still going to serve the Round Table and takedown Lu Yao this time? The other party was not only the Golden King's reincarnation but also the leader of the Star Alliance and the sister of the King of Stars. If they attacked him, they would most likely be blacklisted by the Star Alliance, and their future would be bleak. They would not be accepted even if they wanted to surrender.     

Thinking of this, they still hesitated. Of course, there were still some loyal officials with so many powerhouses. Therefore, some people still wanted to move forward and attack Lu Yao after hesitating for a moment. However, a brand new aura appeared in the center of the energy explosion before them. A completely different energy aura suddenly appeared among the Twilight King's aura. Although weak, it was real.     

"That is..." The expressions of the people around them immediately changed. Under their gazes, the scene began to appear before them.     

"Cough..." The Twilight Knight fell on a shard of the piece of divine land. He raised his head with great difficulty and looked at the figure before him.      

Chen Heng's figure stood opposite him, his face calm and his figure tall and straight. Chen Heng looked a little disheveled. His clothes were torn, and blood was dripping from all over his body, dyeing the ground red. He was also extremely weak, even weaker than when he was at his worst. But even so, he was still alive and managed to survive after facing the Twilight Knight's fatal attack.     

"Why..." Lying on the ground alone, the Twilight Knight had already turned into a dried corpse, but he still raised his head, his face full of unwillingness, "Why..."     

"Why am I still alive, right?" Chen Heng already understood what the Twilight Knight meant, even though he did not finish his sentence.     

"Once at some time, I spotted someone, and I left something on him." Chen Heng did not hide the reason why he was still alive. He calmly said, "I placed a part of my power and origin in the other person's body. After that, that person entered the Round Table and became the rising star you admired." He spoke softly.      

As Chen Heng finished speaking, the aura on his body suddenly changed. An aura of slaughter power appeared. It was unprecedentedly dense and appeared on Chen Heng's body undisguisedly.     

Sensing the aura on Chen Heng's body, the Twilight Knight's expression changed and finally reacted, "T-This power… It's you!" The Twilight Knight was no stranger to Chen Heng's aura.      

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