Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 502 - One Year

Chapter 502 - One Year

0After obtaining his new flesh and blood, Chen Heng had obtained the experimental materials he needed. Thus, during this period of time, Chen Heng was busy with this.     

Of course, because he didn't have enough experimental equipment and the corresponding apparatus, this kind of research was actually very slow. He could only rely on his own true spirit to deduce and calculate. The efficiency was very low.     

But in the current situation, there was nothing else he could do. After all, Chen Heng hadn't even recovered his body yet, so he didn't have the conditions to set up his own laboratory, let alone recruit a large group of assistants to do the research.     

In the current situation, he could only use his own true spirit's power and rely on himself for the labor works. However, Chen Heng was not in a hurry. It did not matter for the time being.      

After Malikado had relented and cooperated with him, these things could be obtained through Malikado. At that time, Chen Heng would have enough conditions to study slowly. And during this period, he would just make do with it. Time slowly passed.      

Soon, another five days passed. During these five days, Chen Heng was still doing his own things as usual. As for Malikado, his mood was getting more and more anxious.     

In this recent period of time, he could already feel that the curse power in his body had the tendency to spread again. The part of the curse that Chen Heng had helped to suppress previously had now completely recovered.     

If this continued, it would not be long before the next curse erupted. The situation was not optimistic. Malikado estimated that with his current situation, when the next curse erupted, he would most likely be completely devoured by the curse and become a monster.     

At that time, everything would be irreparable. This matter was like a huge mountain pressing down on his heart. The danger was so close. But the turning point still did not appear.     

After the previous meeting, until now, Chen Heng had not come to find him. During this period of time, nothing had happened. If it was not for the fact that Malikado clearly remembered the feeling of the curse being suppressed, he might have thought that the previous experience was fake.     

As he waited, he became more and more anxious. But even so, he still had to smile when he faced Gunali. He had to conceal his feelings so that his daughter wouldn't find out.     

Unfortunately, this kind of concealment was completely useless in front of Gunali. For Gunali, who could directly sense good intentions and bad intentions, even if he tried to conceal it, she could clearly feel the anxiety in his heart.     

For this reason, Gunali had spent more time talking to Chen Heng, which made Chen Heng feel a little helpless.     

However, five days had passed. To Chen Heng, it was more or less the same. The reason why he had to wait these five days was to grind up Malikado's patience, to let him understand how important Chen Heng was to him, and to pave the way for better cooperation in the future.     

And from Malikado's current condition, it should be about the same. If he didn't appear, Malikado might have other thoughts. It would be too easy to have twists and turns.     

Therefore, on the sixth day, Chen Heng finally appeared in front of Malikado. It was early in the morning, and the sun had just risen in the outside world. Malikado woke up early as usual and went to a vast training ground for training.     

Although Malikado was no longer young, he still maintained the habit of all-year training. Of course, for people of Malikado's age, his potential had basically been exhausted. Barring any accidents, he most probably will be plateaued at this level. His daily training could only maintain the strength of his body and could not be further strengthened.      

After another day of training, when Malikado was about to go down to rest, he heard a strange sound. A round of applause came from the side, very clear and obvious.     

Malikado subconsciously looked over there, but his heart could not help but jump. He saw the figure he had seen before again. In front of him, Chen Heng's figure was standing there. At this moment, he was still the same as he was five days ago.     

His appearance was obscured by fog, so he could not be seen clearly. However, his body was very straight, giving people a very special feeling.     

Seeing Chen Heng's figure appear, Malikado immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Only then did he open his mouth and say, "You have finally appeared."     

Even though he had been looking forward to Chen Heng's arrival during this period of time, he still needed to suppress his emotions immediately and forced himself to calm down at Chen Heng's arrival.      


Looking at Malikado, Chen Heng smiled and said softly, "It seems that during this period of time, Mr. Malikado, you've already thought of an answer.     

"Then, can you tell me the answer now?"     

"Before that, you must first answer me a question."     

Malikado asked Chen Heng in front of him with a bright and determined gaze. "Will the cooperation with you harm my daughter and the Oriel Family?"     

He looked at Chen Heng in front of him and asked seriously. Chen Heng was a little surprised by his question. However, he only smiled and replied, "No."     

As he spoke, Malikado nodded, "Then, I agree to your conditions."     

Strictly speaking, Chen Heng's words were not much of a guarantee. However, with this answer, at least, Malikado could rest assured.      

Furthermore, based on the other party's situation, he was at least a Fourth-Ranked powerhouse. Such a powerhouse would not need to lie to an ant like him.     

After all, the current Oriel family might not even be as strong as a Fourth-Ranked powerhouse. Hence, from his point of view, Chen Heng's guarantee was somewhat reliable.     

"Then, I wish us a happy cooperation."     

Looking at the expression on Malikado's face, Chen Heng smiled and said.     

"A happy cooperation."     

Just like that, Malikado and Chen Heng's cooperation began. With the cooperation of Malikado, the head of the Oriel family, Chen Heng's subsequent actions were much smoother.     

In just a short period of time, according to Chen Heng's request, a spacious and huge laboratory was quickly built. Now, he had begun to recruit people and was ready to start work.     

With specialized equipment and auxiliary personnel, Chen Heng's experiment could finally be officially carried out. For Chen Heng, this was good news. Moreover, with Malikado's support, Chen Heng could easily obtain many precious resources and use them to quickly recover his own strength.     

This was considered quite good for Chen Heng. As for the curse on Malikado's body, this wasn't too difficult for Chen Heng. If he only wanted to resolve the curse on Melector's body, Chen Heng had several ways to do so.     

The most direct method was to use the killing power and divine power. Using both the killing power and divine power could directly remove the curse, thus resolving the curse on Melector's body.     

Of course, in the current situation, these two methods could not be used. Using divine power was out of the option. After all, Chen Heng had almost exhausted all his divine power in the previous battle with the Crimson Knight. It was extremely difficult to replenish it.     

As for the killing power, it could be supplied in unlimited quantities. Thanks to Wang Zhong, the perfect tool, the killing power in Chen Heng's body was still abundant.     

Chen Heng had also used the killing power before, which was why he could suppress the curse on Malikado's body when they first met. However, this method was also prone to problems. It was fine if he used it in small amounts, but if he used a large amount of the killing power, it was very easy to turn Malikado into a madman.      

Once he was infected by the killing power, even if he did not let the curse erode and turn him into a monster, his temperament would change drastically, and he would become a killing maniac. This obviously could not satisfy Malikado's requirements.     

Strictly speaking, Chen Heng had fulfilled his previous promise by using this method, but it was not very good. In this aspect, Chen Heng still had some professional ethics. If he had the ability to complete it, he would do it to the best of his ability. It was the same at this moment.     

Anyway, it was still not difficult for Chen Heng to temporarily suppress the curse instead of completely removing it now. Therefore, Chen Heng wasn't too anxious and could take his time to study it.     

With Chen Heng's help, the situation on Malikado's body gradually stabilized. In a short while, although the curse on his body wasn't removed, it was stabilized with Chen Heng's help. There was no danger of another eruption, and he was suppressed to a stable level.     

Furthermore, Malikado also gained a lot of benefits in his cooperation with Chen Heng. Chen Heng's level was much too high compared to Malikado and the entire Oriel family. Anything given by Chen Heng, even if it was just a little thing that had slipped out of his hands, was still a huge gain for Malikado.     

Therefore, during the period of cooperation with Chen Heng, Malikado had also gained a lot of benefits. Not only did he control his own curse, but his strength had also increased further.     

In addition, most of Chen Heng's achievements in the laboratory would be given to Malikado to try at the first opportunity. Although this made him an experimental subject to a certain extent, it had also allowed Malikado to gain a lot of benefits.     

As time passed, Malikado had gotten used to working with Chen Heng, and he was also quite satisfied with himself.     

Sometimes people were like this. Perhaps they would resist at the beginning, but as time passed and they got used to it, they would accept it, and they could even experience the benefits from it.     

Obviously, Malik was already at this stage. For him, during this long period of working together, Chen Heng had never shown any malice toward the Gunali family or the Oriel family, nor did he do anything bad to him.     

The only bad thing was that he always liked to use his body tissues for all sorts of research. However, other than that, the cooperation between Malikado and Chen Heng was still very pleasant.     

Just like that, time slowly passed in peace. Unknowingly, a year had passed.     

Early in the morning, the sun shone on the earth, bringing warmth to the world. Even though it was early in the morning, someone had already woken up and started to get busy.     

Chen Heng sat upright on the laboratory's experimental table, busying himself with his work. At this moment, he was wearing a white experimental robe. His entire face was very serious as he used a pen to write something.     

The content he wrote seemed to be a mess on the surface, but in reality, it was some unique and mysterious runes. They seemed to contain some kind of power and were filled with a kind of demonic charm.     

Chen Heng was seriously carving, the pen in his hand never stopping. But at a certain juncture, he finally stopped his movements.      

When Chen Heng's movements stopped, the runes in front of his eyes also stopped. Then, a surprising scene appeared.     

On the experiment table in front of Chen Heng's eyes, the runes that were originally carved began to scatter and disperse on their own, directly dispersing into some irregular ink and brush. The previous appearance could no longer be seen.     

'I still failed…'     

Standing in front of the experiment table and looking at the appearance of the experiment table in front of him, Chen Heng secretly shook his head.     

He was not surprised that his experiment had failed. After all, he had experienced many similar failures in his previous research. To a certain extent, he was already somewhat used to it.     

However, even though he was used to it, this failure still surprised Chen Heng.     

'There should be no problem with all aspects of the deduction. The computer's calculations have also gone through many checks. There shouldn't be any mistakes…'     

Chen Heng began to clean up the debris on the experiment table. Many thoughts flashed through his mind. 'Then what exactly is the problem?'     

After a year, Chen Heng had already gained a considerable level of understanding of the Oriel family's bloodline. Even though he had yet to unravel the secret deep within this bloodline, he had already gained a very deep level of understanding of the curse power on Malikado's body.     

According to Chen Heng's understanding, the curse on Malikado's body was more of a metamorphosis than a curse. It was the power hidden within the bloodline of the Oriel family, and it was also the power accumulated within the bodies of the Oriel family members.     

Simply put, the members of the Oriel family would undergo a bloodline metamorphosis after reaching a certain stage of growth. This bloodline transformation was mandatory, and it would bring about an overall improvement in the body.     

The increase in Malik's strength came from this. However, everything in the world was relative. This curse was a transformation in Chen Heng's eyes, but to the ordinary members of the Oriel family, it was a life-threatening charm.     

With the body of a mortal, if they were to undergo a body transformation in a short period of time, it would most likely possess a certain risk. As a result, there would be a lot of problems with the bloodline possessor.     

Either the possessor's body would directly collapse and turn into a pile of minced meat, or he would mutate and lose his mind, turning into a monster with great power. The situation with Malikado was the latter.     

After understanding the distance, logically speaking, it would be much easier to solve it. But in reality, it was not so. Chen Heng had been researching this topic for a full year. Up until now, he only had a preliminary idea and thought process.     

However, when it came to the specific solution, he still encountered some difficult problems and needed time to overcome them. Fortunately, Chen Heng could still afford to wait.     

As for Malikado, if Chen Heng did not exist, he could not afford to wait either. However, with Chen Heng's existence, it was another matter.     

In a short period of time, although Chen Heng could not completely solve the problem on Malikado, temporarily suppressing the transformation of his bloodline and suppressing or even sealing the so-called curse power was not a problem.     

Therefore, Malikado could afford to wait, and there would not be a situation where he would die first. Chen Heng still had a lot of time to do his studies.     

After cleaning up the debris in front of him, Chen Heng turned around and walked to another laboratory at the side. In the spacious laboratory, a unique fragrance filled the surroundings. It was very obvious.     

In the laboratory, there were many huge containers. There were all kinds of things inside the containers. There were some huge pieces of meat, some roots of plants, and even an eyeball that was floating alone in the solution of the container.     

As if sensing Chen Heng's arrival, the eyeball turned around, and its pupils seemed to be rotating as if it had its own consciousness.     

"Is it the eyeball's instinct to be so terrified?"     

Chen Heng looked at this scene with interest. These things in front of him were all precious materials that Chen Heng had collected over the past year. Most of these materials came from Malikado, and a small part came from the other members of the Oriel family.     

Half a year ago, the curse power on Malikado's body exploded, causing his body to undergo a mutation, and he almost couldn't control it. That time, Malikado's body grew another eye, which was very strange.      

In the end, Chen Heng dug it out and carefully nurtured it, using it as his most precious material to study. As for the other materials, most of them came from the mutated members of the Oriel family.     

On this planet, there were many members of the Oriel family. Although only a small fraction of the Oriel family members with strong bloodlines could mutate, the large family members made it that there would always be some mutated family members.     

Some of these people were saved by Chen Heng, while others directly turned into corpses and were later sent to Chen Heng's laboratory. In the depths of the laboratory, there was even a monster that was still alive.      

The monster was a mutated Oriel family member. It had long lost all self-awareness, leaving behind only its powerful instincts. Of course, although this mutation was terrifying, it also increased its strength very significantly. This mutated Oriel family member was one such example.     

In the past, he was completely an ordinary person. He didn't have the talent of a Beastmaster nor a Martial Artist. However, after the mutation, his strength had increased in an instant, to the point that he was comparable to a Level Two Martial Artist. Such an increase in strength was really shocking.     

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